pylibpcap for Win32?

Grant Edwards grante at
Fri Mar 21 16:35:37 EST 2003

In article <b5fv6u$e5a$1 at>, Eddie Corns wrote:

>>have to learn C programming under Win32, it's probably less
>>work to just read the packets in Python...
> I recently used wpcap.dll (the win32 pre compiled version of
> libpcap) in combination with ctypes with reasonable success.  I
> was more interested in generating packets which worked OK but
> my attempt to read live packets was a dismal failure (I'd be
> interested in opinions on why this might be - I suspect the
> python runtime is interfering with the capture loop) however
> the rest of it looked easy enough.

After looking at include files for libpcap, it turns out the
file format is very simple, and I've got already got Python
code that can read the packets.  Gotta love Python...

Now, all I have to do is duplicate the API for the pylibpcap
module enough to fool my program...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Jesuit priests are
                                  at               DATING CAREER DIPLOMATS!!

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