shebang strange thing...
Ganesan R
rganesan at
Fri Jun 20 09:03:03 EDT 2003
>>>>> "Gilles" == Gilles Lenfant <glenfant at> writes:
> This script is a copy from a FAT32 (windows) partition. Emacs carried on
> saving silently this file with DOS like end of lines.
> A "dos2unix" fixed this.
Not silently. You'll be seeing a "(DOS)" in your emacs mode line if you edit
a file in DOS mode.
Ganesan R (rganesan at debian dot org) |
1024D/5D8C12EA, fingerprint F361 84F1 8D82 32E7 1832 6798 15E0 02BA 5D8C 12EA
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