June 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jun 1 00:14:16 EDT 2003
Ending: Mon Jun 30 23:43:27 EDT 2003
Messages: 4880
- Movie
L-Soft list server at HEAnet (1.8d)
- os.system question
POYEN OP Olivier (DCL)
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
POYEN OP Olivier (DCL)
- data base
POYEN OP Olivier (DCL)
- list.index
POYEN OP Olivier (DCL)
- DNS/MX Lookup?
Simon Wittber (Maptek)
- reinventing the web server
Simon Wittber (Maptek)
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Simon Wittber (Maptek)
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Simon Wittber (Maptek)
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- The beauty of Python
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- The beauty of Python
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Thomas Weholt ( PRIVAT )
- Listing only directories?
- shebang strange thing...
- shebang strange thing...
- Python2.3 and win32all wmi problems.
News M Claveau /Hamster-P
- Python2.3 and win32all wmi problems.
News M Claveau /Hamster-P
- Screenshots
News M Claveau /Hamster-P
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
- Webhosting with Python support
- Bulletin Board Message Systems
- Is it possible to change Content-type?
- medusa http server
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
- Python IO performance?
- medusa http server
- Defensive programming
- Replace for Goto
- Global variable oddness w/short code example
- GIL and uniprocessor machines
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Whre is my object ??
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
- Python IO performance?
- Module for quasi-random sequences?
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
- Criteria for which Batteries are Included ?
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
- PEP-317
- __past__ (Was: Re: PEP-317)
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
- Where to report IDLE bugs? (was Re: Bug - where to report to ?)
- [General lang] how to call a parent
- class variable declarations...
- Backward-compatibility: help or hindrance?
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
- Getting Instance of calling class
- preventing creation of instance
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
- How to permanently remove __import__?
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
- sum(strings)
- Term: comparison operators?
- Term: comparison operators?
- 1== 1 is False?
- subclassing Thread and start
- Classic vs New-style classes...
- Is o.__dict__ = {} valid?
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
- Exposing object model in Python?
- How to memoize functions?
- Year 2000 book still useful?
- How to memoize functions?
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
- (x)range( 40000000000, 40000000001 )
- What am I doing wrong here?
- Problem With Medusa/Unix User Handler
John Abel
- DNS/MX Lookup?
John Abel
- Using ftplib to upload a file to a server....
John Abel
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Peter Abel
- Help with dictionary
Peter Abel
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Peter Abel
- Scrollable Tkinter widget not threadsafe?
Peter Abel
- Scrollable Tkinter widget not threadsafe?
Peter Abel
- Dynamic importing
Peter Abel
- Dynamic importing
Peter Abel
- frame scroll problem
Peter Abel
- Reading a binary file
Peter Abel
- Namespacedifference reading - writing ??
Peter Abel
- Newbie Tkinter questions
Peter Abel
- Calling All US-Based Zope Developers
Chris Abraham
- C or C++ in Python
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- Snapshottable re-iterable iterators
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Abrahams
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
- Mail System Error - Returned Mail
Mail Administrator
- Undeliverable: Re: Your application
System Administrator
- Undeliverable: Re: Application
System Administrator
- ezPyCrypto encryption using only public key problem.
- GUI in Windows
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
- Newbie in developping Webapplications needs tips.
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
- Newbie in developping Webapplications needs tips.
- Sun RPC for Python?, xdrlib
Sameer Ajmani
- can we have a filecmp.cmp() that accept a different buffer size?
Marcus Alanen
- [ANNOUNCE] PyKota v1.08 is out
Jerome Alet
- [ANNOUNCE] PyKota v1.08 is out
Jerome Alet
- How to memoize functions?
Jerome Alet
- data base
- SQLite
- Newbie: Python instance VB?
- Newbie: Python instance VB?
- File sharing
- OverflowError in pyPgSQL when accessing tables with many rows
Billy G. Allie
- accessing cd label from python
- ANN: free mailing list hosting now available for Python User Groups
Kevin Altis
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
- Message board software
Bill Anderson
- simple text filter
Bill Anderson
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Bill Anderson
- Extending Python with C# and vice versa
Michael Andersson
- Some pythonic advice needed
- Some pythonic advice needed
- Tk vs wxPython ?
- Html: replacing tags
- Html: replacing tags
- Tricks with timers
- Inputbox with win32api?
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Guy Argo
- Problem with PyEval_CallObject .
- [ANN] PySQLite 0.4.2 released
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
- [Q] In-place file update with fileinput module
- output
H.S. Art
- output
H.S. Art
- Jython and Java 3D - Has it been done?
- Jython and Java 3D - Has it been done?
- time module: round tripping
Anoop Aryal
- Bug (??) in the time module?
Anoop Aryal
- Bug (??) in the time module?
Anoop Aryal
- Binding of C code
Hans Aschauer
- Active Awards Programmers' Choice Nominees are in! Please Vote.
David Ascher
- OSCON Lightning Talk Proposals still being accepted
David Ascher
- How to replace the metaclasses of all the classes imported
Jane Austine
- How to replace the metaclasses of all the classes imported
Jane Austine
- horribly slimy segault c-extension
Juha Autero
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
Juha Autero
- another question
Juha Autero
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Ed Avis
- Porridge 0.0
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- Porridge 0.0
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Ed Avis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Ed Avis
- Windows Program?
David B.
- Oracle 9i Lite and ODBC
- Oracle 9i Lite and ODBC
- Multicast socket
Benoit BESSE
- Python 2.3 + mysql?
Benoit BESSE
- Binary adresse for localhost
Benoit BESSE
- Binary Header
Benoit BESSE
- Binary Header
Benoit BESSE
- Convert a date to an NTP time
Benoit BESSE
- JOB: Python Technical Lead, New York, NY
- Error checking in Python
- Error checking in Python
- zip broken?
Marek "Baczek" Baczyński
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Marek "Baczek" Baczyński
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Marek "Baczek" Baczyński
- Python as a Language Choice
Marek "Baczek" Baczyński
- dynamic creating of class
Marek "Baczek" Baczyński
- Tkinter.Canvas.create_line.coords
Arnd Baecker
- Tkinter.Canvas.create_line.coords
Arnd Baecker
Alan Balmer
Alan Balmer
- Self-currying functions
Carl Banks
- Replace for Goto
Carl Banks
- Named constants -- no such thing as "too obvious"
Carl Banks
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Carl Banks
- solving the metaclass conflict
Carl Banks
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Carl Banks
- TypeError: Value() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
Max Barry
- TypeError: Value() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
Max Barry
- Win32Com question - Property Let in VB
Max Barry
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Batista, Facundo
- Handling kill signals
Batista, Facundo
- simple text filter
Batista, Facundo
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Batista, Facundo
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Batista, Facundo
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Anthony Baxter
- ascii tables
John Baxter
- how do you learn python APIs?
Keith Beattie
- data base
Uwe Becher
- How to recognize a generator function?
Brandon Beck
- Defensive programming
Robin Becker
- Defensive programming
Robin Becker
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Robin Becker
- Zope breakins
Robin Becker
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Robin Becker
- PIL 1.1.4 and Freetype 2.1.4
Robin Becker
- finding origin of names
Robin Becker
- finding origin of names
Robin Becker
- finding origin of names
Robin Becker
- finding origin of names
Robin Becker
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Robin Becker
- isFloat: Without Exception-Handling
Robin Becker
- 2D Graphics Libraries for python?
Robin Becker
- sourceforge problems
Robin Becker
- sourceforge problems
Robin Becker
- sourceforge problems
Robin Becker
- sourceforge problems
Robin Becker
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Robin Becker
- Multiple string.replace in one run
Thomas Bellman
- ftplib question
Avner Ben
- ftplib question
Avner Ben
- ftplib question
Avner Ben
- Twisted Panglossia
Dave Benjamin
- Twisted Panglossia
Dave Benjamin
- Python as a Language Choice
Dave Benjamin
- Listing only directories?
Andrew Bennetts
- Extension without sub-classing?
Andrew Bennetts
- how to create module documentation: gendoc? pythondoc? other?
Andrew Bennetts
- Passing data into my StreamRequestHandler?
Andrew Bennetts
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Andrew Bennetts
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Andrew Bennetts
- How to get the hostname?
Andrew Bennetts
- Twisted reactor 'signal only works in main thread' error?
Andrew Bennetts
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Andrew Bennetts
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Andrew Bennetts
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Andrew Bennetts
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Andrew Bennetts
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Andrew Bennetts
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Andrew Bennetts
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Andrew Bennetts
- Twisted - listenTCP and connectTCP on the same reactor?
Andrew Bennetts
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Andrew Bennetts
- Twisted - listenTCP and connectTCP on the same reactor?
Andrew Bennetts
- DNS/MX Lookup?
Andrew Bennetts
- How to recognize a generator function?
Andrew Bennetts
- Setting a class attribute given its name
Andrew Bennetts
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Andrew Bennetts
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Andrew Bennetts
- Classic vs New-style classes...
Andrew Bennetts
- os.listdir()
Andrew Bennetts
- License Question
Andrew Bennetts
- socket programming project
Andrew Bennetts
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Andrew Bennetts
- Reading a binary file
Andrew Bennetts
- Reading a binary file
Andrew Bennetts
- Twisted - extending portforward (simple example)
Andrew Bennetts
- What am I doing wrong here?
Andrew Bennetts
- using extended built-in types
Andrew Bennetts
- insert thousands separators
Marcus Bergmann
- insert thousands separators
Marcus Bergmann
- insert thousands separators (solved)
Marcus Bergmann
- how to create module documentation: gendoc? pythondoc? other?
Ian Bicking
- A Python application server?
Ian Bicking
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Ian Bicking
- JavaScript parser in Python
Ian Bicking
- girl scout badge
Ian Bicking
- Help with dictionary
Ian Bicking
- Newbie in developping Webapplications needs tips.
Ian Bicking
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ian Bicking
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Ian Bicking
- PEP 318: Is chaining decorators even possible?
Ian Bicking
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Ian Bicking
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Ian Bicking
- Replace for Goto
Dan Bishop
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Dan Bishop
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Dan Bishop
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Dan Bishop
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Dan Bishop
- insert thousands separators
Dan Bishop
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Dan Bishop
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Dan Bishop
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Dan Bishop
- shebang strange thing...
Dan Bishop
- Surprising difference (bug?) between traceback and inspect
Gary Bishop
- Surprising difference (bug?) between traceback and inspect
Gary Bishop
- Surprising difference (bug?) between traceback and inspect
Gary Bishop
- Wrapper for DirectSound?
Gary Bishop
Stuart Bishop
- Extension problem: Is my type object duplicated?
Jonas Bjering
- Extension problem: Is my type object duplicated?
Jonas Bjering
- reading files in folder
DavidW Blaschke
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
DavidW Blaschke
- data base
DavidW Blaschke
- Iteration through a text file.
DavidW Blaschke
- How to reply????
DavidW Blaschke
- another question
DavidW Blaschke
- How to reply????
DavidW Blaschke
- How to reply????
DavidW Blaschke
- Tix Installation
DavidW Blaschke
- Python Tkinter question
DavidW Blaschke
- File reading using delimiters
DavidW Blaschke
- Error checking in Python
DavidW Blaschke
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted
DavidW Blaschke
- Error checking in Python
DavidW Blaschke
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
DavidW Blaschke
- time module: round tripping
DavidW Blaschke
- Python Mega Widget doubt.
DavidW Blaschke
- os.path weirdness
DavidW Blaschke
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
DavidW Blaschke
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
DavidW Blaschke
- error loading files containing nullbytes w/ urllib?
Luther Blisset
Reginald Blue
- Newbie: Where to start with cgi?
Christopher Blunck
- When is unit-testing bad? [was: Re: does lack of type...]
Christopher Blunck
- Help getting BLT extension working with python/tkinter on linux
- Help getting BLT extension working with python/tkinter on linux
- error exiting mainloop in tkinter
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Axel Bock
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Axel Bock
- Reading a binary file
Axel Bock
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Axel Bock
- Python App Server Advice
Paul Boddie
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.4 if using a variable
Paul Boddie
- Characters in Python
Paul Boddie
- Updating SQL table problems with python
Paul Boddie
- Python Cannot be Killed
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
- minidom toxml() not emitting attribute namespace qualifier
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
- Check your Wikis
Paul Boddie
Paul Boddie
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Joel Boehland
- PyObject_GetIter resets iteration?
Jan Boelsche
- idle on linux
Haris Bogdanovic
- idle on linux
Haris Bogdanovic
- Cannot build Tk under RedHat
Haris Bogdanovic
- Idle font to small (RedHat)
Haris Bogdanovic
- RuntimeError: could not create GladeXML object
Haris Bogdanovic
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
David Bolen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
David Bolen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
David Bolen
- Installation problem of win32all and wxpython with python 2.2.3
David Bolen
- Octets calculation?
David Bolen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
David Bolen
- Cmd output and status in one call on Windows
David Bolen
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
David Bolen
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
David Bolen
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
David Bolen
- Piping data into Python on the command line - Windows 2000
David Bolen
- wxPython download
Lorenzo Bolognini
- wxPython download
Lorenzo Bolognini
- recursive glob
Egor Bolonev
- division
Egor Bolonev
- Get the filenames in a directory and its subdirectories
Egor Bolonev
- get_file_size
Egor Bolonev
- strings
Egor Bolonev
- To get all property of a class?
Egor Bolonev
- get_file_size
Egor Bolonev
- strings
Egor Bolonev
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Egor Bolonev
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Egor Bolonev
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Egor Bolonev
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Egor Bolonev
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Duncan Booth
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Duncan Booth
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Duncan Booth
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Duncan Booth
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Duncan Booth
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Duncan Booth
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Duncan Booth
- Add methods to a class dynamically
Duncan Booth
- PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax
Duncan Booth
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Duncan Booth
- Access "slot" field dynamically?
Duncan Booth
- getting the name of a generator function
Duncan Booth
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Duncan Booth
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Duncan Booth
- inheritance
Duncan Booth
- inheritance
Duncan Booth
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Duncan Booth
- sum(strings)
Duncan Booth
- sum(strings)
Duncan Booth
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
Duncan Booth
- Piping data into Python on the command line - Windows 2000
Duncan Booth
- Keys order in dictionaries
Duncan Booth
- Namespacedifference reading - writing ??
Duncan Booth
- converting objects to string
Duncan Booth
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Duncan Booth
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Duncan Booth
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Gobo Borz
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Gobo Borz
- ignore this: Re: cgi getlist() problems
Gobo Borz
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Gobo Borz
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Gobo Borz
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Gobo Borz
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Gobo Borz
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Gobo Borz
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Gobo Borz
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Charl P. Botha
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Jeremy Bowers
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Jeremy Bowers
- Need urgent solution......................
Jeremy Bowers
- list.remove(): bug ??
Jeremy Bowers
- Installing Python on Solaris 9
Solaris Boy
- Installing Python on Solaris 9
Solaris Boy
- Store python list in MySQL
John Bradbury
- Saving Lists as BLOB
John Bradbury
- Saving Lists as BLOB
John Bradbury
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
- Keys order in dictionaries
- Using ctime to use the last two digits of time?
- python IDLE on win2000 doesn't startup
Svein Brekke
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Richard Brodie
- CPU utilization
Colin Brown
- Trying To Get Python To Run on Apache v2.0.4.6 on Windows
Peter Brown
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
Peter Brown
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
Peter Brown
- ANN: pyUnRAR 0.1
Oleg Broytmann
- Twisted Panglossia
Dave Brueck
- XMLRPC Authentication
Dave Brueck
- XMLRPC Authentication
Dave Brueck
- pythonCOM with Flash
Dave Brueck
- pythonCOM with Flash
Dave Brueck
- pythonCOM with Flash
Dave Brueck
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Dave Brueck
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Dave Brueck
- Anyone using Venster?
Dave Brueck
- asyncore and (missing) timeout
Dave Brueck
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Eric Brunel
- Setting allowed size of text object on canvas in Tkinter
Eric Brunel
- Setting allowed size of text object on canvas in Tkinter
Eric Brunel
- tkinter urgent help request
Eric Brunel
- tkinter urgent help request
Eric Brunel
- tkinter urgent help request
Eric Brunel
- Howto: extract a 'column' from a list of lists into a new list?
Greg Brunet
- Yield inside try...finally
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
- Tk vs wxPython ?
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
- for a in range(1000000) :
- timeit
- a clean way to define dictionary
- xrange
- xrange
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
- xrange
- xrange
- xrange
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
- JDBC <--> Python
Tom Bryan
- long-term release schedule?
Tom Bryan
- Saving Files Under Windows
Eddy Buhler
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Simon Burton
- Prolog-style unification?
Simon Burton
- ANN: PyPov-0.0.1
Simon Burton
- installing PIL on OSX
Simon Burton
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Val Bykoski
- python-dev Summary for 2003-05-16 through 2003-05-31
Brett C.
- Python-ASP
Eugene C.
- ASP 3.0
Eugene C.
- query
Babith C.J
- unsubscribe please
Babith C.J
- http connection via proxy server
Luca Calderano
- R: http connection via proxy server
Luca Calderano
- R: ActiveX currency type (MAPI)
Luca Calderano
- Listing only directories?
Jp Calderone
- Extension without sub-classing?
Jp Calderone
- integer to string?
Jp Calderone
- Loop over list of pairs
Jp Calderone
- trouble embedding python
Jp Calderone
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Jp Calderone
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Jp Calderone
- magic tricks
Jp Calderone
- server, not client, modules needed.
Jp Calderone
- Where is MySQLdb module?
Jp Calderone
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Jp Calderone
- Characters in Python
Jp Calderone
- pickle
Jp Calderone
- Editing a Binary File.
Jp Calderone
- Call a Python file with parameters
Jp Calderone
- Make default superclass 'object' if not specified?
Jp Calderone
- Handling kill signals
Jp Calderone
- Factorials
Jp Calderone
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Jp Calderone
- Tricks with timers
Jp Calderone
- Classic vs New-style classes...
Jp Calderone
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Jp Calderone
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Jp Calderone
- cvs checkout question
Jp Calderone
- SSL in Python
Jp Calderone
- Newbie Question: can this snippet be optimized?
Jp Calderone
- reading/writing files in windows
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- Loop over list of pairs
Kevin Carlson
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Kevin Carlson
- Formatters, Writers, Parsers...
Kevin Carlson
- function pointers
W Isaac Carroll
- Interactive mode
W Isaac Carroll
- tuple to list to tuple conversion
W Isaac Carroll
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
W Isaac Carroll
- Yield inside try...finally
W Isaac Carroll
- FW: (no subject)
W Isaac Carroll
- Why python
W Isaac Carroll
- exceptions beyond errors?
W Isaac Carroll
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
W Isaac Carroll
- Call a Python file with parameters
W Isaac Carroll
- Twice instanciation
W Isaac Carroll
- Twice instanciation
W Isaac Carroll
- Question about Python-Grammar
W Isaac Carroll
- Question about Python-Grammar
W Isaac Carroll
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
W Isaac Carroll
- Keys order in dictionaries
W Isaac Carroll
- List of lists
W Isaac Carroll
- Python executables?
W Isaac Carroll
- Socket to me (thanks)
Mark Carter
- Any views on YAML?
Mark Carter
- Syntax trees and s-exprs
Mark Carter
- Windows Program?
Mark Carter
- Importing/exporting Excel VB modules
Mark Carter
- Importing/exporting Excel VB modules
Mark Carter
Mark Carter
- Find & Replace in Zope
Noam Cassif
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Enrique Castro
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Enrique Castro
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Enrique Castro
- RTF editor in Python
Enrique Castro
- Python executables?
- Binding of C code
Roberto Cavada
- ANN: Pyrex 0.8
Roberto Cavada
- Bi-directional communication with external programs?
Donn Cave
- Kerberos authentication for IMAP?
Donn Cave
- Error checking in Python
Donn Cave
- Rsh and background execution PB
Donn Cave
- PEP-317
Donn Cave
- Kerberos authentication for IMAP?
Donn Cave
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Donn Cave
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Donn Cave
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Donn Cave
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Donn Cave
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Donn Cave
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Donn Cave
- Using OS time
Donn Cave
- Rsh and background execution PB
jean-Baptiste Cazier
- SAX API for Python Vs Pyxie
Sriram Chadalavada
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Scott Chapman
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Scott Chapman
- GIL and uniprocessor machines
Joe Cheng
- GIL and uniprocessor machines
Joe Cheng
- sandboxing python code
Michael Chermside
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
Michael Chermside
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Michael Chermside
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Michael Chermside
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Michael Chermside
- Yield inside try...finally
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michael Chermside
- Why is lambda so slow?
Michael Chermside
- PEP-317
Michael Chermside
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Michael Chermside
- for a in range(1000000) :
Michael Chermside
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Michael Chermside
- Snapshottable re-iterable iterators
Michael Chermside
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Michael Chermside
- Python Cannot be Killed
Michael Chermside
- Python Cannot be Killed
Michael Chermside
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michael Chermside
- a clean way to define dictionary
Chermside, Michael
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michael Chermside
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Michael Chermside
- Python and Jython
Michael Chermside
Michael Chermside
- Emacs hack: help() to a window
Beni Cherniavsky
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Beni Cherniavsky
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Beni Cherniavsky
- ANN: Set-like methods on dicts
Beni Cherniavsky
- ANN: Set-like methods on dicts
Beni Cherniavsky
- Zip imports on python 2.2?
Beni Cherniavsky
- Snapshottable re-iterable iterators
Beni Cherniavsky
- Classic vs New-style classes...
Martin Chilvers
- Classic vs New-style classes...
Martin Chilvers
- Classic vs New-style classes...
Martin Chilvers
- Python vs emacs (again...)
Martin Christensen
- Python vs emacs (again...)
Martin Christensen
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Martin Christensen
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
- list.index
- ANN: BayPIGgies mtg Wed Jun 11 7:30pm
Wesley Chun
- How to make slicing and other methods interact?
Tim Churches
- How to make slicing and other methods interact?
Tim Churches
- HL7 servers in Python?
Tim Churches
- HL7 servers in Python?
