Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 2)
Steven Taschuk
staschuk at telusplanet.net
Mon Jun 2 17:44:13 EDT 2003
QOTW: "There is a certain charm to seeing someone happily advocate a
triangular wheel because it has one less bump per revolution than a
square wheel does." -- Chuck Swiger
"It took me years to realise how deep and important the divide is between
wanting an SDK and wanting to know the underlying protocol." -- Tim Bray
Bengt Richter works out (with a few revisions, and variants from
other posters) how to make a switch-case work-alike by abusing
Carl Banks demonstrates an introspective technique for "declaring"
local variables.
A draft essay explaining descriptors, by Raymond Hettinger.
Python 2.2.3: A bug fix release for the Python 2.2 code line.
Voting for the 2003 Active Awards for open-source programmers
starts June 3.
EmPy 3.0: a system for embedding Python expressions and statements
in template text.
gdmodule 0.41: A Python wrapper for the GD graphics module.
McMillan Installer 5b5_3: A utility for distributing Python
applications; this is a bug fix release.
managesieve 0.2: A MANGAGESIEVE client library for remotely
managing Sieve scripts, including an interactive 'sieveshell'.
msnp.py 0.3: A pure-Python implementation of the MSN instant
messaging protocol.
PyGDChart Alpha 2: A Python interface to the GDChart graphing
PyOSG 0.4.0: Python bindings for the OpenSceneGraph real-time
visualisation library.
yawPyCrypto 0.02: A more full-featured PyCrypto wrapper.
Everything you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:
Python.org's Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ
PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.
comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software. Be
sure to scan this newly-revitalized newsgroup at least weekly.
Brett Cannon continues the marvelous tradition established by
Andrew Kuchling and Michael Hudson of summarizing action on the
python-dev mailing list once every other week.
The Python Package Index catalogues packages.
The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.
Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists
The Python Business Forum "further[s] the interests of companies
that base their business on ... Python."
The Python Software Foundation has replaced the Python Consortium
as an independent nexus of activity
Cetus does much of the same
Python FAQTS
The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation.
The online Python Journal is posted at pythonjournal.cognizor.com.
editor at pythonjournal.com and editor at pythonjournal.cognizor.com
welcome submission of material that helps people's understanding
of Python use, and offer Web presentation of your work.
*Py: the Journal of the Python Language*
Archive probing tricks of the trade:
Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:
http://purl.org/thecliff/python/url.html (dormant)
Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome.
E-mail to <Python-URL at phaseit.net> should get through.
To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning
(approximately), ask <claird at phaseit.net> to subscribe. Mention
-- The Python-URL! Team--
Dr. Dobb's Journal (http://www.ddj.com) is pleased to participate in and
sponsor the "Python-URL!" project.
More information about the Python-list
mailing list