A suggestion for a possible Python module

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 9 19:36:30 EST 2003

Matt Gerrans:
>    while x > 999:
>       chunks.append( x - (x / 1000) * 1000 )
>       x = x / 1000

See the divmod function for a way to make this easier

>>> divmod(12345, 1000)
(12, 345)

I would do it like this:

while x >= 1000:
  x, remainder = divmod(x, 1000)

The comparison to 1000 is mostly a preference, as I like
having 1000 used twice, rather than 1000 used once and
(1000-1) used in another place.

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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