Recommended Linux Laptops, suppliers?

Nick Vargish nav at
Mon Mar 10 14:07:51 EST 2003

"Brad Clements" <bkc at> writes:

> I've heard that too, but I think that's too much hassle. I think
> it's time big-name vendor sell Linux laptops!

I'm with you...

But the second this looks like it might happen, a MS rep contacts the
company and threatens to change the terms of their volume discount
deal on Windows and Office. Can you imagine how much money Dell would
lose if they had to pay retail price for each Windows/Office license
they ship?

The margins on PC hardware are razor thin as it is (which is why the
slowdown in purchasing has hit them so hard), there is no way they
could absorb an increase in the cost of Windows.

Have you looked into buying a year-old laptop from eBay? My current
Winbook was purchased new last year, has a 1.6Ghz P4 and would be
perfect for your purposes, if not overkill...

Nick (who now wants a 17" Powerbook... anyone looking for hourly
freelance developers? :^)

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