Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Bernhard Herzog
bh at intevation.de
Wed Jun 4 12:27:21 EDT 2003
Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:
> To
> use lists there you have to extend list constructor syntax somehow, as I
> used in my original message:
> def foo(...) [pre=foo_pre, post=foo_post]:
> <normal code here>
Not really. You could just do it like this:
def foo(...) [pre(foo_pre), post(foo_post)]:
<normal code here>
pre and post would be functions that take a function implementing the
pre or postcondition and return a function that when called with a
function object add the pre/post condition to the function. E.g.
def pre(precondition):
def install_pre_condition(function):
def call_with_precondition(*args, **kw):
precondition(*args, **kw) # or however the precondition is called
return function(*args, **kw)
return call_with_precondition
return install_pre_condition
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