Logging _into_ an application

Stefan Schwarzer sschwarzer at sschwarzer.net
Mon Mar 24 16:40:52 EST 2003

Peter Hansen wrote:
> You don't seem to have followed up on the twisted.manhole suggestion
> yet, or you probably wouldn't still be just talking about this. ;-)
> If you don't like the example there, there's also the backdoor into
> medusa (check in Zope, for example) via the "monitoring server"
> (I vaguely recall that's what it's called).  Don't bother redoing
> this stuff from scratch without a good reason... others have already
> been here.

Actually, I had searched Google for manhole. But from reading the pages
I found it seemed to me that it was not easily to use in own applications
but rather be specific to Twisted.

Perhaps I misunderstood what I found. Do you have a suggestion for a page
(URL) that describes best how to use manhole with another application?


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