Tim Churches
- Curses-based replacement for Dataflex (was: hi)
Tim Churches
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Tim Churches
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
Tim Churches
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
Tim Churches
- Leo<--GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
Tim Churches
Tim Churches
- Spambayes in the Australian press
Tim Churches
- ICA - Independent Component Analysis
Tim Churches
- ICA - Independent Component Analysis
Tim Churches
- Thoughts on cooperative methods
Jonathan Claggett
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Jonathan Claggett
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Jonathan Claggett
- Installation problem of win32all and wxpython with python 2.2.3
- Anyone using Venster?
Brad Clements
- Perl HTML::Element in Python
William Clifford
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Andrew Clover
- Saving Files Under Windows
Andrew Clover
- CGI and Unicode
Andrew Clover
- Twisted Panglossia
Dave Cole
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Dave Cole
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Dave Cole
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Dave Cole
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Dave Cole
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Dave Cole
- shebang strange thing...
Michael Coleman
- How to send an email with an attached file ?
Michel Combe
- How to send an email with an attached file ?
Michel Combe
- Media/The Northeast Progressive Advocate-Journal
Dianne Combs
- (x)range( 40000000000, 40000000001 )
Chris Connett
- Copying Files
Stan Cook
- Copying Files
Stan Cook
- Capture DOS error???
Stan Cook
- Capture DOS error???
Stan Cook
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
David M. Cooke
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Brandon Corfman
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Brandon Corfman
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Brandon Corfman
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Aldo Cortesi
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Aldo Cortesi
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Aldo Cortesi
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Christopher A. Craig
- Big dictionary manipulation
Jason Creighton
- Error importing cgi module
Sam Crow
- Mapi Attachment method WriteToFile throws exception ...
Peter Curran
- Python and Jython
Peter Curran
- Mapi Attachment method WriteToFile throws exception ...
Peter Curran
- subclassing unittest.TestCase?
Chris Curvey
- sgmllib missing an end tag?
Chris Curvey
- Python Cannot be Killed
Steven D'Aprano
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.4 if using a variable
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
- Porting Python
- Glue code
- boost python
- Updating SQL table problems with python
- Updating SQL table problems with python
- Python regular expression question
- sourceforge problems
Behrang Dadsetan
- scipy and py2exe problem
Sigis Dagilis
- PIL and py2exe Issues
Kevin Dahlhausen
- PIL and py2exe Issues
Kevin Dahlhausen
- PIL and py2exe Issues
Kevin Dahlhausen
- Python articles
Kevin Dahlhausen
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Kevin Dahlhausen
- (newbie)cgi-problem
Anders Dahlqvist
- (newbie)cgi-problem --sorry, wrong file
Anders Dahlqvist
- Fixed-length fields in Martel
Andrew Dalke
- Fixed-length fields in Martel
Andrew Dalke
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Andrew Dalke
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Andrew Dalke
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Andrew Dalke
- proxy to monitor http requests
Andrew Dalke
- Python IO performance?
Andrew Dalke
- OT: dav/webdav uri scheme?
Andrew Dalke
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Andrew Dalke
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Andrew Dalke
- long-term release schedule?
Andrew Dalke
- Type hierarchy
Andrew Dalke
- problem with LOB's and DCOracle2
- problem with LOB's and DCOracle2
- Suspected bug in DCOracle2 for LOB's
- Python Regex Newbie- matching substrings
- Python Regex Newbie- matching substrings
- finding size of text on Tkinter.Canvas, was: Re: Need urgent solution
Abel Daniel
- [Tutor] Canvas rectangle filling
Abel Daniel
- Canvas rectangle filling
Abel Daniel
- [Tutor] tkSimpleDialog box question.
Abel Daniel
- girl scout badge
Jack Daniel
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Jack Daniel
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Jack Daniel
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Alan Daniels
- Self-currying functions
Scott David Daniels
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Scott David Daniels
- Porridge 0.0
Scott David Daniels
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Scott David Daniels
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
Scott David Daniels
- Web counter ?
Guillaume Dargaud
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Author's copies of _Text Processing in Python_
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- How to make slicing and other methods interact?
Michael Davidson
- Why it doesn't go ????
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- long-term release schedule?
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Window Event
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- long-term release schedule?
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Python Cannot be Killed
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Python Cannot be Killed
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
Maxime Delanis
- How to send an email with an attached file ?
Bernard Delmée
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Bruno Desthuilliers
- "eval" function
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Python executables?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Python executables?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- dynamic creating of class
- Is the 2.2.3 LaTeX documentation in hiding?
Mark Edward Tristan Dickinson
- Defensive programming
Jack Diederich
- Defensive programming
Jack Diederich
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Jack Diederich
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Jack Diederich
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Jack Diederich
- sandboxing python code
Jack Diederich
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Jack Diederich
- "for line in fd" twice
Jack Diederich
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Jack Diederich
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Jack Diederich
- Twisted Panglossia
Jack Diederich
- Python v2.3 and dict.fromkeys() suggestion
Jack Diederich
- __past__ (Was: Re: PEP-317)
Jack Diederich
- lists and tuples
Jack Diederich
- OT: RfD for German Newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python
Stephan Diehl
- question about metaclasses
Stephan Diehl
- RfD for German Newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python
Daniel Dittmar
- Add methods to a class dynamically
Hoang Do
- Add methods to a class dynamically
Hoang Do
- Installing Python on Solaris 9
- embedding in COM object confusion
Achim Domma
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Achim Domma
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Achim Domma
- proxy to monitor http requests
Achim Domma
- python2.3/sockets/urllib2/timeout
Achim Domma
- Anyone did this: Magick++ + boost.python
Achim Domma
- urllib2: non-ascii characters in url
Achim Domma
- urllib2: non-ascii characters in url
Achim Domma
- The socket operation could not complete without blocking
Achim Domma
- bug in urllib2/python23 ?
Achim Domma
- Python & CGI. HELP please...
Jay Dorsey
- server, not client, modules needed.
- server, not client, modules needed.
- pythonCOM with Flash
Morris Dovey
Morris Dovey
- ftplib help
Driver, David
- [Pypgsql-users] Re: Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
Gaston Droguett
- SOAP client
Graham Dumpleton
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Gary Duncan
- Including binary files in a .py file; [THANKS]
Gary Duncan
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Gary Duncan
- Alternatives to Python ?
Gary Duncan
- [ANN] wxPython
Robin Dunn
- rcs manager
Lars Dybdahl
- has anyone implemented perl's HTML::Element and related modules for python?
Walter Dörwald
- Html: replacing tags
Walter Dörwald
- Events with Python COM local server
- fullscreen in Tkinter on Mac [OS X]
James Eagan
- Diamond inheritance with str
Patrick Earl
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Tyler Eaves
- Why is lambda so slow?
Tyler Eaves
- looping
Tyler Eaves
- how do you learn python APIs?
Tyler Eaves
- CGI and Unicode
Tyler Eaves
- PyProtocols 0.9
Phillip J. Eby
- solving the metaclass conflict
Phillip J. Eby
- solving the metaclass conflict
Phillip J. Eby
- solving the metaclass conflict
Phillip J. Eby
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Grant Edwards
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Grant Edwards
- PySerial rereads its own data
Grant Edwards
- PySerial rereads its own data
Grant Edwards
Grant Edwards
Grant Edwards
Grant Edwards
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Grant Edwards
- Octets calculation?
Grant Edwards
- Octets calculation?
Grant Edwards
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Grant Edwards
- Python for Industrial Control
Grant Edwards
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Eric Eide
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Eric Eide
- Tkinter problem
- Tkinter problem
- Tkinter problem
- "eval" function
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
Erhan Ekici
- C or C++ in Python
Erhan Ekici
- Play a short sound...
Erhan Ekici
- Glue code
Erhan Ekici
- wxPython download
Erhan Ekici
- Partition names with Python
Erhan Ekici
- JDBC <--> Python
- Strange problem with notebook computer
Homer Ellison
- Strange problem with notebook computer
Homer Ellison
- Capture DOS error???
Syver Enstad
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
Jeff Epler
- function pointers
Jeff Epler
- How to replace the metaclasses of all the classes imported
Jeff Epler
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Jeff Epler
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Jeff Epler
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Jeff Epler
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Jeff Epler
- Python IO performance?
Jeff Epler
- Porridge 0.0
Jeff Epler
- finding origin of names
Jeff Epler
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Jeff Epler
- OT: swearing (was: RE: OnFileOpent(self, event))
Jeff Epler
- [General lang] how to call a parent
Jeff Epler
- [General lang] how to call a parent
Jeff Epler
- Diamond inheritance with str
Jeff Epler
- preventing creation of instance
Jeff Epler
- pack and unpack problems
Jeff Epler
- pack and unpack problems
Jeff Epler
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Jeff Epler
- memory leak "import random"
Jeff Epler
- division
Jeff Epler
- python hash function
Jeff Epler
- [ANN] Partial.py: convenient notation for partial application/currying
Jeff Epler
- How to memoize functions?
Jeff Epler
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Jeff Epler
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- Algorithm help per favore
David Eppstein
- testing two lists for equality
David Eppstein
- testing two lists for equality
David Eppstein
- Second Edition of "Python Programming on Win32"
- Getting the CPU usage in a generic way across OSes
Kristoffer Erlandsson
- Getting the CPU usage in a generic way across OSes
Kristoffer Erlandsson
- iterator.next() confusion
Clark C. Evans
- PyProtocols 0.9 (PEP 246)
Clark C. Evans
- Syck - "C" YAML implementation /w Python binding
Clark C. Evans
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Tim Evans
- File reading using delimiters
Tim Evans
- Login Dialog Problems
Tony Evreshed
- Tkinter dialog boxes
Tony Evreshed
- Importing/exporting Excel VB modules
Ezequiel, Justin
- [General lang] how to call a parent
- [General lang] how to call a parent
- Window Event
- Why python
- Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
John Fabiani
- [Pypgsql-users] Re: Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
John Fabiani
- [Pypgsql-users] Re: Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
John Fabiani
- [pyPgSQL] FAILED array.py in regression
John Fabiani
- [pyPgSQL] FAILED array.py in regression
John Fabiani
- [Pycrust] Seg fault
John Fabiani
- [Pycrust] Seg fault
John Fabiani
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
John Fabiani
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
John Fabiani
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
John Fabiani
- [General lang] how to call a parent
John Fabiani
- [General lang] how to call a parent
John Fabiani
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
Daniel Fackrell
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Daniel Fackrell
- read_until problem under telnetlib
Daniel Fackrell
- random picks from a list
Daniel Fackrell
- daily python URL needs to have archives.
Daniel Fackrell
- Python Cannot be Killed
Daniel Fackrell
- daily python URL needs to have archives.
Daniel Fackrell
- OverflowError in pyPgSQL when accessing tables with many rows
Paolo Alexis Falcone
- OverflowError in pyPgSQL when accessing tables with many rows
Paolo Alexis Falcone
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Nielson Family
- Prolog-style unification?
Nielson Family
- Prolog-style unification?
Nielson Family
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Nielson Family
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Nielson Family
- Prolog-style unification?
Nielson Family
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Nielson Family
- Login Script
Simon Faulkner
- Login Script
Simon Faulkner
- sqlite select max() on integer field returns quoted value
Graham Fawcett
- Exposing object model in Python?
Graham Fawcett
- [ANN] AOP package aspects-0.1.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Alexandre Fayolle
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- XML parser: fast/slow?
Alexandre Fayolle
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- pymacs problem on load
Alexandre Fayolle
- changing icon of a Tkinter window
- example to change a Tkinter window's icon please
- win32all : msaccess example
- 64 bit python
- has anyone implemented perl's HTML::Element and related modules for python?
Stephen Ferg
- Defensive programming
Jeremy Fincher
- Yield inside try...finally
Jeremy Fincher
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Jeremy Fincher
- sets.filter?
Jeremy Fincher
- Time constants module - standard-library fodder?
Ben Finney
- Named constants -- no such thing as "too obvious"
Ben Finney
- Time constants module - standard-library fodder?
Ben Finney
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Ben Finney
- Extension without sub-classing?
Ben Finney
- integer to string?
Ben Finney
- how to create module documentation: gendoc? pythondoc? other?
Ben Finney
- Porridge 0.0
Ben Finney
- os.system question
Ben Finney
- Licenses
Ben Finney
- Licenses
Ben Finney
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Ben Finney
- class variable declarations...
Ben Finney
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Ben Finney
- Backward-compatibility: help or hindrance?
Ben Finney
- Python articles
Ben Finney
- Python as a Language Choice
Ben Finney
- Python Cannot be Killed
Ben Finney
- How to make an executable file
Ben Finney
- Python Cannot be Killed
Ben Finney
- Windows Program?
Ben Finney
- Freedom vs popularity
Ben Finney
- Is python good for making database work short?
Ben Finney
- Python Cannot be Killed
Ben Finney
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
Ben Finney
Ben Finney
Ben Finney
Ben Finney
- License Question
Ben Finney
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Ben Finney
- division
Ben Finney
- division
Ben Finney
- License Question
Ben Finney
- License Question
Ben Finney
Ben Finney
- shebang strange thing...
Ben Finney
- 1== 1 is False?
Ben Finney
Ben Finney
- Booleans and comparison results
Ben Finney
- add empty directory using zipfile?
Ben Finney
- Python executables?
Ben Finney
- shebang strange thing...
Ben Finney
- Keys order in dictionaries
Ben Finney
- How users perceive speed improvements
Ben Finney
- shebang strange thing...
Ben Finney
- List of lists
Ben Finney
- stupid question about os.listdir
Ben Finney
- stupid question about os.listdir
Ben Finney
- stupid question about os.listdir
Ben Finney
- List of lists
Ben Finney
- List of lists
Ben Finney
- shebang strange thing...
Ben Finney
- pygresql
Ben Finney
- shebang strange thing...
Ben Finney
- get_file_size
Ben Finney
- strings
Ben Finney
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Ben Finney
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Ben Finney
- Where is bobo?
Franco Fiorese
- Where is bobo?
Franco Fiorese
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Fitzsimons
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Fitzsimons
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Fitzsimons
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Fitzsimons
- Grepping with Python - script/prog required.
John Fitzsimons
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Fitzsimons
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- long-term release schedule?
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- [General lang] how to call a parent
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- 2003 Scheme Workshop - Call for Papers
Matthew Flatt
- Pollyanna Presentations in Programming Practice (was Re: Twisted Panglossia)
Mike C. Fletcher
- Importing mdl files into OpenGl with Python
Mike C. Fletcher
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Mike C. Fletcher
- Copying Files
Mike C. Fletcher
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Mike C. Fletcher
- program path
Mike C. Fletcher
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Home directory problem
Mike C. Fletcher
- Home directory problem
Mike C. Fletcher
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Mike C. Fletcher
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Mike C. Fletcher
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Mike C. Fletcher
- vector subscripts in Python?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Rational Rose ".ptl" file parsing?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Big dictionary manipulation
Mike C. Fletcher
- Weird 'and' result...
Mike C. Fletcher
- Special bonus at tomorrow's PyGTA meeting TPiP
Mike C. Fletcher
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Mike C. Fletcher
- To get all property of a class?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Octets calculation?
Paul Foley
- python-mode on OS X
Chris Fonnesbeck
- python-mode on OS X
Chris Fonnesbeck
- installing PIL on OSX
Chris Fonnesbeck
- bizarre Numeric error
Chris Fonnesbeck
- ANNOUNCE: tclpython-3.1
Jean-Luc Fontaine
- Help with Mailman version 2.0.13
- Find a substring withing a string...
- Find a substring withing a string...
- go buy 'text processing in python'
Doug Fort
- File type recognition
Greg Fortune
- PyQt: Suppressing the header in a ListView
Greg Fortune
- Python 2.3 + mysql?
Greg Fortune
- Problem with pywintypes.Time
Dave Foster
- Will bsddb changes in 2.3 affect shelve files?
David Fox
- Zope with Apache on shared hosting account
Joe Francia
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
Joe Francia
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Joe Francia
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
Joe Francia
- Copying Files
Joe Francia
- Buid error on Python 2.1.3 for Solaris 8
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Erik Max Francis
- ANN: EmPy 3.0 -- Python templating system
Erik Max Francis
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Erik Max Francis
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.4 if using a variable
Erik Max Francis
- integer to string?
Erik Max Francis
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Erik Max Francis
- how to create module documentation: gendoc? pythondoc? other?
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- tuple to list to tuple conversion
Erik Max Francis
- Whre is my object ??
Erik Max Francis
- Whre is my object ??
Erik Max Francis
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Erik Max Francis
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Erik Max Francis
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Erik Max Francis
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Twisted Panglossia
Erik Max Francis
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Erik Max Francis
- list.index
Erik Max Francis
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Erik Max Francis
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Erik Max Francis
- zip broken?
Erik Max Francis
- Excuting scripts question
Erik Max Francis
- Excuting scripts question
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Erik Max Francis
- Simple Script to Combine/Seperate Lines of Text
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Erik Max Francis
- Recall last result
Erik Max Francis
- Recall last result
Erik Max Francis
- Why is lambda so slow?
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Why is error message value "disappearing"?
Erik Max Francis
- ANN: Set-like methods on dicts
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Octets calculation?
Erik Max Francis
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Erik Max Francis
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Erik Max Francis
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Erik Max Francis
- Octets calculation?
Erik Max Francis
- Octets calculation?
Erik Max Francis
- Octets calculation?
Erik Max Francis
- comprehending comprehensions
Erik Max Francis
- getting info out of a list.
Erik Max Francis
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Erik Max Francis
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Erik Max Francis
- string.find does not work in file
Erik Max Francis
- Snapshottable re-iterable iterators
Erik Max Francis
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Erik Max Francis
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Erik Max Francis
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Erik Max Francis
- Algorithm help per favore
Erik Max Francis
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Erik Max Francis
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Erik Max Francis
- Algorithm help per favore
Erik Max Francis
- shebang strange thing...
Erik Max Francis
- Weird 'and' result...
Erik Max Francis
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Erik Max Francis
- shebang strange thing...
Erik Max Francis
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Erik Max Francis
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Erik Max Francis
- dynamic creating of class
Erik Max Francis
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Erik Max Francis
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Erik Max Francis
- division
Erik Max Francis
Erik Max Francis
- shebang strange thing...
Erik Max Francis
- shebang strange thing...
Erik Max Francis
- shebang strange thing...
Erik Max Francis
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Erik Max Francis
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Erik Max Francis
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Erik Max Francis
- stupid question about os.listdir
Erik Max Francis
- stupid question about os.listdir
Erik Max Francis
- Have I broken my installation?
Erik Max Francis
- Have I broken my installation?
Erik Max Francis
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Martin Franklin
- Changing properties of a class instance widget
Martin Franklin
- Run a linux program through python
Martin Franklin
- Python Mega widget doubt.
Martin Franklin
- tkinter urgent help request
Martin Franklin
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
- Named constants -- no such thing as "too obvious"
Asun Friere
- Python IO performance?
Asun Friere
- integer to string?
Asun Friere
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Asun Friere
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Asun Friere
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Asun Friere
- Need urgent solution......................
Asun Friere
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Asun Friere
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Asun Friere
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Niklas Frykholm
- importing swig generated modules in C program
Tim Fuehner
- JavaScript parser in Python
Frantisek Fuka
- JavaScript parser in Python
Frantisek Fuka
- ExtensionClass/Persistent and __cmp__ is tricky
Jim Fulton
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
Bob Gailer
- regex plea for help
Bob Gailer
- Inputbox with win32api?
Bob Gailer
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Bob Gailer
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Bob Gailer
- reinventing the web server
Van Gale
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Van Gale
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Van Gale
- shebang strange thing...
Van Gale
- shebang strange thing...
Van Gale
- shebang strange thing...
Van Gale
John Gale
- Python regular expression question
Jim Gallacher
- decoding video-/teletext with python
Radovan Garabik
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- Twice instanciation
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- Twice instanciation
Manuel Garcia
- random picks from a list
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel M Garcia
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Manuel M Garcia
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Manuel M Garcia
Alan Gauld
- comprehending comprehensions
Alan Gauld
- Alternatives to Python ?
Alan Gauld
- Alternatives to Python ?
Alan Gauld
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Alan Gauld
- SV: CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Carsten Gehling
- SV: SV: CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Carsten Gehling
- Dear oh dear.....
Carsten Gehling
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Jacek Generowicz
- feature request: mul
Jacek Generowicz
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Boris Genz
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Boris Genz
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
Harry George
- Rational Rose ".ptl" file parsing?
Harry George
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Harry George
- sourceforge problems
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- random function with strings
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- [Python-Dev] bsddb185 module changes checked in
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- Looking for Info on installing Python and wxPython on a disk.
Matt Gerrans
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Matt Gerrans
- a clean way to define dictionary
Matt Gerrans
- shebang strange thing...
Geoff Gerrietts
- reading files in folder
- Self-guided instruction docs for Python
- Is Python lightweight?
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Dirk Gerrits
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Dirk Gerrits
- The beauty of Python
Dirk Gerrits
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Dirk Gerrits
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Dirk Gerrits
- Streamlining email archives?
Dinu Gherman
- Licenses
Sean Gilbertson
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
David Glass
- m2crypto w or w/out proxy
- m2crypto documentation
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
- XML parser: fast/slow?
- SOAPpy Client Vs .NET Server
- SOAP client
- SOAP client
- cgi getlist() problems
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Hartmut Goebel
- Python2.3 and win32all wmi problems.
Tim Golden
- Directory & File Monitoring
Tim Golden
- Saving Files Under Windows
Tim Golden
- OT: swearing (was: RE: OnFileOpent(self, event))
Tim Golden
- Saving Files Under Windows
Tim Golden
- Saving Files Under Windows
Tim Golden
- Saving Files Under Windows
Tim Golden
- Error when accessing remote registry
Tim Golden
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Eliran Gonen
- [ANN] GDmodule 0.42 released
Chris Gonnerman
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
David Goodger
- python-mode on OS X
David Goodger
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
David Goodger
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
David Goodger
- [ANN] Docutils 0.3 released
David Goodger
- Iterating over optparse options
David Goodger
- parsing emails and saving attached application files
Andrew Gould
- parsing emails and saving attached application files
Andrew Gould
- ANN: Pyrex 0.8.1
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Dang Griffith
- any benchmark results for python?
Dang Griffith
- Check your Wikis
Duncan Grisby
- EuroPython Photos
Duncan Grisby
- Need urgent solution......................
