PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax

Duncan Booth duncan at
Mon Jun 9 06:43:10 EDT 2003

Gerrit Holl <gerrit at> wrote in 
news:mailman.1055151317.13691.python-list at

> I would say:
> funcdef: "def" funcname "(" [parameter_list] ")" [call_list] ":"
> call-list: callable ("," callable)* [","]

Did you miss out "as" before the [call_list]? Also, I still think that you 
need to allow optional parentheses around the call-list.

> But now the properties: those are more difficult.
> A legal syntax would be:
> def __get(self) as property: ...
> However, this doesn't work for set and del. Using function attributes to
> accomplish properties, as has been proposed in the past, is a different
> story and would require a different PEP.

What would people think of a half-way house where the new syntax is used 
only on the last part of the definition, and you define the other methods 
just as you do just now?

Since the property type isn't callable today, I think this just about fits 
without breaking anything:

Define a readonly property, implicitly calls property(X) which creates a 
readonly property:

   def X(self) as property:
       return self.__x_value

Define a readwrite property, the call to property returns a property object 
which is itself callable. Calling a property object with an fset but no 
fget would take the parameter as a new fget:

   def set_X(self, value):
   def X(self) as property(fset=set_X):
       return self.__x_value

   def get_X(self):
   def X(self) as property(fget=get_X):

Defining a writeonly property:

   def X(self, value) as property(fget=None):

Another thought. When defining a function I can do:

   f = 3
   def f(x=f): pass

The parameter name x doesn't conflict with access to the variable x.

The same thing should happen in:

   funcdef: "def" funcname "(" [parameter_list] ")" "as" [call_list] ":"

any reference to a variable in callable with the same name as funcname 
should get the previous value of funcname (if there was one).
So it would be possible to write:

    def X(self) as property:
        return self.__x_value

    def X(self, value) as X:
        print "setting X"

which sucks, although if property could take a property as a parameter you 
might be able to write this instead:

    def X(self) as property:
        return self.__x_value

    def X(self, value) as property(fget=X):
        print "setting X"

Or you could simply define some new wrappers property_get, property_set, 
property_del and write:

    def X(self) as property_get: ...
    def X(self, value) as property_set(X): ...
    def X(self) as property_del(X): ...

with appropriate but confusing definitions.

Duncan Booth                                             duncan at
int month(char *p){return(124864/((p[0]+p[1]-p[2]&0x1f)+1)%12)["\5\x8\3"
"\6\7\xb\1\x9\xa\2\0\4"];} // Who said my code was obscure?

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