PEP 308: an additional "select/when" survey option

francois lepoutre franck.lepoutre at
Wed Mar 5 04:15:38 EST 2003

>   CASE WHEN value = 0 THEN 'zero'
>        WHEN value = 2 THEN 'one'
>        ELSE 'unknown'
>   END
> and...
>   CASE value
>     WHEN 0 THEN 'zero'
>     WHEN 2 THEN 'one'
>   END

Being a db-oriented person,
I use sql standard conditional constructs
both IF and CASE expressions on daily basis.

It is definitely not rocket-science support stuff.
But it'd sure help some people maintain routine stuff
in business app, most specifically people who try to
use python  as a server-script engine à la ASP, PHP.

Any feedback from the PSP (and AL) user community...


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