Joe Grossberg
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Joe Grossberg
- Setting allowed size of text object on canvas in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Setting allowed size of text object on canvas in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Need urgent solution......................
Mickel Grönroos
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Getting all set attributes of a Tkinter widget?
Mickel Grönroos
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Mickel Grönroos
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Mickel Grönroos
- Placing entry widgets on a canvas in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- Placing entry widgets on a canvas in Tkinter
Mickel Grönroos
- [wanted] Python news threader/archiver
Thomas Guettler
- list.index
Thomas Guettler
- Python regular expression question
Thomas Guettler
- isFloat: Without Exception-Handling
Rajarshi Guha
- isFloat: Without Exception-Handling
Rajarshi Guha
- Building Python
- python IDLE on win2000 doesn't startup
Joe Gwozdecki
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Aurélien Géron
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Aurélien Géron
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Aurélien Géron
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Aurélien Géron
- Python executables?
Aurélien Géron
- manipulating PowerPoint with Python?
Aurélien Géron
- "for line in fd" twice
Thomas Güttler
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Thomas Güttler
- How to get the hostname?
Thomas Güttler
- Loop over list of pairs
Thomas Güttler
- diff --brief
Thomas Güttler
- Building Python
Thomas Güttler
- Binding socket to an address
Thomas Güttler
- Your Suggestion for a OOP beginner to learn Python and Java
Thomas Güttler
- index(x)
Thomas Güttler
- tempfile.tempdir & thread safe
Thomas Güttler
- Big dictionary manipulation
Thomas Güttler
- Getting Instance of calling class
Thomas Güttler
- reinventing the web server
Thomas Güttler
- include files?
Thomas Güttler
- Multiple string.replace in one run
Thomas Güttler
- Multiple string.replace in one run
Thomas Güttler
- python&zope
Thomas Güttler
- Persist Python objects to a MySQL database?
Thomas Güttler
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Thomas Güttler
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Thomas Güttler
- Twisted
- asyncore and (missing) timeout
- [ANNOUNCE] Seventh development release of PythonCAD available
Art Haas
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Eighth release of PythonCAD now available
Art Haas
- SV: CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Gerhard Haering
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Gerhard Haering
- Problems with importation of regsub module in 2.2
Gerhard Haering
- [ANN] PySQLite 0.4.2 released
Gerhard Haering
- [ANN] PySQLite 0.4.3 released
Gerhard Haering
- Variable Modifications in a class
Brendan Hahn
- Python2.3 win32all WMI not working?
Murtaza Hakim
- Python2.3 and win32all wmi problems.
Murtaza Hakim
- Python articles
John Hall
- Python articles
John Hall
- Python articles
John Hall
- Python articles
John Hall
- Python articles
John Hall
- reinventing the web server
John Hall
- Windows Program?
John Hall
- Python IO performance?
Rob Hall
- Python IO performance?
Rob Hall
- Python IO performance?
Rob Hall
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Rob Hall
- All the failed messages from python.org...
Tamir Halperin
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Anders Hammarquist
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Anders Hammarquist
- embedding in COM object confusion
Mark Hammond
- PyRun_SimpleFile crashing under Windows 2000
Mark Hammond
- Passing an Event from a Thread to its Caller
Mark Hammond
- Python2.3 win32all WMI not working?
Mark Hammond
- Passing an Event from a Thread to its Caller
Mark Hammond
- easily immobilize PythonWin
Mark Hammond
- Pythonwin toolbar dynamic buttons combobox
Mark Hammond
- "select directory" dialog using win32all?
Mark Hammond
- How do I obtain the filenames' encoding after os.listdir?
Mark Hammond
- PythonWin menu
Mark Hammond
- system event viewer help
Mark Hammond
- pythonCOM with Flash
Mark Hammond
- pythonCOM with Flash
Mark Hammond
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Mark Hammond
- Problems with win32pdh
Mark Hammond
- pythonCOM with Flash
Mark Hammond
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Mark Hammond
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
Mark Hammond
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Mark Hammond
- ASP KeyboardInterrupt errors
Mark Hammond
- Overloading
Steve Hanawalt
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Charles Handy
- Glue code
Sami Hangaslammi
- How do I obtain the filenames' encoding after os.listdir?
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- How to write a constructor accepting initialization and file persistence?
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- Html: replacing tags
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- Html: replacing tags
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Tom Hanks
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Tom Hanks
- sys.settrace() and stopping the Python interpreter
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Re: PEP263 (Specifying encoding) and bytecode strings
Peter Hansen
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Peter Hansen
- Twisted
Peter Hansen
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Peter Hansen
- twisted UDP port and REUSEADDR
Peter Hansen
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Peter Hansen
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Peter Hansen
- PySerial rereads its own data
Peter Hansen
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Peter Hansen
- sandboxing python code
Peter Hansen
- "for line in fd" twice
Peter Hansen
- Yield inside try...finally
Peter Hansen
- Variable Modifications in a class
Peter Hansen
- calldll
Peter Hansen
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Peter Hansen
- Yield inside try...finally
Peter Hansen
- JavaScript parser in Python
Peter Hansen
- Reading in NT Variables / Login Script
Peter Hansen
- CGI to xml
Peter Hansen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Peter Hansen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Peter Hansen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Peter Hansen
- [wanted] Python news threader/archiver
Peter Hansen
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Peter Hansen
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
- Iteration through a text file.
Peter Hansen
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Peter Hansen
- Zope breakins
Peter Hansen
- handling errors
Peter Hansen
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Peter Hansen
- test please ignore
Peter Hansen
- All the failed messages from python.org...
Peter Hansen
- Loop over list of pairs
Peter Hansen
- Twisted Panglossia
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Hardware take on software testing.
Peter Hansen
- Directory & File Monitoring
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Hardware take on software testing.
Peter Hansen
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
Peter Hansen
- server, not client, modules needed.
Peter Hansen
- Copying Files
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Bug? print statement ends with ',' print a new line
Peter Hansen
- Excuting scripts question
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- Excuting scripts question
Peter Hansen
- Excuting scripts question
Peter Hansen
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- program path
Peter Hansen
- interpreted
Peter Hansen
- Hardware take on software testing.
Peter Hansen
- Simple Script to Combine/Seperate Lines of Text
Peter Hansen
- Why is lambda so slow?
Peter Hansen
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Hansen
- Hardware take on software testing.
Peter Hansen
- m2crypto documentation
Peter Hansen
- File reading using delimiters
Peter Hansen
- reading/writing files in windows
Peter Hansen
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Peter Hansen
- File reading using delimiters
Peter Hansen
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Peter Hansen
- Hardware take on software testing.
Peter Hansen
- Where is bobo?
Peter Hansen
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Peter Hansen
- Why is lambda so slow?
Peter Hansen
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Peter Hansen
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Peter Hansen
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Peter Hansen
- reading/writing files in windows
Peter Hansen
- Binding socket to an address
Peter Hansen
- reading/writing files in windows
Peter Hansen
- Sockets and threads
Peter Hansen
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Peter Hansen
- Octets calculation?
Peter Hansen
- long-term release schedule?
Peter Hansen
- index(x)
Peter Hansen
- long-term release schedule?
Peter Hansen
- How to pause within a thread
Peter Hansen
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
Peter Hansen
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
Peter Hansen
- user authentication interface in python
Peter Hansen
- Execute a process as a specific user
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
- Execute a process as a specific user
Peter Hansen
- long-term release schedule?
Peter Hansen
- Changing File Permissions
Peter Hansen
- html on Python
Peter Hansen
- Saving Files Under Windows
Peter Hansen
- raw strings under windows
Peter Hansen
- wxPython download
Peter Hansen
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Peter Hansen
- ezPyCrypto encryption using only public key problem.
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- popen3 child_stdin
Peter Hansen
- Large File Parsing
Peter Hansen
- ezPyCrypto encryption using only public key problem.
Peter Hansen
- long-term release schedule?
Peter Hansen
- getting info out of a list.
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- Jews give biological weapons to slave children . . . .
Peter Hansen
- class variable declarations...
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- class variable declarations...
Peter Hansen
- Using ctime to use the last two digits of time?
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Peter Hansen
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Peter Hansen
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Peter Hansen
- long-term release schedule?
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Peter Hansen
- os.path weirdness
Peter Hansen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Peter Hansen
- Python Cannot be Killed
Peter Hansen
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Peter Hansen
- importing specific module
Peter Hansen
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Peter Hansen
- preventing creation of instance
Peter Hansen
- preventing creation of instance
Peter Hansen
- pack and unpack problems
Peter Hansen
- Reprise: [2,3,4,7] --> "2-4,7"
Peter Hansen
- Reprise: [2,3,4,7] --> "2-4,7"
Peter Hansen
- preventing creation of instance
Peter Hansen
- preventing creation of instance
Peter Hansen
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Peter Hansen
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Peter Hansen
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
Peter Hansen
- Algorithm help per favore
Peter Hansen
- unit tests with mod_python
Peter Hansen
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Peter Hansen
- Binary adresse for localhost
Peter Hansen
- XML in python
Peter Hansen
- Binary Header
Peter Hansen
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Peter Hansen
- Binary Header
Peter Hansen
- testing two lists for equality
Peter Hansen
- Term: comparison operators?
Peter Hansen
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Peter Hansen
- os.path weirdness
Peter Hansen
- Alternatives to Python ?
Peter Hansen
- testing two lists for equality
Peter Hansen
- testing two lists for equality
Peter Hansen
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Peter Hansen
- Weird 'and' result...
Peter Hansen
- os.listdir()
Peter Hansen
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Peter Hansen
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Peter Hansen
- random function with strings
Peter Hansen
- xrange
Peter Hansen
- non blocking named pipes
Peter Hansen
- asyncore and (missing) timeout
Peter Hansen
- Toronto-area Python user group meets Tuesday, June 24, 8pm
Peter Hansen
- SocketServer class - basis problem
Peter Hansen
- Platform-independent way to refer to execute path
Peter Hansen
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 24)
Peter Hansen
- Staying Connected to a POP3/SMTP Server
Peter Hansen
- Test-Driven Dev. (Kent Beck) Python Chapter Question
Peter Hansen
- Reading a binary file
Peter Hansen
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 24)
Peter Hansen
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
Peter Hansen
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
Peter Hansen
- Reading a binary file
Peter Hansen
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Peter Hansen
- Reading a binary file
Peter Hansen
- Something strange with python 2.2.1 under RedHat 8.0
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
- stupid question about os.listdir
Peter Hansen
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Rune Hansen
- xmlrpc ssl (slightly embarrassing, long post)
Rune Hansen
- xmlrpc ssl (slightly embarrassing, long post)
Rune Hansen
- Resolved: xmlrpc ssl (slightly embarrassing, long post)
Rune Hansen
- Html: replacing tags
Lee Harr
- Looking for Info on installing Python and wxPython on a disk.
Lee Harr
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Lee Harr
- best idiom for wide try/except net?
Lee Harr
- Newbie on importing
Lee Harr
- DBI and DBDs 4 Python
Lee Harr
- dynamic creating of class
Lee Harr
Lee Harr
- distutils won't add data file to package dir
Lee Harr
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Lee Harr
- Twisted - extending portforward (simple example)
Lee Harr
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Dave Harrison
- info about algorithmic complexity attacks
Dave Harrison
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Dave Harrison
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Dave Harrison
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Dave Harrison
- python bibliography manager. Newbie.
Bob Hartley
- python bibliography manager. Newbie.
Bob Hartley
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Tom Hawkins
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Tom Hawkins
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Tom Hawkins
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Tom Hawkins
- Mod_python vs normal CGI
Guy Heatley
- (Numeric) should -7 % 5 = -2 ?
Stan Heckman
- (Numeric) should -7 % 5 = -2 ?
Stan Heckman
- Newbie Question: can this snippet be optimized?
- CGI and Unicode
Jim Hefferon
- py2exe, installer, pythoncom
Thomas Heller
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Thomas Heller
- adodbapi and py2exe
Thomas Heller
- calldll
Thomas Heller
- Calling function in shared lib
Thomas Heller
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Thomas Heller
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Thomas Heller
- Directory & File Monitoring
Thomas Heller
- Python Regex Newbie- matching substrings
Thomas Heller
- Matching C integer constants with re
Thomas Heller
- Matching C integer constants with re
Thomas Heller
- py2exe COM server frustration
Thomas Heller
- Glue code
Thomas Heller
- Type hierarchy
Thomas Heller
- pythonCOM with Flash
Thomas Heller
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
Thomas Heller
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Heller
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Heller
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Heller
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Heller
- preventing creation of instance
Thomas Heller
- Need help to grok c extension that needs to use callbacks with data
Thomas Heller
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Thomas Heller
- Saving Files Under Windows -- Py2Exe and Installer
Thomas Heller
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Thomas Heller
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Thomas Heller
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Thomas Heller
- Determine a NT service's executable name ?
Thomas Heller
- ctypes 0.6.2 released
Thomas Heller
- limit module import to only certain symbols?
Thomas Heller
- Newbie question concerning map functionality
- reinventing the web server
- XML parser: fast/slow?
- Newbie: using the parser from PyExpat/sgmlop
- ActiveX currency type (MAPI)
Andrew Henshaw
- vector subscripts in Python?
Gary Herron
- PIL textfont
Rolf Herter
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Bernhard Herzog
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Bernhard Herzog
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Bernhard Herzog
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Bernhard Herzog
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Bernhard Herzog
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Bernhard Herzog
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Bernhard Herzog
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Bernhard Herzog
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Bernhard Herzog
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Bernhard Herzog
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Bernhard Herzog
- Question about Python-Grammar
Bernhard Herzog
- How to recognize a generator function?
Bernhard Herzog
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Bernhard Herzog
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Bernhard Herzog
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Bernhard Herzog
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Bernhard Herzog
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Bernhard Herzog
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Porridge 0.0
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Where is bobo?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Pseudo-indices -- PEP material?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Pseudo-indices -- PEP material?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- SWIG/distutils question
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Examples of descriptors?
Raymond Hettinger
- Descriptor Writeup
Raymond Hettinger
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Raymond Hettinger
- Examples of descriptors?
Raymond Hettinger
- girl scout badge
Raymond Hettinger
- Help with dictionary
Raymond Hettinger
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Raymond Hettinger
- Pseudo-indices -- PEP material?
Raymond Hettinger
- python2.3/sockets/urllib2/timeout
Raymond Hettinger
- sum(strings)
Raymond Hettinger
- testing two lists for equality
Raymond Hettinger
- xrange
Raymond Hettinger
- random function with strings
Raymond Hettinger
- xrange
Raymond Hettinger
- Newbie Question: can this snippet be optimized?
Raymond Hettinger
- (x)range( 40000000000, 40000000001 )
Raymond Hettinger
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Richie Hindle
- Imaging-1.1.4 on Cygwin (Re: Can PIL be installed under Cygwin?)
- Imaging-1.1.4 on Cygwin (Re: Can PIL be installed under Cygwin?)
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Tim Hochberg
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Tim Hochberg
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Elmar W. Hoefner
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Elmar W. Hoefner
- subclassing Thread and start
Steve Holden
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Steve Holden
- ASP Keybaord Interrupt error
Steve Holden
- SocketServer class - basis problem
Steve Holden
- ASP KeyboardInterrupt errors
Steve Holden
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Steve Holden
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Steve Holden
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Steve Holden
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
Steve Holden
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 24)
Steve Holden
- Reading a binary file
Steve Holden
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Steve Holden
- always fill out complete window
Steve Holden
- shebang strange thing...
Steve Holden
- shebang strange thing...
Steve Holden
- Exposing object model in Python?
Steve Holden
- shebang strange thing...
Steve Holden
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Steve Holden
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Steve Holden
- Exposing object model in Python?
Steve Holden
- Exposing object model in Python?
Steve Holden
- How to memoize functions?
Steve Holden
- Year 2000 book still useful?
Steve Holden
- Replace for Goto
Gerrit Holl
- Replace for Goto
Gerrit Holl
- Replace for Goto
Gerrit Holl
- repr on a string
Gerrit Holl
- Pre Python
Gerrit Holl
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Gerrit Holl
- [OT] The question to everything...
Gerrit Holl
- long-term release schedule?
Gerrit Holl
- long-term release schedule?
Gerrit Holl
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Gerrit Holl
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Gerrit Holl
Gerrit Holl
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Gerrit Holl
Gerrit Holl
- [OT] - (Was: Re: Proposed extension to file constructor)
Gerrit Holl
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Gerrit Holl
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Gerrit Holl
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Gerrit Holl
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Gerrit Holl
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Gerrit Holl
Gerrit Holl
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Gerrit Holl
- Characters in Python
Gerrit Holl
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
Gerrit Holl
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
Gerrit Holl
- (no subject)
Gerrit Holl
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Gerrit Holl
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
Gerrit Holl
- SystemError always a bug?
Gerrit Holl
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Gerrit Holl
- the 'in' operator and class instances
Gerrit Holl
- Python regular expression question
Gerrit Holl
- PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax
Gerrit Holl
- PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax
Gerrit Holl
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Gerrit Holl
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Gerrit Holl
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Gerrit Holl
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Gerrit Holl
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Gerrit Holl
- FW: [Python-Dev] Re: PEP-317
Gerrit Holl
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Gerrit Holl
- PEP318: property as decoration
Gerrit Holl
- __past__ (Was: Re: PEP-317)
Gerrit Holl
- PEP318: property as decoration
Gerrit Holl
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Gerrit Holl
- PEP318: property as decoration
Gerrit Holl
- Unable to compile _tkinter.c: incompatible pointer type --> Error 1
Gerrit Holl
- Module like Perl's Date::Calc
Gerrit Holl
- random picks from a list
Gerrit Holl
- Type hierarchy
Gerrit Holl
- Execute a process as a specific user
Gerrit Holl
- __past__ (Was: Re: PEP-317)
Gerrit Holl
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Gerrit Holl
- for a in range(1000000) :
Gerrit Holl
- a clean way to define dictionary
Gerrit Holl
- PSU (Was: Re: EuroPython's 4th Interview)
Gerrit Holl
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Gerrit Holl
- feature request: mul
Gerrit Holl
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Gerrit Holl
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Gerrit Holl
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Gerrit Holl
- Is o.__dict__ = {} valid?
Gerrit Holl
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Gerrit Holl
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Gerrit Holl
- Numeric or numarray?
Gerrit Holl
- "eval" function
Gerrit Holl
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Gerrit Holl
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Gerrit Holl
- d.keys() and d.values()
Gerrit Holl
- d.keys() and d.values()
Gerrit Holl
- Booleans and comparison results
Gerrit Holl
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Gerrit Holl
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Gerrit Holl
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Gerrit Holl
- sets.filter?
Gerrit Holl
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Gerrit Holl
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Gerrit Holl
- lists and tuples
Gerrit Holl
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
Gerrit Holl
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Gerrit Holl
- lists and tuples
Gerrit Holl
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Steve Horsley
- read_until problem under telnetlib
Steve Horsley
- limit module import to only certain symbols?
Kevin Howe
- Kerberos authentication for IMAP?
Alan Hoyle
- How to upload a file with httplib?
Hank Hu
- snakedb -MySQL
Ming Hui Huang
- Valgrind and Python
Michael Hudson
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Michael Hudson
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Michael Hudson
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Michael Hudson
- PEP 318: Is chaining decorators even possible?
Michael Hudson
- europython wireless?
Michael Hudson
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Michael Hudson
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
Sebastien Hugues
- Debug version of Python 2.2 on win32 platform ?
Sebastien Hugues
- ascii tables
John Hunter
- [OT] Inexpensive virtual domain host for penurious friend's low traffic static html site?
John Hunter
- passing a shell argument
John Hunter
- Store python list in MySQL
John Hunter
- tuple unpacking
John Hunter
- Module for quasi-random sequences?
John Hunter
- Interfacing Python with C++
John Hunter
- parsing complex web pages
John Hunter
- parsing complex web pages
John Hunter
- Multiple string.replace in one run
John Hunter
- Run a linux program through python
John Hunter
- looping
John Hunter
- Python for Industrial Control
John Hunter
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
John Hunter
- user variables
John Hunter
- New style class & Old style class in Python
John Hunter
- problem with % operator on format string
John Hunter
- lists and tuples
John Hunter
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
John Hunter
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
John Hunter
- stupid question about os.listdir
John Hunter
- ICA - Independent Component Analysis
John Hunter
- ICA - Independent Component Analysis
John Hunter
- ICA - Independent Component Analysis
John Hunter
- lists and tuples
John Hunter
- Partition names with Python
John Hunter
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
John Hunter
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
John Hunter
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
- Where is MySQLdb module?
- Newbie: Where to start with cgi?
- root=husam
- 64 bit python
E. McKay Hyde
- 64 bit python
E. McKay Hyde
- 64 bit python
E. McKay Hyde
- 64 bit python on AIX -- dynload_aix problem
E. McKay Hyde
- 64 bit python
McKay Hyde
- gc questions
Jeremy Hylton
- Why does this work in jython and not in python?
Jeremy Hylton
- Algorithm help per favore
Jeremy Hylton
- a clean way to define dictionary
Jeremy Hylton
- gc questions
Jeremy Hylton
- Python 2.3 - Is the release still on schedule?
Jeremy Hylton
- GC time debug...
Jeremy Hylton
- When do ActivePython update?
- pypgsql installation
Gerhard Häring
- Extension without sub-classing?
Gerhard Häring
- Bi-directional communication with external programs?
Gerhard Häring
- passing a shell argument
Gerhard Häring
- [ANN] PySQLite 0.4.2 released
Gerhard Häring
- smtplib and SSL
Gerhard Häring
- smtplib and SSL
Gerhard Häring
- Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
Gerhard Häring
- [Pypgsql-users] Re: Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
Gerhard Häring
- [Pypgsql-users] Re: Does anyone use SuSE 8.2
Gerhard Häring
- [pyPgSQL] FAILED array.py in regression
Gerhard Häring
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Gerhard Häring
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Gerhard Häring
- smtplib and SSL
Gerhard Häring
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
Gerhard Häring
- data base
Gerhard Häring
- Why it doesn't go ????
Gerhard Häring
- Why it doesn't go ????
Gerhard Häring
- C or C++ in Python
Gerhard Häring
- SQLite
Gerhard Häring
- Play a short sound...
