getting the name of a generator function

Oscar Rambla tecnic at
Wed Jun 11 12:40:02 EDT 2003

Duncan answered:
>Did you mean how do you get "f1" from g2? If so, try:

>>> inspect.getframeinfo(g2.gi_frame)[2]

Thank you, i must admit inspect module is still unknown for me. I must take a 
lot on it inmediatly!

>Although it escapes me WHY you would want to do this.

I want to  handle a collection of generators to maintain state and some sort 
of task flow between cgi requests while interacting with quixote. (Look at 
its mailing list if you feel curious )

As an alternative, I was taking a look at  the 'generator attributes' PEP 288 
implementation. But i still have some troubles with it. 

I think your suggestion will be enough for now.


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