Problem registering com interfaces on win98

Juan Carlos CORUÑA jcc at
Thu Mar 20 05:13:24 EST 2003

Hello all,

I have created several COM servers with Mark Hammond's win extensions
that work fine on win2000, but when I try to register the interface of
the COM server on a win98 machine I become the following error (Python
2.2.2 win32all-152):

>>> universal.RegisterInterfaces("{3185FECF-9258-415E-9478-D2C3D2532535}",
0, 1, 0, ["IrpcClient"])

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\ARCHIV~1\PYTHON22\Lib\site-packages\XMLRPCLib\",
line 29, in ?
  File "win32com\", line 63, in RegisterInterfaces
    _doCreateVTable(iid, name, is_dispatch, method_defs)
  File "win32com\", line 71, in _doCreateVTable
    defn = Definition(iid, is_dispatch, method_defs)
  File "win32com\", line 153, in __init__
    entry = Method(info)
  File "win32com\", line 102, in __init__
    all_names, dispid, desc = method_info
ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size

I inspected the value of the method_info variable and here are the
results, for win2000:

method_info = ('execute', 'method', 'params', 'result'), 1000, (1000,
(), ((8, 1, None, None), (8204, 17, None, None), (16396, 10, None,
None)), 11, 4, 1, 28, (3, 0, None, None), 0)

and for win98:

method_info = ('execute', 1000, 1, ((8, 1, None, None), (8204, 17,
None, None), (16396, 10, None, None)), (3, 0, None, None), ('method',
'params', 'result'))

as you can see on win2000 the tuple has 3 elements (this is correct),
but on win98 the tuple has 6 elements. the information contained is
similar, but the structure is very diferrent!

Inspecting the universal module I see the following lines, that sets
the method_defs variable (method_defs is a list of several method_info

            sub_mod = gencache.GetModuleForCLSID(iid)
            is_dispatch = getattr(sub_mod, name +
"_vtables_dispatch_", None)
            method_defs = getattr(sub_mod, name + "_vtables_", None)

Then the problem seems to come from the gencache module.

Anyone knows this problem?
Why is the behaviour different from win98 to win2000?
Any solutions or workaround?

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