Gerhard Häring
- Factorials
Gerhard Häring
- Play a short sound...
Gerhard Häring
- zip broken?
Gerhard Häring
- Newbie: Python instance VB?
Gerhard Häring
- program path
Gerhard Häring
- program path
Gerhard Häring
- interpreted
Gerhard Häring
- Why is lambda so slow?
Gerhard Häring
- xmlrpc client on windows + https: error
Gerhard Häring
- interpreted
Gerhard Häring
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Gerhard Häring
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Gerhard Häring
- New programming interface for PostgreSQL -- was: hi
Gerhard Häring
- user authentication interface in python
Gerhard Häring
- boost python
Gerhard Häring
- raw strings under windows
Gerhard Häring
- Bug - where to report to ?
Gerhard Häring
- printing non-ASCII characters - please explain
Gerhard Häring
- DNS/MX Lookup?
Gerhard Häring
- insert thousands separators
Gerhard Häring
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Gerhard Häring
- Python in Central Florida
Gerhard Häring
- Debug version of Python 2.2 on win32 platform ?
Gerhard Häring
- user authentication interface in python
Gerhard Häring
- Python Cannot be Killed
Gerhard Häring
- Python 2.3 + mysql?
Gerhard Häring
- How to make an executable file
Gerhard Häring
- recv
Gerhard Häring
- recv
Gerhard Häring
- run a java program using python
Gerhard Häring
- Embeding Java code in C-Python
Gerhard Häring
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
Gerhard Häring
- Is python good for making database work short?
Gerhard Häring
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Gerhard Häring
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Gerhard Häring
- sourceforge problems
Gerhard Häring
- 1== 1 is False?
Gerhard Häring
- scheduling events
Gerhard Häring
- dynamic creating of class
Gerhard Häring
- dynamic creating of class
Gerhard Häring
- python applets inside <OBJECT> anyone?
Gerhard Häring
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
Gerhard Häring
- rexec safe with Python 2.1?
Gerhard Häring
- Booleans and comparison results
Gerhard Häring
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Gerhard Häring
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Gerhard Häring
- Keys order in dictionaries
Gerhard Häring
- OT: RfD for German Newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python
Gerhard Häring
- Error importing cgi module
Gerhard Häring
- Error importing cgi module
Gerhard Häring
- OverflowError in pyPgSQL when accessing tables with many rows
Gerhard Häring
- Login Script
Gerhard Häring
- Get the filenames in a directory and its subdirectories
Gerhard Häring
- Memory Address' of Python Objects
Gerhard Häring
- import/from import question
Gerhard Häring
- What am I doing wrong here?
Gerhard Häring
- What am I doing wrong here?
Gerhard Häring
- Partition names with Python
Gerhard Häring
- python/curator crashing on smb mounts
Thomas I
- interpreted
- interpreted
- June 2003: Manhattan Office, Retail and Industrial Space Update
- June 2003: Manhattan Office, Retail and Industrial Space Update
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Paolo Invernizzi
- Python v2.3 and dict.fromkeys() suggestion
Mark J
- Python v2.3 and dict.fromkeys() suggestion
Mark J
- Where is MySQLdb
Markus Jais
- twisted UDP port and REUSEADDR
Jaroslav Jakl
- Seeking wisdom on URI path parameters.
- europython wireless?
- nntplib body question
- nntplib body question
- [wanted] Python news threader/archiver
- Saving Files Under Windows
- Saving Files Under Windows
- Saving Files Under Windows
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
- Python Cannot be Killed
- [OT]
- sum(strings)
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
- multi-platform python app on cd
- add empty directory using zipfile?
- Piping data into Python on the command line - Windows 2000
- add empty directory using zipfile?
- add empty directory using zipfile?
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Helmut Jarausch
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Helmut Jarausch
- Bi-directional communication with external programs?
Helmut Jarausch
- compile cvs version with icc - howto
Helmut Jarausch
- regex question
Helmut Jarausch
- simple text filter
Helmut Jarausch
- Bug - where to report to ?
Helmut Jarausch
- printing non-ASCII characters - please explain
Helmut Jarausch
- [General lang] how to call a parent
Helmut Jarausch
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Helmut Jarausch
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Helmut Jarausch
- problem: saving files in IDLE
Helmut Jarausch
- Problems with win32pdh
Eric Jensen
- Python as a Language Choice
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- idle on linux
Zac Jensen
- Execute a process as a specific user
Zac Jensen
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
Zac Jensen
- pythonCOM with Flash
Zac Jensen
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
Zac Jensen
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
Zac Jensen
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Zac Jensen
- Calling scripts from within scripts, is this possible?
Zac Jensen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Zac Jensen
- popen3 child_stdin
Zac Jensen
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Zac Jensen
- Cannot build Tk under RedHat
Zac Jensen
- Need some quick help here...
Zac Jensen
- long-term release schedule?
Zac Jensen
- Need some quick help here...
Zac Jensen
- cut off \n
Boštjan Jerko
- GC time debug...
David Jeske
- GC time debug...
David Jeske
- [OT] Was: Re: State of Python
Michael S. Jessop
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Andy Jewell
- IDLE bug
Andy Jewell
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Andy Jewell
- Using ftplib to upload a file to a server....
Andy Jewell
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Andy Jewell
- New to Python...feedback?
Andy Jewell
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Andy Jewell
- Using Python as a tool for testing homogeneous systems
Andy Jewell
- Using Python as a tool for testing homogeneous systems
Andy Jewell
- sys.settrace() and stopping the Python interpreter
Francis Joanis
- Raising an exception from a multithreaded embedded Python interpreter trace function
Francis Joanis
- simple text filter
Curly Joe
- index(x)
Curly Joe
- How to find if a file is executable
Curly Joe
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Curly Joe
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Curly Joe
- can someone find me the canvas.py file?
Curly Joe
- string.find does not work in file
Curly Joe
- error exiting mainloop in tkinter
Curly Joe
- Algorithm help per favore
Curly Joe
- 1== 1 is False?
Curly Joe
- Pre Python
Bror Johansson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- XMLRPC Authentication
Justin Johnson
- signal handling oddity
Justin Johnson
- signal handling oddity
Justin Johnson
- signal handling oddity
Justin Johnson
- signal handling oddity
Justin Johnson
- Changing File Permissions
Justin Johnson
- Changing File Permissions
Justin Johnson
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
Justin Johnson
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
Justin Johnson
- Cmd output and status in one call on Windows
Justin Johnson
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
Justin Johnson
- pack and unpack problems
Justin Johnson
- pack and unpack problems
Justin Johnson
- pack and unpack problems
Justin Johnson
- pack and unpack problems
Justin Johnson
- struct.pack and perl's 'B' code for bitstrings
Justin Johnson
- struct.pack and perl's 'B' code for bitstrings
Justin Johnson
- horribly slimy segault c-extension
Lyle Johnson
- cPickle.load() question
Dan Jones
- cPickle.load() question
Dan Jones
- Examples of descriptors?
Edward C. Jones
- Is there a better way of coding this?
Edward C. Jones
- Is there a better way of coding this?
Edward C. Jones
- Setting a class attribute given its name
Edward C. Jones
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised / windows vs linux?
Irmen de Jong
- A Python application server?
Irmen de Jong
- A Python application server?
Irmen de Jong
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Irmen de Jong
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Irmen de Jong
- A Python application server?
Irmen de Jong
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Irmen de Jong
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Irmen de Jong
- cPickle.load() question
Irmen de Jong
- cPickle.load() question
Irmen de Jong
- Compiling on XP home
Irmen de Jong
- Strange problem with notebook computer
Irmen de Jong
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Irmen de Jong
- Why is lambda so slow?
Irmen de Jong
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Irmen de Jong
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Irmen de Jong
- Where is bobo?
Irmen de Jong
- Call a Python file with parameters
Irmen de Jong
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Irmen de Jong
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Irmen de Jong
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Irmen de Jong
- Python articles
Irmen de Jong
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Irmen de Jong
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Irmen de Jong
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
Irmen de Jong
- [OT]
Irmen de Jong
Irmen de Jong
- Executable pyhton script
Irmen de Jong
- "eval" function
Irmen de Jong
- Staying Connected to a POP3/SMTP Server
Irmen de Jong
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Irmen de Jong
- socket programming project
Irmen de Jong
- socket programming project
Irmen de Jong
- Using Python as a tool for testing homogeneous systems
Irmen de Jong
- File sharing
Irmen de Jong
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Irmen de Jong
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Irmen de Jong
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Irmen de Jong
- File sharing
Irmen de Jong
- To get all property of a class?
Irmen de Jong
- strings
Irmen de Jong
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 30)
Irmen de Jong
- Staying Connected to a POP3/SMTP Server
Amos Joshua
- Staying Connected to a POP3/SMTP Server
Amos Joshua
- Find & Replace in Zope
Andreas Jung
- finding origin of names
Andreas Jung
- Where is bobo?
Andreas Jung
- [General lang] how to call a parent
Andreas Jung
- sum(strings)
Andreas Jung
- Run a linux program through python
Andreas Jung
- d.keys() and d.values()
Andreas Jung
- Have I broken my installation?
Andreas Jung
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Jung
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Jung
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Jung
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
Thomas Jung
- swig and init_module or initmodule, windows XP
- Defensive programming
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
- Interactive mode
- query
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
- Characters in Python
- cPickle.load() question
- Characters in Python
- cut off \n
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
- Matching C integer constants with re
- a clean way to define dictionary
- os.listdir()
- os.listdir()
- DBI and DBDs 4 Python
- list.remove(): bug ??
Christian Kaenzig
- ANNOUNCE: IDLEfork-0.9b1 Released
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Peter van Kampen
- idle /idlefork slackware
Chris Kassopulo
- Need pointer to cxx_extensions
Paul Keating
- wxPython + wxGrid + data shape change.
Brian Kelley
- Exposing object model in Python?
Brian Kelley
- Excuting scripts question
- Excuting scripts question
- Excuting scripts question
- Excuting scripts question
- Excuting scripts question
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- easily immobilize PythonWin
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- can we have a filecmp.cmp() that accept a different buffer size?
- a clean way to define dictionary
- a clean way to define dictionary
- a clean way to define dictionary
- thinkings on shallow copy
- thinkings on shallow copy
- thinkings on shallow copy
- thinkings on shallow copy
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Alan Kennedy
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Alan Kennedy
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Alan Kennedy
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Alan Kennedy
- Yield inside try...finally
Alan Kennedy
- Variable Modifications in a class
Alan Kennedy
- Yield inside try...finally
Alan Kennedy
- Yield inside try...finally
Alan Kennedy
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Alan Kennedy
- Yield inside try...finally
Alan Kennedy
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Alan Kennedy
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
Alan Kennedy
- How to get the hostname?
Alan Kennedy
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Alan Kennedy
- xmlrpc ssl (slightly embarrassing, long post)
Alan Kennedy
- proxy to monitor http requests
Alan Kennedy
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Alan Kennedy
- OT: dav/webdav uri scheme?
Alan Kennedy
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Alan Kennedy
- Newbie question on C extensions!
Alan Kennedy
- Recall last result
Alan Kennedy
- Recall last result
Alan Kennedy
- xmlrpc client on windows + https: error
Alan Kennedy
- cut off \n
Alan Kennedy
- read a unicode file
Alan Kennedy
- read a unicode file
Alan Kennedy
- File reading using delimiters
Alan Kennedy
- read a unicode file
Alan Kennedy
- Webhosting with Python support
Alan Kennedy
- Sockets and threads
Alan Kennedy
- File type recognition
Alan Kennedy
- Your Suggestion for a OOP beginner to learn Python and Java
Alan Kennedy
- Sockets and threads
Alan Kennedy
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
Alan Kennedy
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
Alan Kennedy
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
Alan Kennedy
- class variable declarations...
Alan Kennedy
- Newbie: Where to start with cgi?
Alan Kennedy
- Big dictionary manipulation
Alan Kennedy
- urllib2: non-ascii characters in url
Alan Kennedy
- The socket operation could not complete without blocking
Alan Kennedy
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Alan Kennedy
- XML in python
Alan Kennedy
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Alan Kennedy
- bug in urllib2/python23 ?
Alan Kennedy
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
- minidom toxml() not emitting attribute namespace qualifier
Alan Kennedy
- minidom toxml() not emitting attribute namespace qualifier
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Alan Kennedy
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Alan Kennedy
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Alan Kennedy
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Alan Kennedy
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Kevin Kenny
- Python - Execute more programs
Krisztian Kepes
- Exposing object model in Python?
Robert Kern
- passing a C struct to Python and back
- passing a C struct to Python and back
- Yet another threading question...
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Max Khesin
- PIL + bump map
Max Khesin
- reading/writing files in windows
Max Khesin
- pickling from C
Max Khesin
- pickling from C
Max Khesin
- go buy 'text processing in python'
Max Khesin
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
Max Khesin
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
Max Khesin
- Need urgent solution......................
Max Khesin
- Need urgent solution......................
Max Khesin
- random picks from a list
Max Khesin
- Glue code
Max Khesin
- The beauty of Python
Max Khesin
- The beauty of Python
Max Khesin
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
Sheila King
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
Sheila King
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sheila King
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sheila King
- Prolog-style unification?
Ype Kingma
- Prolog-style unification?
Ype Kingma
- subclassing Thread and start
Ype Kingma
- jython type coercion to interface type
Ype Kingma
- jython and PYTHONPATH
Ype Kingma
- cgi module does not work fully with XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD
M. Kirchhoff
- jython type coercion to interface type
Harald Kirsch
- jython type coercion to interface type
Harald Kirsch
- jython and PYTHONPATH
Harald Kirsch
- destructors, exceptions and the lock guard paradigm
Ron Samuel Klatchko
- Integrating PHP & Python through a light-weight rpc mechanism?
Iwan van der Kleyn
- Criteria for which Batteries are Included ?
Iwan van der Kleyn
- Using ftplib to upload a file to a server....
Iwan van der Kleyn
- ANNOUNCE: SCons goes beta w/release 0.90, adds Visual Studio support
Steven Knight
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Wojciech Kocjan
- Buid error on Python 2.1.3 for Solaris 8
Andrew Koenig
- preventing creation of instance
Mirko Koenig
- preventing creation of instance
Mirko Koenig
- preventing creation of instance
Mirko Koenig
- Help with dictionary
Thorsten Kohnhorst
- Screenshots
Thorsten Kohnhorst
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Christopher Koppler
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Christopher Koppler
- Newbie on importing
Christopher Koppler
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Christopher Koppler
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Axel Kowald
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Axel Kowald
- "Invert" regular expression matching
Martin Krallinger
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- stupid question about os.listdir
Jason Kratz
- xmlrpc server on red hat 9 question
Jason Kratz
- xmlrpc server on red hat 9 question
Jason Kratz
- Pythonwin - F5 and running scripts w/o debug
Greg Krohn
- wxPython: wxNotebooks inside wxSplitterWindow
Greg Krohn
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
A.M. Kuchling
- FOAF-parser??
A.M. Kuchling
A.M. Kuchling
A.M. Kuchling
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
A.M. Kuchling
- ANN: Self-guided instruction docs for Python
Dave Kuhlman
- cut off \n
Dave Kuhlman
Dave Kuhlman
- Python articles
Dave Kuhlman
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Dave Kuhlman
- File sharing
Dave Kuhlman
- Something strange with python 2.2.1 under RedHat 8.0
Richard Kuhns
- Java Class Loading into Jython
Ranjith Kumar
- Java Class Loading into Jython
Ranjith Kumar
- Partially solved Pmw.ScrolledCanvas issues.....
Suresh Kumar
- (no subject)
Suresh Kumar
- Need urgent solution......................
Suresh Kumar
- (no subject)
Suresh Kumar
- Cnavas rectangle filling......................
Suresh Kumar
- Canvas rectangle filling
Suresh Kumar
- Canvas rectangle filling
Suresh Kumar
- tkSimpleDialog box question............
Suresh Kumar
- Using more than one tag in 'find_withtag'...........
Suresh Kumar
- Stroing tkinter screen as PNG file..............
Suresh Kumar
- Problem in storing tkinter canvas as PNG file using ImageGrab.grab
Suresh Kumar
- Needs urgent solution................
Suresh Kumar
- Whre is my object ??
King Kuta
- Whre is my object ??
King Kuta
- Handling kill signals
Erno Kuusela
- File reading using delimiters
- calldll
Vincent L
- threads duplicated on fork() prevent child from terminating
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
- Placing controls, wxWindows
John Ladasky
- Need help optimizing first script
Frederic Lafleche
- Need help optimizing first script
Frederic Lafleche
Cameron Laird
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cameron Laird
- Alternatives to Python ?
Cameron Laird
- Is python good for making database work short?
Cameron Laird
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Cameron Laird
- Python and Jython
Cameron Laird
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 24)
Cameron Laird
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Cameron Laird
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Tino Lange
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Nicola Larosa
- Python-ASP
- Python as a Language Choice
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
- Python as a Language Choice
- Algorithm help per favore
- Algorithm help per favore
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
- Python and Databases
Bradley D. Larson
- Twisted
Uwe Laverenz
- Webhosting with Python support
Tim Lavoie
- os.path weirdness
Jeff Layton
- os.path weirdness
Jeff Layton
- Python Cannot be Killed
Brett Leach
- FW: (no subject)
Inyeol Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J Lee
- os.system question
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
John J. Lee
- JavaScript parser in Python
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- Why is error message value "disappearing"?
John J. Lee
- simple, old-style graphic ?
John J. Lee
- Error checking in Python
John J. Lee
- ANN: Set-like methods on dicts
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- interpreted
John J. Lee
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
John J. Lee
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
John J. Lee
- Module like Perl's Date::Calc
John J. Lee
- Documentation Tool & UML
John J. Lee
- Curses-based replacement for Dataflex (was: hi)
John J. Lee
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
John J. Lee
- Is it possible to change Content-type?
John J. Lee
- [ANNOUNCE] PyKota v1.08 is out
John J. Lee
John J. Lee
- pythonCOM with Flash
John J. Lee
- How to pause within a thread
John J. Lee
- pythonCOM with Flash
John J. Lee
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
John J. Lee
- When is unit-testing bad? [was: Re: does lack of type...]
John J. Lee
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
John J. Lee
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
John J. Lee
- [long] Comments on urllib2 extensions?
John J. Lee
- The beauty of Python
John J. Lee
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
John J. Lee
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
John J. Lee
- parsing complex web pages
John J. Lee
- RPM bind and TGZ bind
John J. Lee
- urllib2: non-ascii characters in url
John J. Lee
- parsing complex web pages
John J. Lee
- ftplib question
John J. Lee
- ftplib question
John J. Lee
- Need help optimizing first script
John J. Lee
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
John J. Lee
- include files?
John J. Lee
- os.path weirdness
John J. Lee
- thinkings on shallow copy
John J. Lee
- Need help optimizing first script
John J. Lee
- Need help optimizing first script
John J. Lee
- include files?
John J. Lee
- bug in urllib2/python23 ?
John J. Lee
- Newbie on importing
John J. Lee
- Win32Com question - Property Let in VB
John J. Lee
- embedded db in python app?
John J. Lee
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
John J. Lee
- how do you learn python APIs?
John J. Lee
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
John J. Lee
- Alternatives to Python ?
John J. Lee
- Questions re subclassing at "load time"
John J. Lee
- License Question
John J. Lee
- python hash function
John J. Lee
- multi-platform python app on cd
John J. Lee
- parsers / lexers usable from Python and Java (and C++/C)?
John J. Lee
- parsers / lexers usable from Python and Java (and C++/C)?
John J. Lee
- multi-platform python app on cd
John J. Lee
- sets.filter?
John J. Lee
- Check your Wikis
John J. Lee
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
John J. Lee
- parsers / lexers usable from Python and Java (and C++/C)?
John J. Lee
- copy an object
John J. Lee
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
John J. Lee
- How to upload a file with httplib?
John J. Lee
- Inputbox with win32api?
John J. Lee
- strings
John J. Lee
- (no subject)
Leeds, Mark
- another question
Leeds, Mark
- FW: (no subject)
Leeds, Mark
- Python articles
David Lees
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Sean Legassick
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Sean Legassick
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Sean Legassick
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Ronald Legere
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Ronald Legere
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Ronald Legere
- New to Python...feedback?
Ronald Legere
- idle on linux
Dave Lehman
- Oracle 9i Lite and ODBC
M.-A. Lemburg
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Gilles Lenfant
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Gilles Lenfant
- shebang strange thing...
Gilles Lenfant
- shebang strange thing...
Gilles Lenfant
- shebang strange thing...
Gilles Lenfant
- CGI and Unicode
Gilles Lenfant
- Trying To Get Python To Run on Apache v2.0.4.6 on Windows
Brian Lenihan
- shebang strange thing...
Brian Lenihan
- shebang strange thing...
Brian Lenihan
- python IDLE on win2000 doesn't startup
- python IDLE on win2000 doesn't startup
- thanks! (was Re: python IDLE on win2000 doesn't startup)
- Tcl isn't installed properly: directory structure wrong
- Is python good for making database work short?
Francois Lepoutre
- Python vs emacs (again...)
Tim Lesher
- Big dictionary manipulation
Pawel Lewicki
- Big dictionary manipulation
Pawel Lewicki
- PySerial rereads its own data
Chris Liechti
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Chris Liechti
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Chris Liechti
- Changing properties of a class instance widget
Mark Light
- win32ui.CreatePrintDialog argument question
Howard Lightstone
- Ecartis command results: -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --
RPI Computer Science ListServ
- can't import MySQldb on OS X
Alan Little
- Decoding ADSI/Com errors
Dan Locks
- Piping data into Python on the command line - Windows 2000
Christian Long
- Size of Cygwin's distribution
Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
- Size of Cygwin's distribution
Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
Erik de Castro Lopo
- How to use Sun's CC with distutils?
Tom Loredo
- Defensive programming
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Defensive programming
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Defensive programming
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Twisted Panglossia
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- pickling from C
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Rudeness with names
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- comprehending comprehensions
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Diamond inheritance with str
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Is python good for making database work short?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- sum(strings)
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- sum(strings)
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Find a substring withing a string...
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- XML (fwd)
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Howto: extract a 'column' from a list of lists into a new list?
Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters
- Bug? print statement ends with ',' print a new line
- Documentation Tool & UML
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
- Windows - getting Tkinter or wxPython window handle?
Austin Luminais
- wxPython vs Tkinter for imaging front end GUI???
Fredrik Lundh
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Fredrik Lundh
- PIL and py2exe Issues
Fredrik Lundh
- Screenshots
Fredrik Lundh
- list.index
Fredrik Lundh
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Fredrik Lundh
- Copying Files
Fredrik Lundh
- replacing tags
Fredrik Lundh
- Bug? print statement ends with ',' print a new line
Fredrik Lundh
- Python Tkinter question
Fredrik Lundh
- Tkinter ->> selected mouse text
Fredrik Lundh
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Fredrik Lundh
- PEP-317
Fredrik Lundh
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Fredrik Lundh
- Break line across lines (not in '[]' or '{}')?
Fredrik Lundh
- Access "slot" field dynamically?
Fredrik Lundh
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Fredrik Lundh
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Fredrik Lundh
- http connection via proxy server
Fredrik Lundh
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Fredrik Lundh
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
Fredrik Lundh
- Why does this work in jython and not in python?
Fredrik Lundh
- daily python URL needs to have archives.
Fredrik Lundh
- Btrieve/C-extension question
Fredrik Lundh
- Btrieve/C-extension question
Fredrik Lundh
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Fredrik Lundh
- Stroing tkinter screen as PNG file..............
Fredrik Lundh
- Embedded Python and Tkinter / win32gui
Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh
- printing Unicode characters during telnet session
Fredrik Lundh
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Fredrik Lundh
- New style class & Old style class in Python
Fredrik Lundh
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Fredrik Lundh
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Fredrik Lundh
- filedescriptor out of range in select()
Fredrik Lundh
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Fredrik Lundh
- catch non-blocking socket exceptions
Fredrik Lundh
- Something strange with python 2.2.1 under RedHat 8.0
Fredrik Lundh
- shebang strange thing...
Fredrik Lundh
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
Fredrik Lundh
- win32ui screen capture
Fredrik Lundh
- output
Fredrik Lundh
- Namespacedifference reading - writing ??
Fredrik Lundh
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Fredrik Lundh
- Exposing object model in Python?
Fredrik Lundh
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Fredrik Lundh
- Exposing object model in Python?
Fredrik Lundh
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Fredrik Lundh
- How to memoize functions?
Fredrik Lundh
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Fredrik Lundh
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Fredrik Lundh
- lists and tuples
Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh
- XML (fwd)
Fredrik Lundh
- (Numeric) should -7 % 5 = -2 ?
Fredrik Lundh
- Get the filenames in a directory and its subdirectories
Fredrik Lundh
- Placing entry widgets on a canvas in Tkinter
Fredrik Lundh
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Chris Lyon
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Chris Lyon
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
Chris Lyon
- OT: swearing (was: RE: OnFileOpent(self, event))
Chris Lyon
- python2.0, _socket module, builtin, compile
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- GIL and uniprocessor machines
Martin v. Löwis
- nntplib body question
Martin v. Löwis
- How to use Sun's CC with distutils?
Martin v. Löwis
- How do I obtain the filenames' encoding after os.listdir?
Martin v. Löwis
- Tcl isn't installed properly: directory structure wrong
Martin v. Löwis
- 64 bit python
Martin v. Löwis
- 64 bit python
Martin v. Löwis
- 64 bit python
Martin v. Löwis
- Characters in Python
Martin v. Löwis
- 64 bit python
Martin v. Löwis
- Characters in Python
Martin v. Löwis
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Martin v. Löwis
- python/curator crashing on smb mounts
Martin v. Löwis
- 64 bit python on AIX -- dynload_aix problem
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Martin v. Löwis
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- Characters in Python
Martin v. Löwis
- Kerberos authentication for IMAP?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Martin v. Löwis
- read a unicode file
Martin v. Löwis
- Octets calculation?
Martin v. Löwis
- read a unicode file
Martin v. Löwis
- UTF-16 encoding line breaks?
Martin v. Löwis
- UTF-16 encoding line breaks?
Martin v. Löwis
- problems compiling 2.3 on solaris with --enable-shared
Martin v. Löwis
- Writing tkinter application with hebrew text
Martin v. Löwis
- Possible install bug in Python 2.3b1? (Python 2.2 still in the registry)
Martin v. Löwis
- ftplib help
Martin v. Löwis
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Martin v. Löwis
- Displaying IPA characters in Tkinter
Martin v. Löwis
- minidom question from a newbie
Martin v. Löwis
- How to recognize a generator function?
Martin v. Löwis
- Alternatives to Python ?
Martin v. Löwis
- Installing Python on Solaris 9
Martin v. Löwis
- sourceforge problems
Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis
- sourceforge problems
Martin v. Löwis
- dynamic creating of class
Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis
- Python 2.2.3 test_re.py fails with coredump on FreeBSD 5.0, fails also on FreeBSD4.8
Martin v. Löwis
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis
- rexec safe with Python 2.1?
Martin v. Löwis
- Got it: printing Unicode characters during telnet session
Martin v. Löwis
- Compiling Python with Tkinter and win32gui
Martin v. Löwis
- OT: RfD for German Newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python
Martin v. Löwis
- Tkiniter proposed enhancement; anybody care?
Martin v. Löwis
- Will bsddb changes in 2.3 affect shelve files?
Martin v. Löwis
- Have I broken my installation?
Martin v. Löwis
- Have I broken my installation?
Martin v. Löwis
- using extended built-in types
Martin v. Löwis
- get_file_size
Martin v. Löwis
- Q on document Unifying types and classes in Python
Martin v. Löwis
- IDLE raw_input() and unicode
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Need help to grok c extension that needs to use callbacks with data
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Installing Python on Solaris 9
"Martin v. Löwis"
"Martin v. Löwis"
- SAX API for Python Vs Pyxie
"Martin v. Löwis"
- cvs checkout question
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Help: printing Unicode characters during telnet session
"Martin v. Löwis"
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Max M
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
Max M
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
Max M
- Python-ASP
Max M
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Max M
- cgi getlist() problem (my first python program)
Max M
- 1== 1 is False?
Max M
- ASP KeyboardInterrupt errors
Max M
- d.keys() and d.values()
Max M
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Max M
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Max M
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Max M
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Max M
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Max M
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
Max M
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
- Placing controls, wxWindows
- Platform-independent way to refer to execute path
- Platform-independent way to refer to execute path
- Exposing object model in Python?
- Exposing object model in Python?
- Exposing object model in Python?
- shlex last token
Peter Maas
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Peter Maas
- multi-platform python app on cd
Peter Maas
- multi-platform python app on cd
Peter Maas
- Python IO performance?
Andrew MacIntyre
- Python IO performance?
Andrew MacIntyre
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Andrew MacIntyre
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Andrew MacIntyre
- Anyone using Venster?
Andrew MacIntyre
- Does current Python2.3CVS work on FreeBSD5.1 or FreeBSD5-current?
Andrew MacIntyre
- Python 2.2.3 test_re.py fails with coredump on FreeBSD 5.0, fails also on FreeBSD4.8
Andrew MacIntyre
- simple text filter
John Machin
- insert thousands separators
John Machin
- Re/Unresolved bug?
John Machin
- Newbie to Python
Rui Maciel
- Global variable oddness w/short code example
Geoffrey Mainland
- reading files in folder
Geoffrey Mainland
- When is unit-testing bad? [was: Re: does lack of type...]
Edvard Majakari
- re module
Mathieu Malaterre
- list.remove(): bug ??
Mathieu Malaterre
- list.remove(): bug ??
Mathieu Malaterre
- ICFP Programming Contest (ii)
Ketil Malde
- Contest Registration (was: Re: ICFP Programming Contest (ii))
Ketil Z Malde
- Replace for Goto
Martin Maney
- Python Bible recommendations?
Martin Maney
- Check your Wikis
Martin Maney
- Newbie wordnet and pywordnet
Dwi Sianto Mansjur
- Play a short sound...
- Play a short sound...
- Play a short sound...
- Play a short sound...
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Alessandro de Manzano
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Alessandro de Manzano
- Executable pyhton script
Yun Mao
- Simulte user input using doctest
Bartolomé Sintes Marco
- PIL and transparency in IE
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Torsten Marek
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Torsten Marek
- locale.py strangeness
Torsten Marek
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
- Submitting a Form with Querystring as action
- Memory Address' of Python Objects
Peter Markowsky
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Joshua Marshall
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Joshua Marshall
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Joshua Marshall
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Joshua Marshall
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Joshua Marshall
- Module like Perl's Date::Calc
Roy Marteen
- PyProtocols 0.9 (PEP 246)
Alex Martelli
- feature request: mul
Alex Martelli
- Zip imports on python 2.2?
Alex Martelli
- vector subscripts in Python?
Alex Martelli
- inheritance
Alex Martelli
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Alex Martelli
- python.dll
Alex Martelli
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Alex Martelli
- raw strings under windows
Alex Martelli
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Alex Martelli
- getting info out of a list.
Alex Martelli
- printing non-ASCII characters - please explain
Alex Martelli
- timeit
Alex Martelli
- Large File Parsing
Alex Martelli
- raw strings under windows
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- passing a C struct to Python and back
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Alex Martelli
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- non-implicit globals -- missing feature
Alex Martelli
- Newbie question concerning map functionality
Alex Martelli
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alex Martelli
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alex Martelli
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- Algorithm help per favore
Alex Martelli
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
Alex Martelli
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alex Martelli
- Alternatives to Python ?
Alex Martelli
- Algorithm help per favore
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- Idle font to small (RedHat)
Alex Martelli
- sum(strings)
Alex Martelli
- sum(strings)
Alex Martelli
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alex Martelli
- sum(strings)
Alex Martelli
- Term: comparison operators?
Alex Martelli
- Reading a binary file
Sorin Marti
- Reading a binary file
Sorin Marti
- Reading a binary file
Sorin Marti
- Python and Jython
Mulugeta Maru
- Python and Jython
Mulugeta Maru
- Python and Jython
Mulugeta Maru
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Adrien Di Mascio
- python bibliography manager. Newbie.
Harald Massa
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Harald Massa
- RTF editor in Python
Harald Armin Massa
- Need help with a simple server
Graeme Matthew
- Passing a pooled database connection down an object model
Graeme Matthew
- CGI to xml
Graeme Matthew
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Graeme Matthew
- Python & CGI. HELP please...
Graeme Matthew
- CGI to xml
Graeme Matthew
- saving a excel sheet as a csv file
Graeme Matthew
- SocketServer - Connection Reset By Peer (Randomly)
Graeme Matthew
- How to send an email with an attached file ?
Graeme Matthew
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
- Execute a process as a specific user
- Execute a process as a specific user
- Execute a process as a specific user (OT)
- comprehending comprehensions
- comprehending comprehensions
- for a in range(1000000) :
- for a in range(1000000) :
- Algorithm help per favore
- Find a substring withing a string...
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Michael Mayhew
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Steve McAllister
- (newbie)list conversion problem
Steve McAllister
- ftplib question
Steve McAllister
- sum(strings)
Steve McAllister
- sum(strings)
Steve McAllister
- sum(strings)
Steve McAllister
- shebang strange thing...
Steve McAllister
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Steve McAllister
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
Steve McAllister
- how to create module documentation: gendoc? pythondoc? other?
Jeff McCarrell
- Hardware take on software testing.
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
- random function with strings
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
- Metasyntax/Macros
Paddy McCarthy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Paddy McCarthy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Paddy McCarthy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Paddy McCarthy
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
Ian McConnell
- Newbie Surprises (was:Re: Whre is my object ??)
Paul McNett
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Paul McNett
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Paul McNett
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Paul McNett
- How to reply????
Paul McNett
- PyQt: Suppressing the header in a ListView
Paul McNett
- Is python good for making database work short?
Paul McNett
- Is python good for making database work short?
Paul McNett
- Is python good for making database work short?
Paul McNett
- Is python good for making database work short?
Paul McNett
- Using ftplib to upload a file to a server....
Francois Meehan
- Using ftplib to upload a file to a server, solved
Francois Meehan
- Variable Modifications in a class
Mehta, Anish
- Variable Modifications in a class
Mehta, Anish
- Python grammer and student projects
Roman Meisl
- Question about Python-Grammar
Roman Meisl
- Question about Python-Grammar
Roman Meisl
- nntplib body question
Peter Melchart
- nntplib body question
Peter Melchart
- nntplib body question
Peter Melchart
- XMLRPC Authentication
Troy Melhase
- XMLRPC Authentication
Troy Melhase
- Documentation Tool & UML
Troy Melhase
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
Troy Melhase
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Troy Melhase
- preventing creation of instance
Troy Melhase
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
Troy Melhase
- struct.pack and perl's 'B' code for bitstrings
Troy Melhase
- distutils won't add data file to package dir
Michael Mell
- signal SIGUSR1 should send a byte via socket
Richard Mertens
- How to replace the metaclasses of all the classes imported
David Mertz
- Twisted Panglossia
David Mertz
- Twisted Panglossia
David Mertz
- Twisted Panglossia
David Mertz
- solving the metaclass conflict
David Mertz
- solving the metaclass conflict
David Mertz
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
David Mertz
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
David Mertz
- Easiest Python Web board?
David Mertz
- Easiest Python Web board? (fwd)
David Mertz
- Twisted article on dW
David Mertz
- Twisted article on dW
David Mertz
David Mertz
- "for line in fd" twice
Damien Metzler
- Add methods to a class dynamically
Damien Metzler
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Tony Meyer
- Characters in Python
Tony Meyer
- Your Suggestion for a OOP beginner to learn Python and Java
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
- WTF is Fibonnacci
- List of lists
- List of lists
- List of lists
- Zlib dictionary
- Zlib dictionary
- idle /idlefork slackware
Rick Miles
- idle /idlefork slackware
Rick Miles
- Defensive programming
Paul Miller
- Python database integration with FileMaker on Macintosh?
Paul Miller
- Jython anyone?
Peter Milliken
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Frank Millman
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Frank Millman
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Frank Millman
- MSW crash with <refcnt 0 at ...>
Frank Millman
- Why does this work in jython and not in python?
Roman Milner
- Problems retreiving double from database
Thunder Perfect Mind
- Problems retreiving double from database
Thunder Perfect Mind
- win32ui screen capture
Me Mine
- win32ui screen capture
Me Mine
- win32ui screen capture
Me Mine
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
Ben Minton
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
Ben Minton
- Simple Script to Combine/Seperate Lines of Text
Ben Minton
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Skip Montanaro
- Buid error on Python 2.1.3 for Solaris 8
Skip Montanaro
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Skip Montanaro
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Skip Montanaro
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
Skip Montanaro
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Skip Montanaro
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Saving Lists as BLOB
Skip Montanaro
- (no subject)
Skip Montanaro
- another question
Skip Montanaro
- Persistent sets
Skip Montanaro
- Persistent sets
Skip Montanaro
- diff --brief
Skip Montanaro
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
Skip Montanaro
- Integrating PHP & Python through a light-weight rpc mechanism?
Skip Montanaro
- Python vs emacs (again...)
Skip Montanaro
- cut off \n
Skip Montanaro
- Error checking in Python
Skip Montanaro
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Skip Montanaro
- PyUNO connection to OpenOffice
Skip Montanaro
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Skip Montanaro
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Skip Montanaro
- finding unused variables in Python code
Skip Montanaro
- Octets calculation?
Skip Montanaro
- can we have a filecmp.cmp() that accept a different buffer size?
Skip Montanaro
- Matching C integer constants with re
Skip Montanaro
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Skip Montanaro
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Skip Montanaro
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Skip Montanaro
- comprehending comprehensions
Skip Montanaro
- Python articles
Skip Montanaro
- analyzing lock contention in multi-threaded app?
Skip Montanaro
- analyzing lock contention in multi-threaded app?
Skip Montanaro
- a clean way to define dictionary
Skip Montanaro
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
Skip Montanaro
- Why does this work in jython and not in python?
Skip Montanaro
- a clean way to define dictionary
Skip Montanaro
- Algorithm help per favore
Skip Montanaro
- Algorithm help per favore
Skip Montanaro
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Skip Montanaro
- parsing complex web pages
Skip Montanaro
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Skip Montanaro
- error loading files containing nullbytes w/ urllib?
Skip Montanaro
- testing two lists for equality
Skip Montanaro
- sourceforge problems
Skip Montanaro
- testing two lists for equality
Skip Montanaro
- Using OS time
Skip Montanaro
- Persist Python objects to a MySQL database?
Skip Montanaro
- python hash function
Skip Montanaro
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Skip Montanaro
- Platform-independent way to refer to execute path
Skip Montanaro
- Check your Wikis
Skip Montanaro
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
Skip Montanaro
- regex plea for help
Skip Montanaro
- pygresql
Skip Montanaro
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Lee John Moore
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Lee John Moore
- class variable declarations...
Lee John Moore
- class variable declarations...
Lee John Moore
- class variable declarations...
Lee John Moore
- class variable declarations...
Lee John Moore
- Twisted - extending portforward (simple example)
Paul Moore
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Carlos Moreira
- RPM bind and TGZ bind
Carlos Moreira
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Carlos Moreira
- Python & CGI. HELP please...
Enrico Morelli
- Python & CGI. HELP please...
Enrico Morelli
- Sockets and threads
Byron Morgan
- isFloat: Without Exception-Handling
Byron Morgan
- Sockets and threads
Byron Morgan
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Byron Morgan
- Zlib dictionary
Byron Morgan
- SocketServer class - basis problem
Byron Morgan
- python hash function
Damien Morton
- pythonCOM with Flash
Guyon Morée
- pythonCOM with Flash
Guyon Morée
- pythonCOM with Flash
Guyon Morée
- Anyone using Venster?
Guyon Morée
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Guyon Morée
- Have I broken my installation?
Matt Mower
- Have I broken my installation?
Matt Mower
- Have I broken my installation?
Matt Mower
- Have I broken my installation?
Matt Mower
- Have I broken my installation?
Matt Mower
- Python fot medium/large size projects
Gerrit Muller
- Distutils question
Richard Muller
- Is there a better way of coding this?
Anders J. Munch
- Defensive programming
Anders J. Munch
- mod_python + Spyce
Ivica Munitić
- (no subject)
Robin Munn
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Robin Munn
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Robin Munn
- Accented cahrs in PythonWin
Robin Munn
- handling errors
Robin Munn
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Robin Munn
- Updating SQL table problems with python
Robin Munn
- Windows - getting Tkinter or wxPython window handle?
- JOB: Python Technical Lead, New York, NY
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Alex A. Naanou
- Bi-directional communication with external programs?
Norbert Nemec
- Python in Central Florida
Michael Nescio
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Chad Netzer
- changing icon of a Tkinter window
Chad Netzer
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Chad Netzer
- Tkinter problem
Chad Netzer
- xrange
Chad Netzer
- Tkinter problem
Chad Netzer
- popen with linux: permission denied
Daniel Neugebauer
- Doubleclickling .pys script
Erich Neuwirth
- Recall last result
Erich Neuwirth
- error exiting mainloop in tkinter
- run a java program using python
Jason Ng
- Characters in Python
Terence Ng
- Characters in Python
Terence Ng
- Writing tkinter application with hebrew text
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Jon Nicoll
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Python articles
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Python articles
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Python articles
Gustavo Niemeyer
- OnFileOpent(self, event):
Frank Niessink
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Aki Niimura
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Aki Niimura
- Help: printing Unicode characters during telnet session
Pekka Niiranen
- Got it: printing Unicode characters during telnet session
Pekka Niiranen
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
- Scanning for local servers, getting a broadcast address
- File reading using delimiters
- Cmd output and status in one call on Windows
- 64 bit python on AIX -- dynload_aix problem
Neal Norwitz
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
Hans Nowak
- os.listdir()
Hans Nowak
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Hans Nowak
- Embedded Python and Tkinter / win32gui
Thomas Nücker
- 1== 1 is False?
Thomas Nücker
- Embedded Python and Tkinter / win32gui
Thomas Nücker
- Compiling Python with Tkinter and win32gui
Thomas Nücker
- os.system question
Jay O'Connor
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
Jay O'Connor
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Jay O'Connor
- Python IO performance?
Jay O'Connor
- DBI and DBDs 4 Python
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
John Ochiltree
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
John Ochiltree
- Python 2.3 - Is the release still on schedule?
John Ochiltree
- Python 2.3 - Is the release still on schedule?
John Ochiltree
- looking for a simple XML api for python
Uche Ogbuji
- A Python application server?
Brian Olsen
- "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" in Python?
Peter Olsen
- ezPyCrypto encryption using only public key problem.
Adrian St. Onge
- PIL installation problem on Mac OSX
Piet van Oostrum
- python-mode on OS X
Piet van Oostrum
- installing PIL on OSX
Piet van Oostrum
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Piet van Oostrum
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
Robert Oschler
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
Robert Oschler
- Prolog-style unification?
Robert Oschler
- Why is error message value "disappearing"?
Robert Oschler
- Make default superclass 'object' if not specified?
Robert Oschler
- Access "slot" field dynamically?
Robert Oschler
- go buy 'text processing in python'
Robert Oschler
- User rated list of Python modules?
Robert Oschler
- Access "slot" field dynamically?
Robert Oschler
- Break line across lines (not in '[]' or '{}')?
Robert Oschler
- Break line across lines (not in '[]' or '{}')?
Robert Oschler
- urlopen(), nntplib methods, and multi-threading?
Robert Oschler
- Persist Python objects to a MySQL database?
Robert Oschler
- Tkinter: Do you really need a "root"?
Russell E. Owen
- best idiom for wide try/except net?
Russell E. Owen
- Tkinter problem
Russell E. Owen
- cvs checkout question
Russell E. Owen
- cvs checkout question
Russell E. Owen
- Tkiniter proposed enhancement; anybody care?
Russell E. Owen
- Sort()
Turhan Ozen
- copy a class
Turhan Ozen
- copy a class
Turhan Ozen
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Martin P
- embedded db in python app?
Alessio Pace
- embedded db in python app?
Alessio Pace
- embedded db in python app?
Alessio Pace
- embedded db in python app?
