writing to file very slow

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 26 17:27:49 EST 2003

John Machin
> No, it's not what [the OP] wanted, and it's not a correct translation but
> the original is so god-awfully-obscure that you are forgiven :-)
> Here's his original, with two substitutions, and removing the str() --
> this makes it much clearer what is going down ...
>    for row in gotten_result:
>       var = ""
>       for y in range(numfields-1):
>          var += row[y] + '|'
>       var += row[numfields-1]
>       f.write(var)
>       f.write('\n')

Being lazy and not reading the other threads in detail...

This can be simplified and made faster with

    for row in gotten_result:

(assuming numfields == len(row), else use join(row[:numfields]) )

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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