One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
Bengt Richter
bokr at
Mon Jun 16 21:20:20 EDT 2003
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:29:12 +0200, "Ludger.Humbert" <Ludger.Humbert at> wrote:
>Steven Taschuk schrieb:
>> Quoth Ludger.Humbert:
>> [...]
>> I'd be happy to throw in my two cents, but I'm afraid I don't know
>> German. Is there an English translation? (Or could some helpful
>> bilingual Pythonista provide one?)
>I'll give it a try (but my english is'nt that good):
>the above mentioned page should explain the question in itself ..
>how is it possible to find a way through the maze (labyrinth in german)
>the picture/image is there to show one possible concrete example.
>how to find a way through a given maze.
Here is one barely-tested go at it:
====< >======================================================
#! /usr/bin/python
# Assuming a rectangular board with squares identified by row,col coordinates
# with 1,1 as the upper left square, and 1,2 as the square to the right
# of the first and 2,1 as the square below the first, then we can
# describe the maze by a short string that says how it is possible
# to move from each square that participates in the paths.
# The possibilities are up,down,left,right,and additionally start and finish
# for entry and exit squares. Thus square (1,1):'dr' says that we can
# go down or right from square 1,1. That happens to be the format for
# a python dict literal entry, so we can easily describe the maze with
# a dict.
# the maze at
maze = {
(1,1):'rd', (1,2):'lr', (1,3):'lr', (1,4):'lr', (1,5):'ld', (1,7):'d',
(2,1):'ud', (2,3):'d', (2,5):'urd', (2,6):'l', (2,7):'ud', (2,8):'dS',
(3,1):'ud', (3,3):'ur', (3,4):'lr', (3,5):'uld', (3,7):'udr', (3,8):'ul',
(4,1):'udr',(4,2):'lr', (4,3):'ld', (4,4):'d', (4,5):'ur', (4,6):'ldr', (4,7):'lu',
(5,1):'ud', (5,3):'ud', (5,4):'ud', (5,6):'ud',
(6,1):'uF', (6,3):'u', (6,4):'ur', (6,5):'lr', (6,6):'lu'
# row,col deltas for the moves
moves = {'u':(-1,0),'d':(1,0),'r':(0,1),'l':(0,-1),'S':(0,0),'F':(0,0)}
start = (2,8)
class Solution(Exception):
def search(here, path='', beenthere={}):
if here in beenthere: return
for direction in maze[here]:
if direction=='F': raise Solution(path+'F')
elif direction=='S': continue
ud,lr = moves[direction]
search((here[0]+ud,here[1]+lr),path+direction, beenthere)
if __name__=='__main__':
except Solution, s:
print 'The solution path from start at %s is %s'% (start, s)
print 'No path found.'
[18:22] C:\pywk\maze>
The solution path from start at (2, 8) is SdldlluuulllldddddF
Not sure how it would do with cycles in the maze ;-)
Bengt Richter
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