Compiling and running a flat Python file with args & keywds

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Sat May 31 00:26:22 EDT 2003

Quoth martin z:
> ------------------------------
> Header (not in the python file):
> arg xpos
> arg ypos
> arg zpos
> keywd mass
> keywd speed
> keywd size
> ------------------
> In the python file:
> SetPos(xpos,ypos,zpos)
> if mass
>     SetMass(mass)
> if speed
>     SetSpeed(speed)
> ---------------------
> size is never used, or even mentioned.  Currently, the arguments and
> keywords are parsed together into one dictionary and passed in as locals,
> and all the functions used are stored in the globals.  Still, this is less
> than top optimizing.

What you're presently doing is probably what I would do.

It might well be possible to do some magic with code object
attributes, but afaik all of that is implementation- and
version-dependent, so you'd be setting yourself up for trouble in
the future.

Is this argument access really a performance hotspot?

Steven Taschuk             "The world will end if you get this wrong."
staschuk at     -- "Typesetting Mathematics -- User's Guide",
                                 Brian Kernighan and Lorrinda Cherry

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