Alessio Pace
- Porridge 0.0
Neil Padgen
- Documentation Tool & UML
Neil Padgen
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
Gary Pajer
Joona I Palaste
- Why it doesn't go ????
- Why it doesn't go ????
- Why it doesn't go ????
- Why it doesn't go ????
- Weirdness with tp_methods
John Paquin
- Editing a Binary File.
- Editing a Binary File.
- PLease help with my web site
Tassilo v. Parseval
- Looking for Info on installing Python and wxPython on a disk.
- Looking for Info on installing Python and wxPython on a disk.
- gc win32com server
Paul Paterson
- pty.spawn() problems
Christopher J. PeBenito
- (Numeric) should -7 % 5 = -2 ?
Louis M. Pecora
- distutils deficiency
David Pennington
- daily python URL needs to have archives.
Hunter Peress
- audio recording volunteers sought for europython
Hunter Peress
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Fernando Perez
- python bibliography manager. Newbie.
Fernando Perez
- Calling function in shared lib
Fernando Perez
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Fernando Perez
- Distutils question
Fernando Perez
- C or C++ in Python
Fernando Perez
- Recall last result
Fernando Perez
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Fernando Perez
- finding unused variables in Python code
Fernando Perez
- vector subscripts in Python?
Fernando Perez
- Glue code
Fernando Perez
- subclassing unittest.TestCase?
Fernando Perez
- Getting the CPU usage in a generic way across OSes
Fernando Perez
- Numeric or numarray?
Fernando Perez
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
Fernando Perez
- Some pythonic advice needed
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- comprehending comprehensions
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- a clean way to define dictionary
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Defensive programming
Tim Peters
- Defensive programming
Tim Peters
- long-term release schedule?
Tim Peters
- os.system() bug?
Tim Peters
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Tim Peters
- pickle vs cPickle: error is not raised at unpickle / windows vs linux (!) (repost)
Tim Peters
- long-term release schedule?
Tim Peters
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Tim Peters
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Tim Peters
- Possible install bug in Python 2.3b1? (Python 2.2 still in the registry)
Tim Peters
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Tim Peters
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Tim Peters
- Possible install bug in Python 2.3b1? (Python 2.2 still in the registry)
Tim Peters
- analyzing lock contention in multi-threaded app?
Tim Peters
- analyzing lock contention in multi-threaded app?
Tim Peters
- Python Cannot be Killed
Tim Peters
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
Tim Peters
- random function with strings
Tim Peters
- Python 2.3 - Is the release still on schedule?
Tim Peters
- GC time debug...
Tim Peters
- ExtensionClass/Persistent and __cmp__ is tricky
Tim Peters
- ExtensionClass/Persistent and __cmp__ is tricky
Tim Peters
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Kim Petersen
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Kim Petersen
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Kim Petersen
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Kim Petersen
- shebang strange thing...
Kim Petersen
- Binding socket to an address
Morten W. Petersen
- Binding socket to an address
Morten W. Petersen
- Zope with Apache on shared hosting account
Ulrich Petri
- Loop over list of pairs
Ulrich Petri
- Call a Python file with parameters
Ulrich Petri
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Ulrich Petri
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Ulrich Petri
- Handling kill signals
Ulrich Petri
- Documentation Tool & UML
Phoenix at Hell
- Documentation & UML Question
Phoenix at Hell
- Python 2.2.3 test_re.py fails with coredump on FreeBSD 5.0, fails also on FreeBSD4.8
- Does current Python2.3CVS work on FreeBSD5.1 or FreeBSD5-current?
- Is Python lightweight?
Rene Pijlman
- Help with dictionary
Anand Pillai
- PIL and py2exe Issues
Anand Pillai
- Factorials
Anand Pillai
- Go buy _Text Processing in Python_
Anand Pillai
- Factorials
Anand Pillai
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Anand Pillai
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Anand Pillai
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Anand Pillai
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Anand Pillai
- html on Python
Anand Pillai
- Reading a binary file
Anand Pillai
- wxPython Filedialog question
Anand Pillai
- manipulating PowerPoint with Python?
Anand Pillai
- Is it possible to write a Audio CD Player by using python only?
Anand Pillai
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
Francois Pinard
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
Francois Pinard
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
Francois Pinard
- Glue code
Francois Pinard
- Playing MIDI without a sound card! :-)
François Pinard
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
François Pinard
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
François Pinard
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
François Pinard
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
François Pinard
- Activating `-i' from inside a script?
François Pinard
- pymacs problem on load
François Pinard
- RELEASED: Pymacs 0.22
François Pinard
- Weird 'and' result...
Artur M. Piwko
- Weird 'and' result...
Artur M. Piwko
- import/from import question
Artur M. Piwko
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Tom Plunket
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Tom Plunket
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Tom Plunket
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Tom Plunket
- Check your Wikis
Tom Plunket
- wxPython.Fit() is funky.
Tom Plunket
- wxPython.Fit() is funky.
Tom Plunket
Dan Pop
Dan Pop
- cut off \n
Brett g Porter
- python.dll
Jacek Potrymajło
- Newbie question on C extensions!
- Newbie question on C extensions!
- On building Python with LCC-win32
- smtplib and SSL
Michael Prager
- smtplib and SSL
Michael Prager
- smtplib and SSL
Michael Prager
- smtplib and SSL
Michael Prager
Ajith Prasad
Ajith Prasad
- Reference for learning/using python & COM
John Precedo
- Jython and Java 3D - Has it been done?
Shaun Press
- Jython anyone?
Shaun Press
- Need help optimizing first script
Lonnie Princehouse
- tkinter urgent help request
Lonnie Princehouse
- Need help with a simple server
Sam Pro
- mxODBC, DriverConnect() but not on default DB?
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- KickAgent via wsh/python
Mark S Pryor
- Win32 and the MENUITEMINFO structure
Mark S Pryor
- win32ui screen capture
Mark S Pryor
- win32ui screen capture
Mark S Pryor
- pythonCOM with Flash
Henk Punt
- Venster mailing list
Henk Punt
- reinventing the web server
Pierre Quentel
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Brian Quinlan
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Brian Quinlan
- Whre is my object ??
Brian Quinlan
- Characters in Python
Brian Quinlan
- Python IO performance?
Ganesan R
- Python IO performance?
Ganesan R
- Java Class Loading into Jython
Ganesan R
- shebang strange thing...
Ganesan R
- looping
Lucas Raab
- Newbie in developping Webapplications needs tips.
Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, GE Interlogix)
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, GE Interlogix)
- Pythonwin toolbar dynamic buttons combobox
Ilariu Raducan
- PythonWin menu
Ilariu Raducan
- PythonWin menu
Ilariu Raducan
- Pythonwin CreateFormView CreateDlgBar string template
Ilariu Raducan
- PIL ImageWin.Dib.draw help
Ilariu Raducan
- PIL ImageWin.Dib.draw help
Ilariu Raducan
- ImageWin Dib draw usage?
Ilariu Raducan
- XML in python
- multimedia package
Shalabh Raizada
- getting the name of a generator function
Oscar Rambla
- getting the name of a generator function
Oscar Rambla
- How to recognize a generator function?
Oscar Rambla
- How to recognize a generator function?
Oscar Rambla
- How to recognize a generator function?
Oscar Rambla
- Passing an Event from a Thread to its Caller
Matt Rapoport
- Passing an Event from a Thread to its Caller
Matt Rapoport
- Passing an Event from a Thread to its Caller
Matt Rapoport
- Dynamic importing
Roy S. Rapoport
- Dynamic importing
Roy S. Rapoport
- Dynamic importing
Roy S. Rapoport
- rcs manager
Olivier Ravard
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Edward K. Ream
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Edward K. Ream
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Edward K. Ream
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Edward K. Ream
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Edward K. Ream
- gc questions
Edward K. Ream
- gc questions
Edward K. Ream
- gc questions
Edward K. Ream
- Is o.__dict__ = {} valid?
Edward K. Ream
- Is o.__dict__ = {} valid?
Edward K. Ream
- Questions re subclassing at "load time"
Edward K. Ream
- Questions re subclassing at "load time"
Edward K. Ream
- Distutils directory questions
Edward K. Ream
- Distutils directory questions
Edward K. Ream
- Does current Python2.3CVS work on FreeBSD5.1 or FreeBSD5-current?
Marc Recht
- Newbie: using the parser from PyExpat/sgmlop
Marc Recht
- wxPython vs Tkinter for imaging front end GUI???
Leonard J. Reder
- problems compiling 2.3 on solaris with --enable-shared
Dave Reed
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Dave Reed
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Dave Reed
- UTF-16 encoding line breaks?
Chris Reedy
- How to memoize functions?
Chris Reedy
- How to memoize functions?
Chris Reedy
- How to memoize functions?
Chris Reedy
- Defensive programming
Terry Reedy
- Defensive programming
Terry Reedy
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Terry Reedy
- repr on a string
Terry Reedy
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Terry Reedy
- "for line in fd" twice
Terry Reedy
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Terry Reedy
- sandboxing python code
Terry Reedy
- Help with coroutine-based state machines?
Terry Reedy
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Terry Reedy
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Terry Reedy
- Using instance as __doc__
Terry Reedy
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Terry Reedy
- Twisted Panglossia
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- Hardware take on software testing.
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- interpreted
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- exceptions beyond errors?
Terry Reedy
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Terry Reedy
- Factorials
Terry Reedy
- Call a Python file with parameters
Terry Reedy
- When do ActivePython update?
Terry Reedy
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Terry Reedy
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Terry Reedy
- PEP-317
Terry Reedy
- [ANNOUNCE] PyKota v1.08 is out
Terry Reedy
- Reading from a FIFO, burning CPU
Terry Reedy
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Terry Reedy
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Terry Reedy
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Terry Reedy
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Terry Reedy
- Python Cannot be Killed
Terry Reedy
- Python Cannot be Killed
Terry Reedy
- Need help optimizing first script
Terry Reedy
- sum(strings)
Terry Reedy
- gc questions
Terry Reedy
- freeing objects
Terry Reedy
- Multiple string.replace in one run
Terry Reedy
- 1== 1 is False?
Terry Reedy
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Terry Reedy
- assuring class 'clean up' actions are carried out
Terry Reedy
- New to Python...feedback?
Terry Reedy
- Simulte user input using doctest
Terry Reedy
- Re/Unresolved bug?
Terry Reedy
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Kevin Reid
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
Sean Reifschneider
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- ANNOUNCE: JOTWeb 1.11, preview of new web application system.
Sean Reifschneider
- integer to string?
Hendrik Reinhold
- integer to string?
Hendrik Reinhold
- ExtensionClass/Persistent and __cmp__ is tricky
Christian Reis
- ExtensionClass/Persistent and __cmp__ is tricky
Christian Reis
- Licenses
Rob Renaud
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Rob Renaud
- SSL in Python
Chris Rennert
- SSL in Python
Chris Rennert
- Binary adresse for localhost
Jimmy Retzlaff
- Python 2.3 - Is the release still on schedule?
Jimmy Retzlaff
- ANN: pyUnRAR 0.1
Jimmy Retzlaff
- cgi module does not work fully with XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD
Jon Ribbens
- reinventing the web server
Jon Ribbens
- recv
Jon Ribbens
- Listing only directories?
- Listing only directories?
- Passing data into my StreamRequestHandler?
- Passing data into my StreamRequestHandler?
- Twisted reactor 'signal only works in main thread' error?
- Loop over list of pairs
- UTF-16 encoding line breaks?
- Cmd output and status in one call on Windows
Stephane Richard
- wxPython vs Tkinter for imaging front end GUI???
Sean Richards
- ANN: Self-guided instruction docs for Python
Jim Richardson
- getting info out of a list.
Jim Richardson
- getting info out of a list.
Jim Richardson
- getting info out of a list.
Jim Richardson
- getting info out of a list.
Jim Richardson
- getting info out of a list.
Jim Richardson
- Request for feedback on my first Python program
Bengt Richter
- Tkinter.Canvas.create_line.coords
Bengt Richter
- [OT] Inexpensive virtual domain host for penurious friend's low traffic static html site?
Bengt Richter
- ascii tables
Bengt Richter
- Anyone heard of using pyunit to drive security audit?
Bengt Richter
- pychecker checks files by executing them ??
Bengt Richter
- Python IO performance?
Bengt Richter
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Bengt Richter
- Reading in NT Variables / Login Script
Bengt Richter
- Sort()
Bengt Richter
- Sort()
Bengt Richter
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Bengt Richter
- id(a) == id(b) and a is not b --> bug?
Bengt Richter
- program path
Bengt Richter
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Bengt Richter
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Bengt Richter
- cut off \n
Bengt Richter
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Bengt Richter
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Bengt Richter
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Bengt Richter
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Bengt Richter
- Text pixel width on tkinter canvas for Suresh who forgot subject ;-) [Was: Re: (no subject)]
Bengt Richter
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Bengt Richter
- DOM text to xml aarrgghhh!!!!
Bengt Richter
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Bengt Richter
- can we have a filecmp.cmp() that accept a different buffer size?
Bengt Richter
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Bengt Richter
- Octets calculation?
Bengt Richter
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Bengt Richter
- insert thousands separators
Bengt Richter
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Bengt Richter
- comprehending comprehensions
Bengt Richter
- sgmllib missing an end tag?
Bengt Richter
- raw strings under windows
Bengt Richter
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Bengt Richter
- raw strings under windows
Bengt Richter
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Bengt Richter
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
Bengt Richter
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
Bengt Richter
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Bengt Richter
- analyzing lock contention in multi-threaded app?
Bengt Richter
- string.find does not work in file
Bengt Richter
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
Bengt Richter
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Bengt Richter
- Algorithm help per favore
Bengt Richter
- Algorithm help per favore
Bengt Richter
- How to recognize a generator function?
Bengt Richter
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Bengt Richter
- Algorithm help per favore
Bengt Richter
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Bengt Richter
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
Bengt Richter
- Need help optimizing first script
Bengt Richter
- include files?
Bengt Richter
- a clean way to define dictionary
Bengt Richter
- A vote against dict(keyword=value) sugar + musing on how to do it
Bengt Richter
- Need help optimizing first script
Bengt Richter
- 1== 1 is False?
Bengt Richter
- Weird 'and' result...
Bengt Richter
- Newbie wordnet and pywordnet
Bengt Richter
- shebang strange thing...
Bengt Richter
- Needs urgent solution................
Bengt Richter
- shebang strange thing...
Bengt Richter
- code suite as first class object ?
Bengt Richter
- Partition names with Python
Bengt Richter
- How to catch 'error' type exceptions
Bengt Richter
- using extended built-in types
- Q on document Unifying types and classes in Python
- Suggesting for overloading the assign operator
- Identity inconsistency and unification of types and classes
- Python IO performance?
Tim Roberts
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
Tim Roberts
- Octets calculation?
Tim Roberts
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Tim Roberts
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Tim Roberts
- Large File Parsing
Tim Roberts
- Bug (??) in the time module?
Tim Roberts
- Python 2.2.2 win32 build
Tim Roberts
- decoding video-/teletext with python
Tim Roberts
- Staying Connected to a POP3/SMTP Server
Tim Roberts
- Python Import Statement
Tim Roberts
- Handling kill signals
Gary Robinson
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Marc Rochkind
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Marc Rochkind
- Choosing between two Jython books...
Marc Rochkind
- How to recognize a generator function?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- destructors, exceptions and the lock guard paradigm
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- How to recognize a generator function?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- subclassing Thread and start
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- subclassing Thread and start
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Newbie: Where to start with cgi?
- Newbie on importing
- Free gifts give away, limited quantity
Freegift Roger
- Factorials
- Factorials
- random picks from a list
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Mirco Romanato
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Mirco Romanato
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Mirco Romanato
- Tiger Hash Function in Python
Mirco Romanato
- Python IO performance?
Mike Romberg
- saving a excel sheet as a csv file
Joost van Rooij
- saving a excel sheet as a csv file
Joost van Rooij
Joost van Rooij
- Is there a better way of coding this?
Sean Ross
- Is there a better way of coding this?
Sean Ross
- Variable Modifications in a class
Sean Ross
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Sean Ross
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Sean Ross
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Sean Ross
- Twisted Panglossia
Sean Ross
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Sean Ross
- OT: GA recipe update
Sean Ross
- Simple Script to Combine/Seperate Lines of Text
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Sean Ross
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- PEP318: property as decoration
Sean Ross
- inheritance
Sean Ross
- inheritance
Sean Ross
- random picks from a list
Sean Ross
- comprehending comprehensions
Sean Ross
- Algorithm help per favore
Sean Ross
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
Sean Ross
- sum(strings)
Sean Ross
- sum(strings)
Sean Ross
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Sean Ross
Sean Ross
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Sean Ross
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Sean Ross
- xrange
Sean Ross
- division
Sean Ross
- division
Sean Ross
- division
Sean Ross
- Python and Jython
Sean Ross
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Sean Ross
- division
Sean Ross
- code suite as first class object ?
Sean Ross
- code suite as first class object ?
Sean Ross
- Defensive programming
John Roth
- Characters in Python
John Roth
- Python IO performance?
John Roth
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
John Roth
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
John Roth
- the 'in' operator and class instances
John Roth
- Compiling on XP home
John Roth
- Provide an option: static typing + type inference ?
John Roth
- Break line across lines (not in '[]' or '{}')?
John Roth
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
John Roth
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
John Roth
- When is unit-testing bad? [was: Re: does lack of type...]
John Roth
- sum(strings)
John Roth
- Runtime Warning 1010 vs 1011
John Roth
- Test-Driven Dev. (Kent Beck) Python Chapter Question
John Roth
- rcs manager
Mike Rovner
- (no subject)
Mike Rovner
- regex question
Mike Rovner
- feature request: mul
Mike Rovner
- Bulletin Board Message Systems
Mike Rovner
- vector subscripts in Python?
Mike Rovner
- Glue code
Mike Rovner
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Mike Rovner
- pack and unpack problems
Mike Rovner
- pack and unpack problems
Mike Rovner
- Grepping with Python - script/prog required.
Mike Rovner
- parsers / lexers usable from Python and Java (and C++/C)?
Mike Rovner
- parsers / lexers usable from Python and Java (and C++/C)?
Mike Rovner
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Tim Rowe
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Tim Rowe
- Factorials
Tim Rowe
- Compiling on XP home
Tim Rowe
- Factorials
Tim Rowe
- Compiling on XP home
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- Python as a Language Choice
Tim Rowe
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- Python Cannot be Killed
Tim Rowe
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Tim Rowe
- Python Cannot be Killed
Tim Rowe
- How to make an executable file
Tim Rowe
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
Tim Rowe
- Newbie on importing
Tim Rowe
Tim Rowe
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Tim Rowe
- editing text file
Tim Rowe
- shebang strange thing...
Tim Rowe
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Paul Rubin
- Defensive programming
Paul Rubin
- SV: CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Paul Rubin
- Defensive programming
Paul Rubin
- Defensive programming
Paul Rubin
- Defensive programming
Paul Rubin
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Paul Rubin
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Paul Rubin
- A Python application server?
Paul Rubin
- [OT] Inexpensive virtual domain host for penurious friend's low traffic static html site?
Paul Rubin
- Toss your cookies (Mozilla cookie file filter)
Paul Rubin
- nntplib body question
Paul Rubin
- nntplib body question
Paul Rubin
- Large File Parsing
Paul Rubin
- sum(strings)
Paul Rubin
- sum(strings)
Paul Rubin
- embedded db in python app?
Paul Rubin
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Paul Rubin
- Booleans and comparison results
Paul Rudin
- Standard ways to get union, intersection, difference of lists?
Paul Rudin
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Måns Rullgård
- random function with strings
Adam Ruth
- Run a linux program through python
- Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock
- File reading using delimiters
Ben S
- File reading using delimiters
Ben S
- converting decimal to binary
- Python executables?
- ANN:modeler __getattr__ for modules
Wiktor Sadowski
- modeler: __getattr__ for modules
Wiktor Sadowski
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Alan James Salmoni
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
Alan James Salmoni
- EuroPython Photos
Alan James Salmoni
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Andy Salnikov
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Russ Salsbury
- Type hierarchy
Russ Salsbury
- snakedb -MySQL
- snakedb -MySQL
- Twice instanciation
- Twice instanciation
- Twice instanciation
- Twice instanciation
- Twice instanciation
- Twice instantiation - a solution
- Twice instanciation
- ANN: PyPov-0.0.1
- dynamic creating of class
- Screenshots
- Using instance as __doc__
Seo Sanghyeon
- IDLE raw_input() and unicode
Seo Sanghyeon
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Seo Sanghyeon
- recursive glob
Seo Sanghyeon
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Christopher Saunter
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Christopher Saunter
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Lars Schaps
- pythonCOM with Flash
Bradley Schatz
- pythonCOM with Flash
Bradley Schatz
- pythonCOM with Flash
Bradley Schatz
- pythonCOM with Flash
Bradley Schatz
- pythonCOM with Flash
Bradley Schatz
- ActiveX currency type (MAPI)
Bradley Schatz
- ActiveX currency type (MAPI)
Bradley Schatz
- Defensive programming
Neil Schemenauer
- Use __del__ methods to improve gc?
Neil Schemenauer
- How to recognize a generator function?
Neil Schemenauer
- Spread in a 24x7 environment ?
Scherer, Bill
- problem with LOB's and DCOracle2
Scherer, Bill
- Fixed-length fields in Martel
Michael Schmitt
- Fixed-length fields in Martel
Michael Schmitt
- repr on a string
Alexander Schmolck
- repr on a string
Alexander Schmolck
- repr on a string
Alexander Schmolck
- Loop over list of pairs
Alexander Schmolck
- Loop over list of pairs
Alexander Schmolck
- Loop over list of pairs
Alexander Schmolck
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Alexander Schmolck
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Alexander Schmolck
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Alexander Schmolck
- Numeric don't compare arrays correctly
Alexander Schmolck
- zip broken?
Alexander Schmolck
- Error checking in Python
Alexander Schmolck
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Alexander Schmolck
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Alexander Schmolck
- vector subscripts in Python?
Alexander Schmolck
- How to test if a variable has a natural number?
Alexander Schmolck
- vector subscripts in Python?
