Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?

Mickel Grönroos mickel at
Thu Jun 26 04:12:41 EDT 2003


Are there any standard list methods for getting the intersection and
difference of two lists? (The union is easy ("list1.extend(list2)"),
unless you want it to contain unique values.)

Here is what I would like to have:

list1 = [1,2,3]
list2 = [3,4]

list3 = list1.intersection(list2)
(list3 is now [3])

list3 = list1.difference(list2)
(list3 is now [1,2])

list3 = list2.difference(list1)
(list3 is now [4])

I realize I could quite easily implement this myself, but I was hoping for
a built-in solution.



Mickel Grönroos, application specialist, linguistics, Research support, CSC
PL 405 (Tekniikantie 15 a D), 02101 Espoo, Finland, phone +358-9-4572237
CSC is the Finnish IT center for science,

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