Python as a Language Choice

Cousin Stanley CousinStanley at
Mon Jun 16 13:42:29 EDT 2003

Someone in another NewsGroup asked
why I had picked Python as a language of choice ...

I offered the following reply
and would be interested in hearing from others
of any obvious ommisions that I may have made
and as to why they might have chosen Python as well ...

Stanley C. Kitching


I've been programming other languages
since about 1966 but am a relative Python rookie
having used it for only a little over a year ...

As for Python as a language of choice,
I would include the following ...

   o Free ... Open-Source ... Cross-Platform ...

   o Easy to learn, easy to use, and VERY readable ...

   o Power/Punch ratio is fairly high ...

        That is, get a lot of work done
        in only a few lines of code ...

   o Very active and friendly development community
     centered in comp.lang.python where one can read
     and learn from daily posts by the authors themselves
     of popular and current Python books and modules ...

   o Large and diverse set of Application Programming Interfaces
     available in many areas ...

   o Multiple choice for GUI programming ...

         [ Tk | GTK | QT | wxPy | others ... ]

   o Core languange is readily extensible through
     and embeddable in other languages ...

Cousin Stanley
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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