Tricks with timers

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Fri Jun 20 17:08:40 EDT 2003

On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 08:25:43PM +0100, valhalla wrote:
> Hello
> To get around the previously stated problem of using a timer-like function in 
> a guessing game to limit the amount of time a player has to guess the correct 
> number, I have used the following:
>    signal.signal( signal.SIGALRM, timer )
>    signal.alarm( ticktock )
> where timer is a function that prints "Time's Up!!" and 'ticktock' is a 
> variable passed a value from input("time needed: ").
> That actually works quite well. The next piece of the puzzle is to find a way 
> in which I can do the equivalent of a break from the timer, so that if the 
> correct answer is guessed *within* the allotted time, the ticktock is 
> returned to zero and the timer function is suspended until the next game.

  Subsequent calls to signal.alarm() will override whatever the current
alarm timer is.


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