testing two lists for equality

Steven Taschuk staschuk at telusplanet.net
Fri Jun 20 01:53:04 EDT 2003

Quoth David Eppstein:
> The difference is that "lexicographically" has a recognized precise 
> mathematical meaning.  Your alternatives don't convey that meaning to me 
> unless you describe what you do with the results of the sequential 
> comparisons, e.g.
  [expansion of "lexicographically"]
> But that seems a bit cumbersome to me...

I'd leave "lexicographically" in the main flow of text, but add a
footnote explaining the term, with text such as David suggests.

Steven Taschuk                                                   w_w
staschuk at telusplanet.net                                      ,-= U
                                                               1 1

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