A suggestion for a possible Python module

Wilk wilk-spamout at flibuste.net
Mon Mar 3 17:51:19 EST 2003

"Lance LaDamage" <lance-ladamage at rogers.com> writes:

> I have noticed that there is one thing that everyone wishes to do in Python
> ... reverse a string. As you know, in Visual Basic, the function for
> performing this operation is indeed StrReverse(s). I have compiled a new
> module for possible addition to the Python module library
> ([driveletter]:\[pythondir]\Lib). It is located at
> http://sourcepost.sytes.net/sourceview.aspx?source_id=4105. Tell me what you
> think of it. If you do like the idea, but do not want it to be an entirely
> seperate module, you could also put it in the string module. You can take
> out the credits() and help() functions if you want. You may modify the
> module in any way you wish, except for the reverse(s) function. Thanks and
> Best Wishes ...

it's done in python2.3

>>> "hello"[::-1]

William Dode - http://flibuste.net

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