Time constants module - standard-library fodder?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Fri May 30 20:05:55 EDT 2003

Ben Finney wrote:
[ ... ]
> Using the numeric literal '604800' instead of 'SECS_PER_WEEK' is as bad
> as using '3.14159265' instead of 'math.pi', for all the same reasons:
> it's prone to hard-to-find typing errors, it's not obvious to anyone
> unfamiliar with the value of the constant, it gives no context as to why
> this number is being used, etc.
[ ... ]

The fact that the number of seconds in a day is 86400, from 60*60*24 or from 
HOURS_PER_DAY * SECS_PER_HOUR is reasonably straightforward, and I think there 
is some use in making even the obvious explicit.  :-)  What would interest me 
more, however, is a representation not just of dimensionless numbers, but a 
representation that included the units themselves.

If I keep a 60 Watt light bulb on 24-hours a day, how much energy am I using per 
day?  If I pay 12 cents per kilowatt-hour, how much does that lightbulb cost me 
to run each month?  There is semantic validation of correctness available from 
asking a question and getting not just a number, but a number in the units you 
asked for.

For example, would you answer "how much does it cost" in dollars or in pennies? 
  Just a number won't tell you what the units were!


Maybe a non-trivial example would be more helpful.  Here's a chunk of C code 
from a program called accrete, which simulates the formation of planets.

/*   This function implements the escape velocity calculation.  Note that   */
/*  it appears that Fogg's eq.15 is incorrect.                              */
/*  The mass is in units of solar mass, the radius in kilometers, and the   */
/*  velocity returned is in cm/sec.                                         */

double escape_vel(mass, radius)
double mass, radius;
      double mass_in_grams, radius_in_cm;

      mass_in_grams = mass * SOLAR_MASS_IN_GRAMS;
      radius_in_cm = radius * CM_PER_KM;
      return(sqrt(2.0 * GRAV_CONSTANT * mass_in_grams / radius_in_cm));

/*  This is Fogg's eq.16.  The molecular weight (usually assumed to be N2)  */
/*  is used as the basis of the Root Mean Square velocity of the molecule   */
/*  or atom.  The velocity returned is in cm/sec.                           */

double rms_vel(molecular_weight, orbital_radius)
double molecular_weight, orbital_radius;
      double exospheric_temp;

      exospheric_temp = EARTH_EXOSPHERE_TEMP / pow(orbital_radius, 2.0);
      return(sqrt((3.0 * MOLAR_GAS_CONST * exospheric_temp) / molecular_weight) *

/*   This function returns the smallest molecular weight retained by the    */
/*  body, which is useful for determining the atmosphere composition.       */
/*  Orbital radius is in A.U.(ie: in units of the earth's orbital radius),  */
/*  mass is in units of solar masses, and equatorial radius is in units of  */
/*  kilometers.                                                             */

double molecule_limit(orbital_radius, mass, equatorial_radius)
double orbital_radius, mass, equatorial_radius;
      double numerator, denominator1, denominator2, escape_velocity, temp;

      escape_velocity = escape_vel(mass,equatorial_radius);
      return((3.0 * pow(GAS_RETENTION_THRESHOLD * CM_PER_METER, 2.0) * MOLAR_GAS_
CONST * EARTH_EXOSPHERE_TEMP) / pow(escape_velocity, 2.0));

...using the following constants:

