a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?

Steven Taschuk staschuk at telusplanet.net
Mon Jun 9 17:52:57 EDT 2003

Quoth Ed Avis:
> Steven Taschuk <staschuk at telusplanet.net> writes:
> >I actually think parentheses directly around the statement is a
> >more promising approach.
> I was just about to post that when I thought I should read the rest of
> your reply first ;-).
> Hmm, so maybe there would have to be two cases, one containing an
> expression as at present, and a second case

In full:

    lambda_form ::= "lambda" [parameter_list] ":" lambda_body
    lambda_body ::= "(" simple_stmt ")"
                  | test

(with the assumption that earlier-mentioned expansions are

> that the two different productions for lambda overlap, after all, an
> expression can be wrapped in ( ) and so '(e)' might be the expression
> (e) or the expression_stmt e.  With the idea of inserting an implicit
> 'return' before expression_stmts inside lambda functions, the
> semantics of the two would be the same so it might not matter.

Yes, I suspect you're right.  It is a little ugly that you have to
special case expression_stmts, but I think this could work.

> Or maybe the bracketing could be used to avoid the 'implicit return'
> peculiarity altogether.  The meaning of lambda x: expr could be
> defined to be the same as a named function containing 'return expr'.
> While the meaning of lambda x: (simple_stmt) would be defined to be
> like a named function containing simple_stmt.  If we arrange that the
> first grammar rule always matches in preference to the second, then
> existing constructs like 'lambda x: (3)' would not change in meaning.
> I hope this makes some sense.

Lookahead again:
    lambda x: (
might start, e.g.,
    lambda x: (y)        # expr
    lambda x: (y = 3)    # simple_stmt
But the y could be an arbitrarily complex target list.

With the proposal above, we have
    lambda x: (y)        # simple_stmt->expression_stmt (gets implicit rtn)
    lambda x: (y = 3)    # simple_stmt->assignment_stmt
No parsing problem.  (Note, btw, that the grammar in the Language
Reference is not LL(1) as written, as you can see by studying
expression_stmt and assignment_stmt; contrast Grammar/Grammar.)

> Yes, life would be easier if all lambda functions currently had
> 'return expr' rather than just 'expr' as their body.  [...]


Steven Taschuk                  staschuk at telusplanet.net
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