It never fails (bsddb retirement in 2.3)

Nick Vargish nav at
Wed May 7 17:45:11 EDT 2003

Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

> Alas, with your 1.85 version there are still bugs, different bugs,
> but bugs nonetheless. 

I will have to look into that; so far everything works as expected,
though I think I will write a test to make sure that the data in the
btree db file is exactly the same as the data in the text file.

> You also still have the file version issue to deal with when you do
> upgrade to a newer version.

A bridge I will burn when I get to it. :^) Probably not a serious
problem, since the db file is recreated whole when the text file is
changed. I can force a rebuild of the db file simply by deleting
it. What I can't do is get the admins to install a new Berkeley db
library without more stick than I currently have.


#include<stdio.h> /* SigMask 0.3 (sig.c) 19990429 PUBLIC DOMAIN "Compile Me" */
int main(c,v)char *v;{return !c?putchar(*v-1)&&main(0,v+ /* Tweaks welcomed. */
1):main(0,"Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?\v\1");}  /* build: cc -o sig sig.c */

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