Sorted associative container in Python?

Dave Benjamin ramen at
Mon May 26 03:18:37 EDT 2003

In article <roy-A36B0E.08371022052003 at>, Roy Smith wrote:
> C++ STL's map is a sorted associative container, with the following 
> properties:
> 1) You can iterate over the entries in key-sorted order in linear time.
> 2) You can access any given key in log time.
> 3) Keys can be arbitrary type values.
> What's the best way to do that in Python?  A dictionary gives you #2 (or 
> maybe even constant time?) and #3, but fails #1.  A list fails #3.

See my "odict" recipe at:

Please note that there are a couple of bugs that readers have discovered and
I have not yet fixed them in the example. It extends UserDict (I wrote it
before I started using Python 2.2) and uses a list to keep track of keys. I
tried to be thorough about the interface.


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