Twice instanciation
W Isaac Carroll
icarroll at
Thu Jun 12 16:15:23 EDT 2003
Salvatore wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to avoid twice instanciation
> of the same variable ?
> class Global:
> def __init__(self,init=0):
> self.value = init
> g = Global() #instanciating one time ok
> g = Global() #instanciating two times would raise an exception
What do you mean by "instanciation" and "variable"?
If you are asking whether it's possible to prevent binding the same name
a second time, then no, it's not possible.
If you're asking whether it's possible to raise an exception the second
time a class constructor is called, then yes, it is. (Although raising
an exception is not the usual way to handle this. Search for the
Highlander (Singleton) or Borg (Monostate) pattern for more information.)
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