reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?

Michele Simionato mis6 at
Mon Jun 2 17:08:23 EDT 2003

Max M <maxm at> wrote in message news:<3EDB6B80.7090608 at>...
> Michele Simionato wrote:
> > Recently, I have found a nice application for rst in the context of
> > DDD (Documentation Driven Development, dunno if the acronym already
> > exists ;)
> > and I thinks it may be of interest to people here (if not to the OP).
> Knuth beat you to it. Google for "litterate programming"

Hey, literate programming is great!!

But if it was invented in 1984, why is it so little 
widespread ? I hardly heard about it before today
(except for Leo, the literate programming editor,
which however I never tried).

BTW, I have in mind an integration of documentation+test suite,
not documentation+program (a la Knuth).



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