How to test if a variable has a natural number?

Jack Daniel dtrahan at
Wed Jun 11 18:53:24 EDT 2003

Martin P<martin_p at> wrote:

> how can I find out if the number of a variable
> is a natural number or not?

I'll asume that by "find out if the number of a variable
is a natural number or not" you are asking how to determine whether the 
number a varible is set to is a Natural Number (ie in the set of  whole 
positive numbers; a positive integer).

If this is the case here we go:

def natural(x):
        if x >= 1 & x % 1 == 0:
                print "Varible is set to a NATURAL"
                print "Varible is NOT set to a natural"

run this lil snippet with the name of your varible as arg x

-- Jack Daniel

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