Store python list in MySQL

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed Jun 4 12:07:24 EDT 2003

>>>>> "John" == John Bradbury <john_bradbury at> writes:

    John> I can convert the list to a string and it works, but I don't
    John> want to do that.  Is there a way of storing Python Lists/
    John> Dictionaries etc as binary using MySQLdb & then to be able
    John> to reload them as Lists etc?

I'm assuming that when you say you can convert the list to a string,
you mean something like str(seq).  If so, there's a better way using

  import pickle
  s = pickle.dumps([1,2,'Hi', (1,2)])

s is now a string.  Store it in the mysql BLOB, and you can get the
list back by

  seq = pickle.loads(s)
  print seq

John Hunter

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