dynamic plots (Tkinter+PIL?)

fedor fedor at mailandnews.com
Fri May 30 05:44:06 EDT 2003

Dear Arnd,

I use SVG for dynamic plots. My svg library can be downloaded from
SVG is very powerfull for creating dynamic graphics. It is possible to
define when a point is going to be visible.
For example

<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="3s"

You might find that some svg viewers have some performance issues when
rendering 4000+ points dynamicly.

I also used gnuplot (http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net/) but I don't know if
it runs on windows.


> I would like to plot several thousands of points,
> one after another, to create a "dynamic" appearance.
> For this I have the following question concerning Tkinter+PIL:

> I also would not mind to hear about other alternatives
>   (e.g. if there are any other add-ons to Tkinter which
>   might do the job - eg. Pmw.Blt seems not suitable as
>   it also stores the objects (If I am not mistaken).
>   or other toolkits (as long as they are freely available
>   both for Linux and Windows))

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