P.E.P. 3.0.8 ???

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Fri Mar 14 09:26:12 EST 2003

Erik Max Francis schreef op vrijdag 14 maart om 11:56:32 +0000:
> Peter Hansen wrote:
> > Actually, using the time machine he has already travelled back to 1991
> > and removed it from the source tree just before he released v1.0.
> > The vote made it clear to him that just copying the C syntax, as his
> > 1991-self had just done, was a popular mistake and it should be
> > removed.
> > 
> > Thank heavens for the time machine and a clean resolution to the
> > problem!
> Sir, your clear breach of time travel protocol by revealing this
> information has resulted in the very real possibility that someone will
> go back in time before the original trip to prevent him from interfering
> with his 1991 self, resulting in a retaliatory strike from himself plus
> two to interfere before the interference to prevent the interference
> from taking place, resulting in an additional effort to stop that
> interference from taking place, and so on.

No problem, just add a 42nd dimension and all is fixed ;)

going-to-study-physics-next-year-ly - y'rs - Gerrit.

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