Saving Lists as BLOB
John Bradbury
john_bradbury at
Thu Jun 5 06:18:27 EDT 2003
Thanks very much, that worked fine.
"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1054754648.29498.python-list at
> John> Is there any way to save a Python List (or Dictionary) as a
> John> field in MySQLdb?
> John> I have tried :
> CR.execute("UPDATE STDPAGE SET content_s = %s,fldlist = %s"
> " where name = 'DATAENTRY'", (pagout,flds) )
> John> where flds is a python list and I get an sql error. I dont want
> John> to convert the list to a string which would work.
> You could pickle your list (or dictionary):
> CR.execute("UPDATE STDPAGE SET content_s = %s,fldlist = %s"
> " where name = 'DATAENTRY'", (pagout,pickle.dumps(flds)))
> That converts it to a string, but in a more robust way than str() or
> would. Upon load from the database you just pickle.loads() what's
> retrieved.
> Note that cPickle will be faster, especially if you use the binary format.
> See the libref section for the pickle and cPickle module for details.
> Skip
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