To get all property of a class?

manuel manuelbastioni at
Mon Jun 30 08:48:15 EDT 2003

> import os
> for (name,value) in os.__dict__:
> print name,"=",value

it don't work (I'm using python into Blender distribution,
no full python installed).

I try with various modules, like

import Blender
for (name,value) in Blender.__dict__:
     print name,"=",value

This is the error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Text.003", line 2, in ?
ValueError: too many values to unpack

The method of Egor don't work too. I've tried
with a list of lamp objects (instances of povlamp class):

for lamp in lamps:
    for i in  dir(lamp):
        if i[0] != "_":
            print lamp.i

AttributeError: PovLamp instance has no attribute 'i'

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