Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Michele Simionato
mis6 at
Wed Jun 11 12:51:53 EDT 2003
Andrew Bennetts <andrew-pythonlist at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1055334140.8489.python-list at>...
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 01:03:00PM +0200, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> > Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> >
> [...]
> > > class C(object):
> > > class x(EvilProperty):
> > > """An evil test property"""
> > > def get(self):
> > > print 'Getting'
> > > return 1
> > > def set(self, value):
> > > print 'Setting to', value
> [...]
> >
> > Just a question: Why would this be evil? I think it is explicit, simple,
> > sparse, readable, practical, unambiguous... The only real anti-zen-behaviour
> > is that it's nested rather than flat. But for the rest, I don't see the
> > problem, what is it?
> Because I'm suspicious of metaclasses in general... although this is a
> pretty neat solution, and I'm tempted to use it. :)
> Of course, the metaclass is behind the scenes, and the result is a simple
> property, so there's no lingering weirdness. The only really nasty thing is
> that I'm abusing the "class" keyword: when I say "class x(EvilProperty)", x
> is not a class. *That's* what I consider evil, and why I hesitate to use
> this in real code.
> A more extreme example of abusing class was shown to me at PyCon by a fellow
> Twisted developer (who shall remain nameless so that he won't get mobbed by
> angry hordes ;) ... it looked something like this:
> ----
> class Adder(type):
> def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
> return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, bases, 0)
> class C(1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
> __metaclass__ = Adder
> print C
> ----
> There's some things the class keyword was just never meant to do.
> -Andrew.
I would *never* use in production code Andrew's suggestion (I realize
he also would not use it). But just to defend metaclasses, I want
to say that this kind of Evil Things have nothing to do with them:
class C(object):
def __new__(cls,x):
return x
print type(c) #=><type 'int'> !
The problem is with __new__, the metaclass issue is a red herring.
I would not change the current behaviour of __new__, I found at least
a convenient use case for this, but of course I am not advocating this
kind of abuses.
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