Recommended Linux Laptops, suppliers?

dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Sat Mar 8 23:47:01 EST 2003

"David LeBlanc" <whisper at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1047174794.32593.python-list at

> > it's time big-name vendor
> > sell Linux laptops!
> IIRC, they did for awhile - M$ bullied them out of it. I think at least
> IBM and Dell where selling Linux laptops.

I think maybe it was the market, or lack there of, that bullied them out of
selling these.  My guess is that the number of "no os" laptops they could
sell multiplied by the cost of selling them (providing the web space,
training the sales people, altering the selling structure) would cost more
than they could make back.  Otherwise, someone would enter the market,
right?  A court has already ruled that MS can't insist on the "MS tax", and
both Dell and IBM will sell server's w/o an OS so they must not be too
scared of big bad MS.

The MS license actually costs the consumer less than the shipping in a lot
of cases ... so you might do just as well to find a manufacturer who is
willing to provide free shipping. Dell was doing this with desktops when I
bought one a few weeks ago.


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