Problem finding modules

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Mar 6 22:45:26 EST 2003

Janos Blazi wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 16:23:01 -0500, Peter Hansen wrote:
> > Try running python interactively, then type "import sys" and then
> > "sys.path".  What you see listed is what Python thinks the path
> > should be for finding files, including site-packages.  If it's
> > really bizarre, either post it or deduce what went wrong...
> Yes, you are right. The values point to drive d: but they point to drive
> c:. How can I change that? PYTHONHOME ist not defined at all, PYTHONPATH
> could be all right but it only contains another directory (which I do not
> need at the moment).
> It is strange that the Windows installer does not set this.

Actually, it's not so strange, as those are intended for the
user to set in special cases.  Normally, the Windows installer
just puts the right entries in the registry (check under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Python if you know how to do

I believe you must have had a previous installation, which 
is messing up your new installation.  Try uninstalling all
Python stuff, make sure you have no old Python directories
in your PATH, or any PYTHONPATH setting in AUTOEXEC.BAT,
then try reinstalling.


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