How to get IP address

John Abel john.abel at
Mon Mar 3 04:02:26 EST 2003

Opps, too quick :)

OK.  Running

socket.gethostbyaddr( socket.gethostname() )

will return all your IP's, internal and external.  For example:

('hallows', [], ['', ''])

is the output of my own, multi-homed machine.  "Hallows" is my
hostname/computer name, with the 2nd list showing the IP's from my two
devices ( ethernet, and modem).  As a matter of interest, what is the
output of gethostbyaddr?  It should look something like:

('arwen', [], ['', 'x.x.x.x'])

Nagy László Zsolt wrote:

>> I'm still lost :) How are you getting the hostname dynamically?  The 
>> hostname is assigned during the install of the OS.  Changing this (on 
>> windows) will require a reboot.  Where I work, every machine is DHCP, 
>> but they all have hostnames assigned to them when windows is installed.
> This machine is a firewall. One side is connected to the internal 
> network. It has address and a fixed hostname 'arwen'.
> The other side is an ADSL connection. I get the IP address every time 
> I connect. That IP address has one or more DNS names assigned.
> This computer is a multi-hosted machine.  It has more than one IP 
> addresses. You can see that gethostbyname('arwen') returns ''
> because the host 'arwen' is in my local network. But I 
> need to determine the external IP (that connects directly to Internet).
> In windows, you can set the computer name which is not the same. It is 
> a name of computer in Microsoft Windows Network.
> I hope this helps.
>  Laci 1.0

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