You know you're a Pythonista when..
wrbt at
Mon Jun 16 18:35:07 EDT 2003
Max M <maxm at> wrote in message news:<3eeb21df$0$97245$edfadb0f at>...
> Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
> >>> >> 4.5) Leaving if:, elif:, and else: on their
> own lines for fear of
> >>> >> scorn or deprecation.
> >>>
> >>> 5) Discovering list comprehensions and then
> >>>dumping filter() and map().
> >>
> >> 6) Belive that "self" is not ugly
> >
> >
> > 7) You don't understand why most languages don't have
> > for/else and while/else.
> >
> > 8) You use the interactive interpreter as a calculator.
> You write a programme in VBScript, and wonder why you keep getting 1-off
> errors...
> regards Max M
I really like the "5) Discovering list comprehensions and then dumping
filter() and map()" and "8) You use the interactive interpreter as a
calculator." Both very true.
Regarding VBScript I weep like Canio in Pagliacci every time I'm
forced to type "on error goto 0" it's just sick sick sick and wrong.
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