Erratic import behavior

Jon jonparkinson at
Sat Mar 22 03:07:34 EST 2003

I've been butting my head against this one all day.  I'm learning how
to use COM in Python and all the examples I've seen look something

from win32com.client import Dispatch
xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")

This has worked great for me in PythonWin, but when I run the exact
same program from command prompt I get a python.exe Application Error.

I've figured out another way of doing it that works for both:

import win32com, win32com.client
xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")

What I would like to know is why is there a difference in behavior
between running my code in PythonWin and running it from the command

Any help would be much appreciated.  I'm just starting out on a big
project and hate to have doubts about how everything is working (or
not working) right at the beginning.

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