use of "self", was "No Do while/repeat until looping construct in python?"

William Sonna wsonna at
Tue Mar 18 04:22:54 EST 2003

On Sun, 16 Mar 2003 16:53:46 -0800, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

> Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) fed this fish to the penguins on Sunday 16 
> March 2003 03:09 pm:
>>> From: William Sonna [mailto:wsonna at]
>>> There actually is another alternative - mass qualification.
>>> There is/(was)? a scripting lanuage that uses/(d)? the following:
>>> ::method tag
>>>     expose name address salutation
>>>     separator = 'at:'
>>>     return salutation name separator address
>> Ah - the common "with" suggestion.
>         Looks like a reference to ObjectREXX...
>         Though "expose" could be considered closer to Python's "global", just 
> class specific -- naming those items which are part of the 
> class/instance variable pool. I'll steal from FORTRAN and use "common" 
> in the pseudo code below...
> class Klass():                          #python would have...
>         def __init__(n, a, s, t):       #__init(self, n, a, s, t)
>                 common name             #remove
>                 common address          #remove
>                 common salutation       #remove
>                 common title            #remove
>                 name = n       = n
>                 address = a             #self.address = a
>                 salutation = s          #self.salutation = s
>                 title = t               #self.title = t
>         def tag():                      #tag(self)
>                 common name             #remove all three common statements
>                 common address          #NOTE: this has NO access to title
>                 common salutation       #even though it is a method
>                 return salutation name 'at:' address    #REXX concats with spaces
>                                         # return "%s %s at: %s" % (self.salutation,
>                                         #     , self.address)
>         (x)REXX does not have nested scope, nor does it have "globals" -- one 
> has to declare (expose) anything shared between procedures and main.

Two points:

1.  In Python, you would be more likely to say "common name, address,
salutation, title".

2.  Unnamed scritping language defines instance variables to be private,
ie, there are rules/limits on what can ever be "common" or "exposed".

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