Alexander Schmolck
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alexander Schmolck
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Cannot be Killed
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Cannot be Killed
Alexander Schmolck
- preventing creation of instance
Alexander Schmolck
- preventing creation of instance
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Cannot be Killed
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Cannot be Killed
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Cannot be Killed
Alexander Schmolck
- a clean way to define dictionary
Alexander Schmolck
- Multiple string.replace in one run
Alexander Schmolck
Alexander Schmolck
- how do you learn python APIs?
Alexander Schmolck
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Alexander Schmolck
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Alexander Schmolck
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Alexander Schmolck
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Harald Schneider
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Harald Schneider
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Harald Schneider
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Harald Schneider
- Python 2.2.3 test_re.py fails with coredump on FreeBSD 5.0, fails also on FreeBSD4.8
Harald Schneider
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Harald Schneider
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Harald Schneider
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Harald Schneider
- SOLVED: py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
Harald Schneider
- Determine a NT service's executable name ?
Harald Schneider
- wxPython + wxGrid + data shape change.
Pierre Schnizer
- wxPython + wxGrid + data shape change.
Pierre Schnizer
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Pierre Schnizer
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Pierre Schnizer
- Efficient data flow between orthogonal C extensions?
Pierre Schnizer
- Module for quasi-random sequences?
Pierre Schnizer
- Some pythonic advice needed
Rudy Schockaert
- Some pythonic advice needed
Rudy Schockaert
- Some pythonic advice needed
Rudy Schockaert
- Some pythonic advice needed
Rudy Schockaert
- Mapi Attachment method WriteToFile throws exception ...
Rudy Schockaert
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
Lothar Scholz
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Uwe C. Schroeder
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Uwe C. Schroeder
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Uwe C. Schroeder
- py2exe and dynamic modules
Uwe C. Schroeder
- pyc suffix importer
Uwe C. Schroeder
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Florian Schulze
- reStructuredText for Websites
Florian Schulze
- Singleton class: what is the purpose?
Gordon Scott
- 2D Graphics Libraries for python?
Ken Seehof
- 2D Graphics Libraries for python?
Ken Seehof
- xrange
Ken Seehof
- recv
Oleg Seifert
- recv
Oleg Seifert
- python&zope
Oleg Seifert
- IDLE raw_input() and unicode
Jiwon Seo
- Error checking in Python
Jiwon Seo
- Error checking in Python
Jiwon Seo
- exceptions within user-defined functions?
Jiwon Seo
- Alternatives to Python ?
Jiwon Seo
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Jiwon Seo
- non blocking named pipes
Yves Serrano
- Help with dictionary
Jim Shady
- Large File Parsing
Robert S Shaffer
- How to make an executable file
Syed Ahmed Shah
- HL7 servers in Python?
Richard Sharp
- HL7 servers in Python?
Richard Sharp
- re module
K C Shashidhar
- py2exe COM server frustration
Shi Sherebrin
- read a unicode file
Pete Shinners
- pygame-1.5.6 released
Pete Shinners
- repr on a string
David Shochat
- repr on a string
David Shochat
- Possible install bug in Python 2.3b1? (Python 2.2 still in the registry)
Matt Shomphe
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Matt Shomphe
- Possible install bug in Python 2.3b1? (Python 2.2 still in the registry)
Matt Shomphe
- Algorithm help per favore
Matt Shomphe
- Algorithm help per favore
Matt Shomphe
- Algorithm help per favore
Matt Shomphe
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Matthew Shomphe
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Matthew Shomphe
- ANN: Twisted 1.0.6 (includes security fixes)
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Michele Simionato
- Examples of descriptors?
Michele Simionato
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Michele Simionato
- How to replace the metaclasses of all the classes imported
Michele Simionato
- Metasyntax/Macros
Michele Simionato
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Michele Simionato
- reStructured Text - suitable for non-documentation?
Michele Simionato
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Michele Simionato
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
Michele Simionato
- Using metaclasses to make super more beatiful
Michele Simionato
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Michele Simionato
- magic tricks
Michele Simionato
- ANN: Self-guided instruction docs for Python
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michele Simionato
- finding origin of names
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michele Simionato
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michele Simionato
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Michele Simionato
- the 'in' operator and class instances
Michele Simionato
- Python regular expression question
Michele Simionato
- Thoughts on cooperative methods
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- solving the metaclass conflict
Michele Simionato
- Thoughts on cooperative methods
Michele Simionato
- Hardware take on software testing.
Michele Simionato
- simple, old-style graphic ?
Michele Simionato
- Hardware take on software testing.
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Michele Simionato
- ANN: Set-like methods on dicts
Michele Simionato
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Michele Simionato
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Michele Simionato
- Hardware take on software testing.
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Michele Simionato
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Michele Simionato
- Factorials
Michele Simionato
- feature request: mul
Michele Simionato
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Michele Simionato
- PEP-317
Michele Simionato
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Michele Simionato
- feature request: mul
Michele Simionato
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Michele Simionato
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Michele Simionato
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318: Is chaining decorators even possible?
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318: Is chaining decorators even possible?
Michele Simionato
- Twice instanciation
Michele Simionato
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Michele Simionato
- timeit
Michele Simionato
- [General lang] how to call a parent
Michele Simionato
- Cannot build Tk under RedHat
Michele Simionato
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Michele Simionato
- class variable declarations...
Michele Simionato
- feature request: mul
Michele Simionato
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Michele Simionato
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michele Simionato
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michele Simionato
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michele Simionato
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michele Simionato
- scheduling events
Michele Simionato
- a clean way to define dictionary
Michele Simionato
- Find a substring withing a string...
Michele Simionato
- Questions re subclassing at "load time"
Michele Simionato
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Michele Simionato
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Michele Simionato
- user variables
Michele Simionato
- C Extension memory troubles
Paul Simmonds
- Algorithm help per favore
Paul Simmonds
- Btrieve/C-extension question
Paul Simmonds
- Btrieve/C-extension question
Paul Simmonds
- Newbie Tkinter questions
Paul Simmonds
- A Python application server?
Evan Simpson
- A Python application server?
Evan Simpson
- A Python application server?
Evan Simpson
- proxy to monitor http requests
Evan Simpson
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Evan Simpson
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Evan Simpson
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
Evan Simpson
- Alternatives to Python ?
Evan Simpson
- python&zope
Evan Simpson
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Evan Simpson
- Possible project - Python mail proxy to do greylisting, etc.
Evan Simpson
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Ben Simuyandi
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Ben Simuyandi
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Ben Simuyandi
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Ben Simuyandi
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Ben Simuyandi
- Blogging Software
Ng Pheng Siong
- Blogging Software
Ng Pheng Siong
- using urllib or httplib to post with ENCTYPE=mulitpart/form-data
Ng Pheng Siong
- xmlrpc ssl (slightly embarrassing, long post)
Ng Pheng Siong
- m2crypto w or w/out proxy
Ng Pheng Siong
- m2crypto documentation
Ng Pheng Siong
- Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Ng Pheng Siong
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
Ng Pheng Siong
- html on Python
Luiz Siqueira
- kthtml problem
Luiz Siqueira
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Peter Slizik
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Des Small
- Tkinter: Do you really need a "root"?
Bob Smith
- CFV: comp.databases.berkeley-db
David E. Smith
- 2nd CFV: comp.databases.berkeley-db
David E. Smith
- RESULT: comp.databases.berkeley-db passes 266:4
David E. Smith
- A Python application server?
Duncan Smith
- A Python application server?
Duncan Smith
- A Python application server?
Duncan Smith
- A Python application server?
Duncan Smith
- A Python application server?
Duncan Smith
- Factorials
Duncan Smith
- inheritance
Duncan Smith
- random picks from a list
Duncan Smith
- Encrypting much data with AES and M2Crypto
Jason Smith
- Twisted
Jason Smith
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Kevin Smith
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Kevin Smith
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Kevin Smith
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Kevin Smith
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Kevin Smith
- PEP 318: Is chaining decorators even possible?
Kevin Smith
- long-term release schedule?
Ray Smith
- long-term release schedule?
Ray Smith
- long-term release schedule?
Ray Smith
- long-term release schedule?
Ray Smith
- long-term release schedule?
Ray Smith
- Python class __init__(mandatory arguments?)
Ray Smith
- PEP-317
Roy Smith
- PEP-317
Roy Smith
- finding unused variables in Python code
Roy Smith
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Roy Smith
- comprehending comprehensions
Roy Smith
- Python executables?
Roy Smith
- How to memoize functions?
Roy Smith
- Using Python as a tool for testing homogeneous systems
Roy Smith
- Zip imports on python 2.2?
Jacob Smullyan
Bill Sneddon
- socket programming project
Maciej Sobczak
- a wierd parameter passing behavior
Torvo Sollazzo
- Embeding Java code in C-Python
gerard Sookahet
- Btrieve/C-extension question
Niki Spahiev
- 2D Graphics Libraries for python?
Niki Spahiev
- Yield inside try...finally
Michael Sparks
- Yield inside try...finally
Michael Sparks
- Yield inside try...finally
Michael Sparks
- Yield inside try...finally
Michael Sparks
- try..yield..finally problem: a proposed solution.
Michael Sparks
- insert thousands separators
Michael Sparks
- Type hierarchy
Michael Sparks
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Chuck Spears
- os.system question
Ruslan Spivak
- xmlrpc client on windows + https: error
Ruslan Spivak
- Python Cannot be Killed
Krzysztof Stachlewski
- Run a linux program through python
Gunnar Staff
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- Python as a Language Choice
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Cousin Stanley
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Thomas Stauffer
- idle /idlefork slackware
Todd Stephens
- idle /idlefork slackware
Todd Stephens
- idle /idlefork slackware
Todd Stephens
- Directory & File Monitoring
- Is python good for making database work short?
- Is python good for making database work short?
- Is python good for making database work short?
- Is python good for making database work short?
- curses on linux
- [ANN] PubTal Version 1.0
Colin Stewart
- decoding video-/teletext with python
Marcus Stojek
- OT: RfD for German Newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python
Harald Stowasser
- A Python application server?
Axel Straschil
- string.find does not work in file
Wolfram Strauß
- Unicode problem under IDLE on win32
Tomislav Strelar
- Unicode problem under IDLE on win32
Tomislav Strelar
- Python 2.3 + mysql?
Chris Stromberger
- Python 2.3 + mysql?
Chris Stromberger
- The beauty of Python
Chris Stromberger
- ANN: python-ldap-2.0.0pre13
Michael Ströder
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
David Stubbs
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
David Stubbs
- Detect hung apps spawned from python
David Stubbs
- CGI question: safe passwords possible?
Will Stuyvesant
- python applets inside <OBJECT> anyone?
Will Stuyvesant
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
Christoph Stähli
- Python Mega Widget doubt.
Rajesh Sudarsan
- Python Mega widget doubt.
Rajesh Sudarsan
- Characters in Python
Jan Sundström
- Characters in Python
Jan Sundström
- Characters in Python
Jan Sundström
- Calling scripts from within scripts, is this possible?
Gerry Sutton
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Roman Suzi
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Roman Suzi
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Roman Suzi
- PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax
Roman Suzi
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Roman Suzi
- string.find does not work in file
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
- xrange
Roman Suzi
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Roman Suzi
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
- Booleans and comparison results
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
Roman Suzi
- Buid error on Python 2.1.3 for Solaris 8
Charles Swiger
- Defensive programming
Chuck Swiger
- Defensive programming
Chuck Swiger
- nntplib body question
Chuck Swiger
- nntplib body question
Chuck Swiger
- nntplib body question
Chuck Swiger
- problems compiling 2.3 on solaris with --enable-shared
Chuck Swiger
- License Question
Chuck Swiger
- hi
Attila Szabo
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Gus Tabares
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Gus Tabares
- IDLE bug
Gus Tabares
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Gus Tabares
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Gus Tabares
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Gus Tabares
- Possible bug in setting Windows file permissions? (os.chmod() not working properly?)
Gus Tabares
- Including binary files in a .py file; advice needed
Geoffrey Talvola
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Christian Tanzer
- Proposed extension to file constructor
- Proposed extension to file constructor
- Proposed extension to file constructor
- Proposed extension to file constructor
- Proposed extension to file constructor
- repr on a string
Steven Taschuk
- iterator.next() confusion
Steven Taschuk
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Steven Taschuk
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 2)
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- "for line in fd" twice
Steven Taschuk
- Yield inside try...finally
Steven Taschuk
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Steven Taschuk
- Variable Modifications in a class
Steven Taschuk
- Variable Modifications in a class
Steven Taschuk
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Steven Taschuk
- subscript problem
Steven Taschuk
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
Steven Taschuk
- Whre is my object ??
Steven Taschuk
- Whre is my object ??
Steven Taschuk
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Steven Taschuk
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- Accented cahrs in PythonWin
Steven Taschuk
- Sort()
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Steven Taschuk
- list.index
Steven Taschuk
- finding origin of names
Steven Taschuk
- Find & Replace in Zope
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- finding origin of names
Steven Taschuk
- Twisted Panglossia
Steven Taschuk
- zip broken?
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- program path
Steven Taschuk
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- program path
Steven Taschuk
- program path
Steven Taschuk
- the 'in' operator and class instances
Steven Taschuk
- program path
Steven Taschuk
- imghdr.what failed to identify JPEG
Steven Taschuk
- Factorials
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- program path
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 9)
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- Prolog-style unification?
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- cut off \n
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- Error checking in Python
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- Hardware take on software testing.
Steven Taschuk
- Factorials
Steven Taschuk
- [OT] interpreted
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- Access "slot" field dynamically?
Steven Taschuk
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Steven Taschuk
- PEP-317
Steven Taschuk
- PEP-317
Steven Taschuk
- unittest: Dynamically creating tests
Steven Taschuk
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Steven Taschuk
- feature request: mul
Steven Taschuk
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Steven Taschuk
- feature request: mul
Steven Taschuk
- DOM text to xml aarrgghhh!!!!
Steven Taschuk
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Steven Taschuk
- Newbie: changing an attribute of objects in a list
Steven Taschuk
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Steven Taschuk
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Steven Taschuk
- copy a class
Steven Taschuk
- insert thousands separators
Steven Taschuk
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Steven Taschuk
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Steven Taschuk
- Type hierarchy
Steven Taschuk
- getFoo1() vs. class.foo1
Steven Taschuk
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Steven Taschuk
- shlex last token
Steven Taschuk
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Steven Taschuk
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 16)
Steven Taschuk
- subclassing unittest.TestCase?
Steven Taschuk
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Steven Taschuk
- One Problem -- how to implement in three programming paradigms in Python
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- Getting Instance of calling class
Steven Taschuk
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Steven Taschuk
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- pack and unpack problems
Steven Taschuk
- "Invert" regular expression matching
Steven Taschuk
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Steven Taschuk
- Algorithm help per favore
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- Algorithm help per favore
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Steven Taschuk
- thinkings on shallow copy
Steven Taschuk
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Steven Taschuk
- Need help optimizing first script
Steven Taschuk
- thinkings on shallow copy
Steven Taschuk
- testing two lists for equality
Steven Taschuk
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Steven Taschuk
- unittest and automatically firing off tests
Steven Taschuk
- "a in b" calls a.__cmp__, why?
Steven Taschuk
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Steven Taschuk
- Questions re subclassing at "load time"
Steven Taschuk
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 23)
Steven Taschuk
- division
Steven Taschuk
- Reading a binary file
Steven Taschuk
- Test-Driven Dev. (Kent Beck) Python Chapter Question
Steven Taschuk
- lists and tuples
Steven Taschuk
- Namespacedifference reading - writing ??
Steven Taschuk
- Simulte user input using doctest
Steven Taschuk
- GC time debug...
Steven Taschuk
- Re/Unresolved bug?
Steven Taschuk
- Re/Unresolved bug?
Steven Taschuk
Steven Taschuk
- Re/Unresolved bug?
Steven Taschuk
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Bill Tate
- JavaScript parser in Python
James Tauber
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
James Tauber
- Feature Structures in Python (Part I)
James Tauber
- Feature Structures in Python (Part II)
James Tauber
- Feature Structures in Python (Part III)
James Tauber
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
James Tauber
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
James Tauber
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
James Tauber
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
James Tauber
- GUI interactive prompt with non-text output
James Tauber
- exposing tkconsole with shell in IDLE/IDLEfork
James Tauber
- Saving Files Under Windows
Chris Tavares
- Setting a class attribute given its name
Miki Tebeka
- SocketServer class - basis problem
Miki Tebeka
- Persist Python objects to a MySQL database?
Miki Tebeka
- Iterating over optparse options
Miki Tebeka
- wxPython.Fit() is funky.
Miki Tebeka
- How to send an email with an attached file ?
Miki Tebeka
- Python Import Statement
Miki Tebeka
- (no subject)
Darren Teo
- Jython anyone?
- sqlite select max() on integer field returns quoted value
- sqlite select max() on integer field returns quoted value
- sqlite select max() on integer field returns quoted value
- trouble embedding python
- trouble embedding python
- Problem: import own Java classes in Jython
- Confusing behaviour relating to module objects being GCed.
Troels Therkelsen
- Problems retreiving double from database
Troels Therkelsen
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Troels Therkelsen
- Python Regex Newbie- matching substrings
Harvey Thomas
- I don't understand this regex.groups() behaviour
Harvey Thomas
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Phil Thompson
- using QCanvas
Phil Thompson
- retrieving data from QListViewItem
Phil Thompson
- The beauty of Python
Kai Thomsen
- Python 2.2.3 test_re.py fails with coredump on FreeBSD 5.0, fails also on FreeBSD4.8
Andrew Thomson
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Stephen Thorne
- Python Tkinter question
- Python Tkinter question
- Blogging Software
Rob Tillotson
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
- IDLE- just stopped working
- IDLE- just stopped working
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
Oren Tirosh
- "for line in fd" twice
Oren Tirosh
- Proposed extension to file constructor
Oren Tirosh
- Need some quick help here...
Oren Tirosh
- Need some quick help here...
Oren Tirosh
- a clean way to define dictionary
Oren Tirosh
- d.keys() and d.values()
Oren Tirosh
- add empty directory using zipfile?
Oren Tirosh
- struct.pack and perl's 'B' code for bitstrings
Oren Tirosh
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
Oren Tirosh
- Imaging-1.1.4 on Cygwin (Re: Can PIL be installed under Cygwin?)
Jason Tishler
- Imaging-1.1.4 on Cygwin (Re: Can PIL be installed under Cygwin?)
Jason Tishler
- Size of Cygwin's distribution
Jason Tishler
- Size of Cygwin's distribution
Jason Tishler
- Twisted
Christian Tismer
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Christian Tismer
- UTF-16 encoding line breaks?
Isaac To
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Andy Todd
- Updating SQL table problems with python
Andy Todd
- Newbie Tkinter questions
Doru-Catalin Togea
- cut off \n
- cut off \n
- problems with debugger in PythonWin
- index(x)
- index(x)
- boa constructor - run script/output
- boa constructor - run script/output
- always fill out complete window
- always fill out complete window
- Reading in NT Variables / Login Script
- Reading in NT Variables / Login Script
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Nathan Treloar
- Steaming PDF from Python Script to IE
Nathan Treloar
- memory leak "import random"
Sebastian Tusk
- "select directory" dialog using win32all?
Adam Twardoch
- Integrating PyChecker into eric (Was: [PyKDE] [ANNOUNCE] Seventh development release of PythonCAD available)
Gordon Tyler
- Octets calculation?
- Jython and Java 3D - Has it been done?
- Variable Modifications in a class
Greg Unrein
- Variable Modifications in a class
Greg Unrein
- python-list at python.org Removed
Ian Upright
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Patrick Useldinger
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Patrick Useldinger
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Patrick Useldinger
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Ville Vainio
- Binding socket to an address
Gisle Vanem
- OFF TOPIC: What did Guido say?
Roel Vanhout
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Nick Vargish
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Nick Vargish
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Nick Vargish
- insert thousands separators
Nick Vargish
- insert thousands separators
Nick Vargish
- insert thousands separators
Nick Vargish
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Nick Vargish
- [OT] (was: does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?)
Nick Vargish
- sum(strings)
Nick Vargish
- WTF is Fibonnacci
Nick Vargish
- Alternatives to Python ?
Nick Vargish
- SOAP client
Nick Vargish
- SOAP client
Nick Vargish
- Sockets and threads
Jude Venn
- ascii tables
Tom Verbeure
- Hardware take on software testing.
Tom Verbeure
- File type recognition
Sami Viitanen
- help python and jpgraph
Adriano Volpones
- Tkinter.Canvas.create_line.coords
Anton Vredegoor
- Loop over list of pairs
Anton Vredegoor
- Factorials
Anton Vredegoor
- Factorials
Anton Vredegoor
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Anton Vredegoor
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Anton Vredegoor
- index(x)
Anton Vredegoor
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Anton Vredegoor
- random picks from a list
Anton Vredegoor
- Bug in v1.5.2 Websucker GUI?
Anton Vredegoor
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Anton Vredegoor
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Anton Vredegoor
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Anton Vredegoor
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Anton Vredegoor
- Algorithm help per favore
Anton Vredegoor
- Algorithm help per favore
Anton Vredegoor
- Algorithm help per favore
Anton Vredegoor
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Anton Vredegoor
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Anton Vredegoor
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
Anton Vredegoor
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Anton Vredegoor
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Anton Vredegoor
- JavaScript parser in Python
Carl Waldbieser
- A Python application server?
Andrew Walkingshaw
- Python prob
Andrew Walkingshaw
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Andrew Walkingshaw
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
Andrew Walkingshaw
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Andrew Walkingshaw
- why 'lambda' and 'reduce'?
Andrew Walkingshaw
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
Andrew Walkingshaw
- Observer Pattern (if you got some spare time)
Donnal Walter
- Anyone using Venster?
Donnal Walter
Markus Wankus
- Twisted - extending portforward (simple example)
Markus Wankus
- RELEASED: Python 2.3b2
Barry Warsaw
- Calling function in shared lib
Olaf Wasmuth
- Calling function in shared lib
Olaf Wasmuth
- Calling function in shared lib
Olaf Wasmuth
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
Paul Watson
- Bug (??) in the time module?
Paul Watson
- ANN: Design By Contract for Python 1.0 beta 2
Terence Way
- Add methods to a class dynamically
Terence Way
- Hardware take on software testing.
