Pure Embedding

Khorne khornie at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Mar 6 19:31:21 EST 2003

Tragicznego dnia Thu, 6 Mar 2003 21:29:40 +0100, Khorne rozwarł[a] paszczę i
> Can anyone tell me why *untouched* "pure embedding" example from python.org
> just does not work? The code can be found at
> http://www.python.org/doc/2.2.2/ext/pure-embedding.html
 OK. That aother thread about embedding solved the problem...
PySys_SetPath("."), dammit. And importing "script" not "script.py"...

[/ Khorne <khornie at -poczta.onet.pl> : Life is not a problem to be solved, \]
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