can't sort

Dave Benjamin ramen at
Sun May 25 17:11:54 EDT 2003

In article <3ecd0282$0$76090$edfadb0f at>, Anders J. Munch wrote:
> Suppose we added the following function to the builtins.  Or at least,
> to a standard module.
> def sort(sequence, cmpfunc=None, project=None):
>     """sort a sequence, returning a new list;
>     if given, cmpfunc(x,y) -> -1, 0, 1;
>     if given, sequence is sorted as would be [project(x) for x in sequence]"""
>     if cmpfunc is not None:
>         assert project is None
>         sorted = list(sequence)
>         sorted.sort(cmpfunc)
>     elif project is not None:
>         intermed = [(project(val), no, val)
>                     for (no,val) in enumerate(sequence)]
>         intermed.sort()
>         return [elem[2] for elem in intermed]
>     else:
>         sorted = list(sequence)
>         sorted.sort()
>     return sorted
> This function sorts arbitrary sequences (presuming enumerate works for
> unsized sequences, haven't tried out 2.3 so I don't know for sure),
> and always returns a new list.
> For good measure it also implements the DSU pattern if you provide a
> projection function.


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