#define ECCENTRICITY_COEFF      (0.077)         /* Dole's was 0.077         */
#define PROTOPLANET_MASS        (1.0E-15)       /* Units of solar masses    */
#define SOLAR_MASS_IN_GRAMS     (1.989E33)      /* Units of grams           */
#define EARTH_MASS_IN_GRAMS     (5.977E27)      /* Units of grams           */
#define EARTH_RADIUS            (6.378E6)       /* Units of cm              */
#define EARTH_RADIUS_IN_KM      (6378.0)        /* Units of km              */
#define EARTH_ACCELERATION      (981.0)         /* Units of cm/sec2         */
#define EARTH_AXIAL_TILT        (23.4)          /* Units of degrees         */
#define EARTH_EXOSPHERE_TEMP    (1273.0)        /* Units of degrees Kelvin  */
#define EARTH_MASSES_PER_SOLAR_MASS     (332775.64)
#define EARTH_EFFECTIVE_TEMP    (255.0)         /* Units of degrees Kelvin  */
#define EARTH_ALBEDO            (0.39)
#define CLOUD_COVERAGE_FACTOR   (1.839E-8)      /* Km2/kg                   */
#define EARTH_WATER_MASS_PER_AREA       (3.83E15)/* grams per square km     */
#define EARTH_SURF_PRES_IN_MILLIBARS     (1000.0)
#define EARTH_CONVECTION_FACTOR (0.43)          /* from Hart, eq.20         */
#define FREEZING_POINT_OF_WATER (273.0)         /* Units of degrees Kelvin  */
#define DAYS_IN_A_YEAR          (365.256)       /* Earth days per Earth year*/
/*         gas_retention_threshold = 6.0;*/     /* ratio of esc vel to RMS vel*/
#define GAS_RETENTION_THRESHOLD (5.0)           /* ratio of esc vel to RMS vel*/
#define GAS_GIANT_ALBEDO        (0.5)           /* albedo of a gas giant    */
#define CLOUD_ALBEDO            (0.52)
#define AIRLESS_ROCKY_ALBEDO    (0.07)
#define ROCKY_ALBEDO            (0.15)
#define WATER_ALBEDO            (0.04)
#define AIRLESS_ICE_ALBEDO      (0.5)
#define ICE_ALBEDO              (0.7)
#define SECONDS_PER_HOUR        (3600.0)
#define CM_PER_AU               (1.495978707E13)/* number of cm in an AU    */
#define CM_PER_KM               (1.0E5)         /* number of cm in a km     */
#define CM_PER_METER            (100.0)
#define MILLIBARS_PER_BAR       (1000.0)
#define KELVIN_CELCIUS_DIFFERENCE       (273.0)
#define GRAV_CONSTANT           (6.672E-8)      /* units of dyne cm2/gram2  */
#define GREENHOUSE_EFFECT_CONST (0.93)          /* affects inner radius..   */
#define MOLAR_GAS_CONST         (8314.41)       /* units: g*m2/(sec2*K*mol) */

/*  Now for a few molecular weights (used for RMS velocity calcs):     */
/*  This table is from Dole's book "Habitable Planets for Man", p. 38  */

#define ATOMIC_HYDROGEN         (1.0)   /* H   */
#define MOLECULAR_HYDROGEN      (2.0)   /* H2  */
#define HELIUM                  (4.0)   /* He  */
#define ATOMIC_NITROGEN         (14.0)  /* N   */
#define ATOMIC_OXYGEN           (16.0)  /* O   */
#define METHANE                 (16.0)  /* CH4 */
#define AMMONIA                 (17.0)  /* NH3 */
#define WATER_VAPOR             (18.0)  /* H2O */
#define NEON                    (20.2)  /* Ne  */
#define MOLECULAR_NITROGEN      (28.0)  /* N2  */
#define CARBON_MONOXIDE         (28.0)  /* CO  */
#define NITRIC_OXIDE            (30.0)  /* NO  */
#define MOLECULAR_OXYGEN        (32.0)  /* O2  */
#define HYDROGEN_SULPHIDE       (34.1)  /* H2S */
#define ARGON                   (39.9)  /* Ar  */
#define CARBON_DIOXIDE          (44.0)  /* CO2 */
#define NITROUS_OXIDE           (44.0)  /* N2O */
#define NITROGEN_DIOXIDE        (46.0)  /* NO2 */
#define OZONE                   (48.0)  /* O3  */
#define SULPHUR_DIOXIDE         (64.1)  /* SO2 */
#define SULPHUR_TRIOXIDE        (80.1)  /* SO3 */
#define KRYPTON                 (83.8)  /* Kr  */
#define XENON                   (131.3) /* Xe  */


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