Terence Way
- ANN: Design By Contract for Python 1.0 beta 3
Terence Way
- python.dll
Henrik Weber
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Thomas Weber
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
Thomas Weber
- ANN: TOGA (Timetables Optimised with Genetic Algorithms) v 0.01
Thuswise Webmaster
- FOAF-parser??
Thomas Weholt
- FOAF-parser??
Thomas Weholt
- Calling a function, arguments in a dict ??
Thomas Weholt
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Thomas Weholt
- SOAP client
Thomas Weholt
- problem: saving files in IDLE
Florian Wellner
- PySerial rereads its own data
Cliff Wells
- PySerial rereads its own data
Cliff Wells
- PySerial rereads its own data
Cliff Wells
- PySerial rereads its own data
Cliff Wells
- PySerial rereads its own data
Cliff Wells
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cliff Wells
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cliff Wells
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cliff Wells
- test please ignore
Cliff Wells
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cliff Wells
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Cliff Wells
- Is Python lightweight?
Cliff Wells
- wxPython: Popped-up widget not refreshed properly on Windows
Cliff Wells
- Recall last result
Cliff Wells
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Cliff Wells
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Cliff Wells
- getting info out of a list.
Cliff Wells
- Python articles
Cliff Wells
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Cliff Wells
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
Cliff Wells
- Python Cannot be Killed
Cliff Wells
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
Cliff Wells
- Python Cannot be Killed
Cliff Wells
- Alternatives to Python ?
Cliff Wells
- Python Cannot be Killed
Cliff Wells
- Python and Databases
Cliff Wells
- console mp3->wav decoder for $indows or GUI one which supports console
Cliff Wells
- Fast CGI Vs Java Application Servers
David N. Welton
- Extending Python with C# and vice versa
Yan Weng
- Provide an option: static typing + type inference ?
Yan Weng
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
Yan Weng
- long-term release schedule?
Yan Weng
- Why not BOA GUI builder?
Yan Weng
- long-term release schedule?
Yan Weng
- long-term release schedule?
Yan Weng
- HL7 servers in Python?
Yan Weng
- Documentation Tool & UML
Yan Weng
- long-term release schedule?
Yan Weng
- Documentation Tool & UML
Yan Weng
- Anyone did this: Magick++ + boost.python
Yan Weng
- Anyone did this: Magick++ + boost.python
Yan Weng
- Type hierarchy
Pedro Werneck
- Need help to grok c extension that needs to use callbacks with data
Jim West
- c-struct, 3rd party libs and extensions
Jim West
- Yet another threading question...
Jim West
- Socket Problem on True64 Alpha
Rolf Wester
- How to pause within a thread
Rolf Wester
- How to pause within a thread
Rolf Wester
- DNS/MX Lookup?
Chris White
- raw strings under windows
Cecil H. Whitley
- Newbie on importing
Michael J Whitmore
- Newbie on importing
Michael J Whitmore
Nicholas Wieland
- PLease help with my web site
Heinz Wiggeshoff
- adodbapi and py2exe
- adodbapi and py2exe
- win32all : msaccess example
- Module for quasi-random sequences?
Andrew Wilkinson
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
Andrew Wilkinson
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
Andrew Wilkinson
- Factorials
Andrew Wilkinson
- Factorials
Andrew Wilkinson
- Error checking in Python
Andrew Wilkinson
- cut off \n
Andrew Wilkinson
- cut off \n
Andrew Wilkinson
- list.remove(): bug ??
Andrew Wilkinson
- dynamic creating of class
Andrew Wilkinson
- Remove duplicate letters in a word
Andrew Wilkinson
- Choosing the right database-system for a small project
Steve Williams
- [wanted] Python news threader/archiver
Greg Wilson
- manipulating PowerPoint with Python?
Greg Wilson
- Using instance as __doc__
Mel Wilson
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Mel Wilson
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
Mel Wilson
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Mel Wilson
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Mel Wilson
- Jython anyone?
Mel Wilson
- Looking for the greatest negative float value
Mel Wilson
- wxPython download
Mel Wilson
- include files?
Mel Wilson
- sum(strings)
Mel Wilson
- shebang strange thing...
Mel Wilson
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Mel Wilson
- shebang strange thing...
Mel Wilson
Mel Wilson
- XML (fwd)
Mel Wilson
- PyModule for ID3 v2.2+
Alexander Winston
Pupppy Wizzard
- What am I doing wrong here?
Bill C. Wong
C Wood
- Importing mdl files into OpenGl with Python
Mikey At Work
- wxPython: wxNotebooks inside wxSplitterWindow
Mikey At Work
- wxPython: wxNotebooks inside wxSplitterWindow
Mikey At Work
- Encrypting much data with AES and M2Crypto
Heiko Wundram
- ANN: yawPyCrypto 0.0alpha4
Heiko Wundram
- Re/Unresolved bug?
- Re/Unresolved bug?
- Re/Unresolved bug?
- Anyone know of a Python editor as good as Intellij IDEA is for Java?
- regex question
Eugene Yakubovich
- a clean way to define dictionary
Jeremy Yallop
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Jeremy Yallop
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Jeremy Yallop
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Jeremy Yallop
- Getting a list of an object's methods?
Jeremy Yallop
- CGI and Unicode
Jeremy Yallop
- Why python
Kyle Yancey
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
Kyle Yancey
- Octets calculation?
William Yeo
- Octets calculation?
William Yeo
- ANN: Confluence -> Python for Hardware Verification
Kim-Ee Yeoh
- Import and path problem
Tung Wai Yip
- add empty directory using zipfile?
Tung Wai Yip
- add empty directory using zipfile?
Tung Wai Yip
- Twisted Question
Ed Young
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Ed Young
- Twisted - listenTCP and connectTCP on the same reactor?
Ed Young
- Twisted - listenTCP and connectTCP on the same reactor?
Ed Young
- Date Conversion in Zope
Bernard Yue
- Variable Modifications in a class
Bernard Yue
- Variable Modifications in a class
Bernard Yue
- exceptions within user-defined functions?
Bernard Yue
- copy an object
- dynamic creating of class
Jarosław Zabiełło
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
Jarosław Zabiełło
- mod_python hell in Apache/Windows XP
Jarosław Zabiełło
- Some pythonic advice needed
Moshe Zadka
- medusa http server
Moshe Zadka
- twisted UDP port and REUSEADDR
Moshe Zadka
- A Python application server?
Moshe Zadka
- Blogging Software
Moshe Zadka
- sandboxing python code
Moshe Zadka
- How do I obtain the filenames' encoding after os.listdir?
Moshe Zadka
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Moshe Zadka
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Moshe Zadka
- How to write a constructor accepting initialization and file persistence?
Moshe Zadka
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Moshe Zadka
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Moshe Zadka
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Moshe Zadka
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
Moshe Zadka
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
Moshe Zadka
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Moshe Zadka
- Twisted Question
Moshe Zadka
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Moshe Zadka
- Twisted - howto transport megabytes?
Moshe Zadka
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Moshe Zadka
- signal handling oddity
Moshe Zadka
- signal handling oddity
Moshe Zadka
- Hardware take on software testing.
Moshe Zadka
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Moshe Zadka
- Properties using metaclasses (was: Function/Method Decorator Syntax)
Moshe Zadka
- SocketServer - Connection Reset By Peer (Randomly)
Moshe Zadka
- OT: swearing (was: RE: OnFileOpent(self, event))
Moshe Zadka
- Large File Parsing
Moshe Zadka
- Need some quick help here...
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- HL7 servers in Python?
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Moshe Zadka
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
Moshe Zadka
- gc questions
Moshe Zadka
- How to permanently remove __import__?
Moshe Zadka
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
Moshe Zadka
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
- using QCanvas
Anson Ehon Zeall
- The beauty of Python
Mirko Zeibig
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Mirko Zeibig
- Python Cannot be Killed
Jarek Zgoda
- Python Cannot be Killed
Jarek Zgoda
- Python Cannot be Killed
Jarek Zgoda
- PIL + bump map
Nagy László Zsolt
- Home directory problem
Nagy László Zsolt
- Home directory problem
Nagy László Zsolt
- Something strange with python 2.2.1 under RedHat 8.0
Nagy László Zsolt
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
- Newbie Question re Python 2.2.2 WIN
- Scrollable Tkinter widget not threadsafe?
- Using more than one tag in 'find_withtag'...........
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
- Looking for a (very) small http proxy in Python
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
- Python/400 for AS/400 OS v4r3
- Why is lambda so slow?
- using QCanvas in python
- using QCanvas
- can someone find me the canvas.py file?
- Grouping QListViewItems
- retrieving data from QListViewItem
- Definition of Aspect Oriented Programming
- Jython anyone?
- finding unused variables in Python code
beliavsky at aol.com
- vector subscripts in Python?
beliavsky at aol.com
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
beliavsky at aol.com
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
beliavsky at aol.com
- use member functions to access data in Python classes?
beliavsky at aol.com
- testing two lists for equality
beliavsky at aol.com
- system event viewer help
junk at aol.com
- Problem inserting into Postgres (PgSQL) database
mupeso at arc.sn
- reading files in folder
- handling errors
- random function with strings
- editing text file
- Need Kobra 2.2
cgjunkaddr at attbi.com
- Need Kobra 2.2
cgjunkaddr at attbi.com
- Tkinter text
jubafre at brturbo.com
- Tkinter ->> selected mouse text
jubafre at brturbo.com
- Undeliverable: Re: Application
postmaster at bthub01.bt.com
- Undeliverable: Re: 45443-343556
postmaster at bthub01.bt.com
- Reading in NT Variables / Login Script
- Error when accessing remote registry
- Error when accessing remote registry
- Enumerate Exchange users
- Python grammer and student projects
logistix at cathoderaymission.net
- Question about Python-Grammar
logistix at cathoderaymission.net
- Module for quasi-random sequences?
carljohan.rehn at chello.se
- Interfacing Python with C++
carljohan.rehn at chello.se
- undefined symbol:PyTypeGenericAlloc
pen cil
- Recall last result
Littlejohn septante cinq
- Some pythonic advice needed
andrew cooke
- Defensive programming
andrew cooke
- Some pythonic advice needed
andrew cooke
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
andrew cooke
- Yield inside try...finally
andrew cooke
- [wanted] Python news threader/archiver
andrew cooke
- Help with Lazy Evaluation
andrew cooke
- Strange problem with notebook computer
andrew cooke
- why does python execute line bye line as im coding?????????
andrew cooke
- Alternatives to Python ?
andrew cooke
- "for line in fd" twice
- Please confirm your message
tjh at cryptsoft.com
- problem with % operator on format string
vivek at cs.unipune.ernet.in
- Extension without sub-classing?
Martin d'Anjou
- Extension without sub-classing?
Martin d'Anjou
- popen3 child_stdin
- popen3 child_stdin
- SOAP client
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- PythonD: 4Suite or Twisted?
- Best way under libxml2?
- Best way under libxml2?
- Porting Python
- list.index
- pickle
- scipy
- freeing objects
- 1== 1 is False?
- boa constructor - run script/output
- always fill out complete window
- Date Conversion in Zope
enrica dente
- Totally Confused: Passing variables to functions
- Excuting scripts question
- Excuting scripts question
- Persist Python objects to a MySQL database?
- Directory & File Monitoring
- Directory & File Monitoring
- New style class & Old style class in Python
- read_until problem under telnetlib
- read_until problem under telnetlib
- Anyone using Python to access PHPbb's MySQL database on a web server?
user at domain.invalid
- CPU utilization
user at domain.invalid
- list.remove(): bug ??
user at domain.invalid
- Twice instanciation
user at domain.invalid
- user variables
user at domain.invalid
- Python proper on Linux, `.a' vs `.so'
P at draigBrady.com
- insert thousands separators
P at draigBrady.com
- importing specific module
- Find a substring withing a string...
- embedded db in python app?
- socket programming project
- socket programming project
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
- dictionary issue (and maybe PEP ... depending on the answer)
- data base
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows
achrist at easystreet.com
- Installer Problem WinNT to Win 98
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows
achrist at easystreet.com
- Python as a Language Choice
achrist at easystreet.com
- Alternatives to Python ?
achrist at easystreet.com
- Saving Files Under Windows -- Py2Exe and Installer
achrist at easystreet.com
- License Question
achrist at easystreet.com
- License Question
achrist at easystreet.com
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
achrist at easystreet.com
- [ANN] pylint-0.1.2
achrist at easystreet.com
- Python executables?
achrist at easystreet.com
achrist at easystreet.com
- Rudeness with names (was Re: interpreted)
- long-term release schedule?
- unit tests with mod_python
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
- Reference for learning/using python & COM
jose flanigan
- Advice for developing in python with Microsoft Office?
jose flanigan
- compiling python 2.2 on QNX 4.25
- Newbie: Tkinter and macPython
- insert thousands separators
- assuring class 'clean up' actions are carried out
- Second Edition of "Python Programming on Win32"
yaipa h.
- Test-Driven Dev. (Kent Beck) Python Chapter Question
yaipa h.
- Test-Driven Dev. (Kent Beck) Python Chapter Question
yaipa h.
- popen2.Popen3 on Windows
d.w. harks
- Examples of descriptors?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Loop over list of pairs
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- data base
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Sort()
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Loop over list of pairs
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- (no subject)
sismex01 at hebmex.com
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Loop over list of pairs
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Possible PEP: Improve classmethod/staticmethod syntax
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Tk vs wxPython ?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- cut off \n
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- simple, old-style graphic ?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Break line across lines (not in '[]' or '{}')?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Modules with __getattr__ (Re: PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exc eption Instantiation)
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Postgresql: plpython may be removed
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- shebang strange thing...
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- How to memoize functions?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- How to memoize functions?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- Idiomatic way of repeating items in a sequence.
sismex01 at hebmex.com
- How to upload a file with httplib?
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
- simple text filter
boutrosp at hotmail.com
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
cer1969 at hotmail.com
phil hunt
phil hunt
- DOM text to xml aarrgghhh!!!!
- converting objects to string
- tkinter urgent help request
- tkinter very simple and urgent help request
- frame scroll problem
- tkinter urgent help request
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
- Repeated assignments - a more elegant approach (newbie)
- pypgsql installation
- pypgsql installation
- Python Import Statement
jinal jhaveri
- tuple unpacking
- Accented cahrs in PythonWin
- [ANN] SciPy '03 -- The 2nd Annual Python for Scientific Computing Workshop
eric jones
- Kerberos authentication for IMAP?
- Prolog-style unification?
- Help with Lazy Evaluation
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
- minidom toxml() not emitting attribute namespace qualifier
- How to build a swig module swig from a c program which call a DLL.
- Newbie in developping Webapplications needs tips.
- Is Python lightweight?
- Is Python lightweight?
- program path
- program path
- Windows Program?
- "Newbie" questions - "unique" sorting ?
- division
- division
- division
- division
- division
- Newbie: "compiling" scrips (?)
holger krekel
- Exception - how to ignore it ?
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Not getting all keys in FieldStorage (Multipart form data)
vivek kumar
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
vivek kumar
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
vivek kumar
- Hot to get Python executable's path ??
vivek kumar
- DBI and DBDs 4 Python
vivek kumar
- Tkinter dialog boxes
vivek kumar
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
- SocketServer class - basis problem
- SICP in Python, redux
- Numeric or numarray?
gong li
- Glue code
- failure notice
Admin at mantramail.com
- os.listdir()
- os.listdir()
- os.listdir()
- os.listdir()
- os.listdir()
- To get all property of a class?
- To get all property of a class?
- Iteration through a text file.
- Iteration through a text file.
- Iteration through a text file.
- Iteration through a text file.
- Iteration through a text file.
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
- PyOSG 0.4.0 - Python OpenSceneGraph bindings
gideon may
- Compiling Python Modules With Visual Studio .Net?
gideon may
- europython wireless?
eichin at metacarta.com
- passing a shell argument
oki mikito
- passing a shell argument
oki mikito
- Problems with importation of regsub module in 2.2
- Problems with importation of regsub module in 2.2
- GUI in Windows
- Twice instanciation
anton muhin
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
anton muhin
- getting info out of a list.
anton muhin
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
anton muhin
- Getting Instance of calling class
anton muhin
- swig+structures -> python
- Year 2000 book still useful?
python newbie
- Year 2000 book still useful?
python newbie
- Python get's a mention on University Challenge
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PySerial rereads its own data
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- wxPython: Popped-up widget not refreshed properly on Windows
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Tk vs wxPython ?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- 123.3 + 0.1 is 123.3999999999 ?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Postfix/Prefix Operators (++,--)
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- exceptions beyond errors?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Editing a Binary File.
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PEP 318: Function Modifier Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Tkinter: Do you really need a "root"?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- a = b = 1 just syntactic sugar?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Modules with __getattr__ (Re: PEP 317: Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation)
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Error checking in Python
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- PEP 318 - Function Modifier Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Octets calculation?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Octets calculation?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Octets calculation?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Glue code
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Revised PEP 318 - Function/Method Decorator Syntax
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- long-term release schedule?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Python articles
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Python Cannot be Killed
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Feature Structures in Python (Part II)
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- sum(strings)
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Windows - getting Tkinter or wxPython window handle?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- ANN: Pyrex 0.8
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- shebang strange thing...
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- shebang strange thing...
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- Booleans and comparison results
Greg Ewing (using news.cis.dfn.de)
- easily immobilize PythonWin
Raseliarison nirinA
- Any solutions for serving methods with SOAP + WSDL?
- New to Python...feedback?
athe nonrex
- Application
- minidom question from a newbie
henk.derudder at nowayyouneedthis.sciatl.com
- Your email message was blocked
nz.postmaster at nzdf.mil.nz
- Movie
daemon at osc.edu
- Interactive mode
- Bitte bestaetigen | Please confirm your message
sven at ping.de
- Suppressing the header in a ListView
- error in configure script with Python
- You know you're a Pythonista when..
- tkinter text display on linux
- PyRun_SimpleFile crashing under Windows 2000
quadric at primenet.com
- XMLRPC Authentication
dave at pythonapocrypha.com
- Testing for exc_traceback? The weirdest thing I've ever seen...
jwsacksteder at ramprecision.com
- Newbie on importing
jwsacksteder at ramprecision.com
- regex plea for help
jwsacksteder at ramprecision.com
- Python for Industrial Control
- Movie
careers at redhat.com
- [AutoReply: Re: Movie]
support-autoreply at reget.com
- include files?
- include files?
- include files?
- include files?
- Bug? if PyGreSQL, inserttable is used followed by a for loop
- error in configure script with Python
- Where is MySQLdb
- Newbie: Where to start with cgi?
- Loop from 'aaaa' to 'tttt' ?
- (newbie)list conversion problem
paul s
- girl scout badge
- can u help me for sloving dbexts using database connectivity in jython scripting
- reading/writing files in windows
- reading/writing files in windows
- reading/writing files in windows
- reading/writing files in windows
- how can i retrieve a single row from JTable using jython
- user authentication interface in python
- user authentication interface in python
- who can help me with jython? about the syntax analyzed
- Executable pyhton script
sevri oh sevri
- Is Python lightweight?
- newbie: good reasons for learning Python?
- Iteration through a text file.
kuntzagk at sulawesi.bioinf.mdc-berlin.de
- Updating SQL table problems with python
kuntzagk at sulawesi.bioinf.mdc-berlin.de
- Newbie: How do you enable python scripts in apache server?
kuntzagk at sulawesi.bioinf.mdc-berlin.de
- index(x)
kuntzagk at sulawesi.bioinf.mdc-berlin.de
- Problem in Pmw ScrolledCanvas ..........
- exceptions beyond errors?
e y suzuki
- exceptions within user-defined functions?
e y suzuki
- sandboxing python code
ben at transversal.com
- sandboxing python code
ben at transversal.com
- pygresql
- shebang strange thing...
jepler at unpythonic.net
- site appraisal: this Fri: 9am at the site/trailer
- Using OS time
- Using OS time
- Using OS time
- Tricks with timers
- Using OS time (Donn Cave)
- problem with % operator on format string
vald at valis.amber.eu.org
- tuple to list to tuple conversion
Vinoo vasudevan
- the 'in' operator and class instances
Vinoo vasudevan
- the 'in' operator and class instances
Vinoo vasudevan
- function pointers
Jimmy verma
- subscript problem
Jimmy verma
- py2exe and dynamic service installation ?
mmillikan at vfa.com
- Spread in a 24x7 environment ?
j vickroy
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
mike wakerly
- Changing python process name (or argv[0])
mike wakerly
- python2.0, _socket module, builtin, compile
- Twice instanciation
vincent wehren
- Import and path problem
vincent wehren
- Writing tkinter application with hebrew text
vincent wehren
- Btrieve/C-extension question
vincent wehren
- Unicode problem under IDLE on win32
vincent wehren
- Btrieve/C-extension question
vincent wehren
- error loading files containing nullbytes w/ urllib?
vincent wehren
- Idle font to small (RedHat)
vincent wehren
- TypeError: Value() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
vincent wehren
- Btrieve/C-extension question
vincent wehren
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
vincent wehren
- printing Unicode characters during telnet session
vincent wehren
- swig+structures -> python
vincent wehren
- Only One Tkinter Entry can receive key event event in Linux RH8.0
wang xiaoyu
- L.EGAL C.A.B.L.E TV DE-S.C.R.A.M.B.L.E.R ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq2qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzzzzzzzzzccccccvvvvvvbbbbnnnnn 1054 [95/7]
lxwrpp at yhd65.com
- mxODBC, DriverConnect() but not on default DB?
- mxODBC, DriverConnect() but not on default DB?
- Call a Python file with parameters
martin z
- Call a Python file with parameters
martin z
- Error checking in Python
martin z
- does lack of type declarations make Python unsafe?
martin z
- How to permanently remove __import__?
martin z
- How to permanently remove __import__?
martin z
- How to permanently remove __import__?
martin z
- How to permanently remove __import__?
martin z
- better way than: myPage += 'more html' , ...
mirko-lists at zeibig.net
- can u help me for sloving dbexts using database connectivity in jython scripting
brian zimmer
- The beauty of Python
David Asorey Álvarez
- os.system() bug?
Johan Fredrik Øhman
- Updating to Python 2.2.3
дамјан г.
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 23:43:27 EDT 2003
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 17:21:49 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).