Website using Python--what's best architecture? CGI?

Remi Delon remi at
Mon Mar 17 13:02:22 EST 2003

> I would like to create a commercial website using Python.  It seems
> that straight CGI would be the easiest option, but I'm wondering what
> its top capacity would be, and also what other options are commonly
> available for a website that I will be hosting through a commercial
> host.  Here are some specific questions:
> 1. Is there any good ballpark figure on an upper limit of throughput
> for Python cgi pages that need to connect to mysql?  I realize this
> depends on many things, but I guess I am wondering if this is even a
> sane option for a "moderately busy" website where almost all pages
> will be dynamic and will need to create a db connection?  I'm thinking
> online store if that helps at all.

You can also check out CherryPy (, which has an
original approach to website development. The threshold to get started is
very low, but it is nonetheless quite powerful.

> 2. What are other options available via commercial hosts?  Is
> something like "mod_python" or "Webware" commonly available on
> commercial hosts (I know nothing much about either one, btw)?  Or some
> of the other Python web application frameworks I see mentioned?  Seems
> like a lot of these would require that you own the hosting machine and
> have total control over it, which wouldn't be an option here.

What do you think I'm running for :-))

> Any words of advice appreciated.  I really would like to develop it in
> Python and don't want to go down a path that is unrealistic.



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