Octets calculation?
Erik Max Francis
max at alcyone.com
Fri Jun 13 18:19:22 EDT 2003
Bengt Richter wrote:
> 1.6 The C++ memory model [intro.memory]
>1 The fundamental storage unit in the C++ memory model is the byte.
> A
> byte is at least large enough to contain any member of the basic
> exe-
> cution character set and is composed of a contiguous sequence of
> bits,
> the number of which is implementation-defined. The least
> significant
> bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is
> called
> the high-order bit. The memory available to a C++ program consists
> of
> one or more sequences of contiguous bytes. Every byte has a
> unique
> address.
> which seems to imply that char and byte COULD have different numbers
> of bits.
This means it clear that a char can fit in a byte; it doesn't establish
that they're different entities. Later comments in the Standards
indicate that char and byte are synonymous, although the Standards never
come right out and say it (which is a weird little quirk).
C99 has 3.6/1 (which is very similar to what you quote above; C++97's
version is a paraphrase of C99's 3.6/1-3), and has 3.7.1/1 which defines
a character as a "single-byte character; <C> bit representation that
fits in a byte."
5.2.1/3 reads, "The representation of each number of the source and
execution basic character sets shall fit in a byte,"
establishes that a byte must be at least 8 bits (but it could be more).
There are also other semantic hints, such as CHAR_BITS being the macro
definition of the number of bits in a byte (which is the same as a char,
hence the name).
Erik Max Francis && max at alcyone.com && http://www.alcyone.com/max/
__ San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && &tSftDotIotE
/ \ Procrastination is the thief of time.
\__/ Edward Young
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