Hard to find bugs, misleading exceptions

Alex A. Naanou alex_nanou at pochtamt.ru
Sat Mar 1 14:50:11 EST 2003

I think the most logical thing to do if you are told of a problem that
seems not to exist, is to find exactly what the speaker suggests is
the problem, *before* you start the debugger...
(and you do have more than enough information to so here)

in your case python suggests we find a tuple call... 

  ")[\n\s]*([^)]*)" -- a typical regexp pattern to use.

  the pattern above might differ slightly with different editors or
libs.. (here written for vim)

  P.S. might be a good idea to write an automatic error output parser
and code highlighter to do this job for us... (written in my ToDo
list.. though I can't say when will I get to it ;) )

Best Regards...

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