Problems with win32pdh

Eric Jensen ericj at
Thu Jun 12 17:00:49 EDT 2003

I am trying to get the cpu utilization on a XP box.My code looks like this:

> import win32pdh
> my_query = win32pdh.OpenQuery( None, 0 )
> my_counter = win32pdh.AddCounter( my_query, "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", 0 )
> win32pdh.CollectQueryData( my_query )
> junk, percent = win32pdh.GetFormattedCounterValue( my_counter, win32pdh.PDH_FMT_LONG )
> win32pdh.CloseQuery( my_query )
> print "Junk:", junk
> print "Percent: " + str( percent ) + "%"

The problem is that this always returns 99 % utilization
I tried to use the processor idle time also, but that just returns a 0% 
each time. Am I doing something wrong, or does someone have a better way 
for getting processor utilization.

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