Replace for Goto
Gerrit Holl
gerrit at
Sun Jun 1 17:03:09 EDT 2003
Ulrich Petri schreef op donderdag 29 mei om 03:12:02 +0000:
> "Dvm5" <dvm5_0 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:aa2e3602.0305281646.32cf1129 at
> > I'm used to Basic. There is a Goto/Label command, you put goto where
> > you want it to come from and label where you want it to go. Simple.
> > How can I do this in Python?
> >
> > What I'm trying to do is create a "play again" type user interface.
> > Thus, I can't alter the program to use an If command; the option has
> > to be at the end, and the effect has to be at the begining! How do I
> > accomplish this?
> >
> > If there is another way, other than a similar thing to Goto, tell me
> > that, as well as a similar thing for goto. It would probably be useful
> > later on...
> >
> If this was not intended as a troll posting you should get a book on general
> programming style.....
LABEL: vatnajokul
"Dvm5" wrote that he is used to Basic. That means we should not me angry
at *him* because he is used to bad style, but angry at *Basic* (not a
very difficult thing). He (or she?) does apparantly not know about
functional/modular programming, let alone OO. Years ago, I didn't either:
> goto *urgh*
I would appreciate if you would keep the good atmosphere in the Python
newsgroup. Basic-people should be treated gentle because they still
have a lot to learn.
I think the sentence part " a troll posting..." is not kind, although
I may be wrong (my English isn't perfect). If I am, you can consider
this post as never sent ;)
GOTO vatnajokul
got here ;)?
169. If he be guilty of a grave fault, which should rightfully deprive
him of the filial relationship, the father shall forgive him the first
time; but if he be guilty of a grave fault a second time the father may
deprive his son of all filial relation.
-- Hammurabi, Code of Law
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