Problems with importation of regsub module in 2.2

morden morden at
Sun Jun 1 18:22:42 EDT 2003

I got this trace after upgrade from 1.x tro 2.2:

     import regsub
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/", line 20, in ?
     import regex
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ undefined 
symbol: _Py_NoneStruct

Here is the python file:

if __name__ == '__main__':
	print "this module can't be run as a script\n"

import regsub
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it does not seem to like this import. What am 
I doing wrong? It used to work in 1.4...

def getfontheight():
		return 0 # leave the job of mangling the input for printer
def getfontwidth():
		return 0

AdjError = "Error calculating vertical paper adjustment"

def convert(input, layout):
	return regsub.gsub( '\f', "\n", regsub.gsub( '\r', '\n', input))

def header(layout):
		return ''

def trailer(layout):
		return ''

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