list in list of objects

Alex Martelli aleax at
Tue Mar 4 05:41:06 EST 2003

strachon wrote:

> try this (in python 2.2.2):
>>>> class a:
> u = 0
> v = []

OK: to start with (i.e. until you explicitly rebind either
attribute), all instances of a share the class's u and v
attributes.  OK so far, right?

>>>> x = []
>>>> x.append(a())
>>>> x.append(a())

So you now have two instances of a (sharing the class's
attributes, since there has been no rebinding).  Again,
OK so far, right?

>>>> print x[0].u, x[0].v, x[1].u, x[1].v
> returns: 0 [] 0 []
> now make some changes in properties of the first object:

Careful with that phrase "changes in properties".  There
is no 'property' object involved here (in Python 2.2,
'property' is a built-in -- look it up).  There are two
attributes, named u and v.  And "changes" is also very

>>>> x[0].u = 1

this is BINDING name u in object x[0] to a new value.
Whatever was previously bound to that NAME in that
object doesn't matter -- re-binding a name (unless you
intervene to alter its semantics, e.g. by __setattr__)
just re-binds that name to a new object, period.

So now x[0] has a per-instance attribute named 'u',
while x[1] doesn't (it still shares the class attribute
of that name).

>>>> x[0].v.append(1)

this does no rebinding at all -- it MUTATES the
object to which x[0].v refers.  The object itself has
mutated; obviously, therefore, all references to that
same object will from now on access the mutated object.

>>>> print x[0].u, x[0].v, x[1].u, x[1].v
> returns: 1 [1] 0 [1]

And indeed, we see that the two ways used here
to refer to the attribute 'v' of class 'a' do
access the same object -- the same list object,
now mutated by having appended a 1 to it.

> i think it is wrong, the last item should be empty

Nope, it's perfectly right.

assert x[0].v is x[1].v is a.v

these are three ways to refer to the SAME object
(a list object).

> i expected something like this: 1 [1] 0 []

Then your understanding of object and references
is imperfect.  Why would you expect x[0].v and
x[1].v to suddenly start referring to DIFFERENT
objects when you haven't re-bound either?

> now append another object to the list 'x':
>>>> x.append(a())
>>>> print x[0].u, x[0].v, x[1].u, x[1].v, x[2].u, x[2].v
> returns: 1 [1] 0 [1] 0 [1]
> it is strange, the last item should be empty again

Nope, x[2].v is, again , the same object as a.v --
and you mutated that earlier.

> is it a bug? if not, how can i get the right behavior?

No bug in Python, and you ARE getting the right
behavior -- not what you WANT, apparently, but
it's a bit difficult to guess what IT is you want.

If you want different instances of a class to
have attributes with the same name that refer to
separate object, you must bind those names to
those objects somewhere -- it will never happen
"by black magic", but only by explicit binding.

The most usual place in which to initialize an
instance's attributes is the __init__ method of
the class.  For example:

class a:
    def __init__(self):
        self.u = 0
        self.v = []

here, class a does not have u and v attributes,
but each INSTANCE of class a does -- all separate,
since we're binding attributes of the INSTANCE,
self, NOT of the whole class.

Such a "class a" would produce exactly the behavior
you say you expect.  It's of course not the only
way to obtain such behavior, but it's quite typical.


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