insert thousands separators

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Fri Jun 13 14:38:42 EDT 2003

Quoth Nick Vargish:
> def commafy(val):
>     """Returns a string version of val with commas every thousandth
>     place."""
>     return val < 0 and '-' + commafy(abs(val)) \
>            or val < 1000 and str(val) \
>            or commafy(val / 1000) + ',' + commafy(val % 1000)

A wee bug:

    >>> commafy(1001)

I believe

    return val < 0 and '-' + commafy(abs(val)) \
        or val < 1000 and str(val) \
        or commafy(val / 1000) + ',' + '%03d' % (val % 1000)

is correct.

Avoiding recursion seems reasonable, though:

    def digits(value, base=10):
        value = abs(value)
        d = []
        while True:
            value, r = divmod(value, base)
            if not value:
        return d

    def commafy(val):
        d = digits(val, 1000)
        d[0] = str(d[0])
        if val < 0:
            d[0] = '-' + d[0]
        for i in range(1, len(d)):
            d[i] = '%03d' % d[i]
        return ','.join(d)

Steven Taschuk                                                 o- @
staschuk at                                      7O   )
                                                               "  (

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