PEP318: property as decoration

Sean Ross sross at
Tue Jun 10 20:29:10 EDT 2003

There was an indentation error with the propertythunk code:

def myproperty(thunk):
     fget, fset, fdel, fdoc = thunk()
     return property(fget, fset, fdel, fdoc)

 def propertythunk():
      def fget(self):
           return self._foo
      def fset(self, value):
           self._foo = value
      def fdel(self):
           del self._foo
      fdoc = "foo"
      return fget, fset, fdel, fdoc

class MyClass(object):
      def __init__(self):
           self._foo = "foo"

      foo = myproperty(propertythunk)  # the error was here

x = MyClass()
print  # "foo" = "changed"
print  # "changed"

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